Hearing Jirokichi Suzuki's inquiry, Akira Hanomiya did not give in and explained: "Actually, Kaitou Kidd's method was accomplished only by giving us a time lag and the cooperation of his accomplices."

"Kaitou Kidd first appeared in white clothes and appeared on a hang glider, giving us the first impression of his white clothes. Then he found an opportunity to escape from our sight, put on black clothes, and hid in his accomplices' helicopter."

"After that, while we were busy looking for him, our accomplices drove a helicopter near two buildings. Kaitou Kidd first hung a hook from the helicopter to the roof of one of the buildings, and then fell from the plane himself. The roof of another building, so a wire rope was hung across the two buildings."

"Then, Phantom Thief Kidd used the pulley to come to the middle of the building, and then took off his black clothes, and the familiar Phantom Thief Kidd appeared in the sky."

"I think you all still remember the situation at that time. Unit 7, piloted by Kaitou Kidd's associates, was in the sky above Kaitou Kidd. After Kaitou Kidd appeared and attracted our attention, Unit 7 quietly dropped two fishing rods. Phantom Thief Kid is fixed with a steel wire that's not much different from the thread."

"Kidd took off the pulleys and the helicopter retrieved the rope hooks on both sides. At this time, it happened to be the time for us to go upstairs to check."

"So, when we came upstairs, we naturally couldn't see anything fixed on either side of Kaitou Kidd. In addition, the previous information that [there was no rope on his head] had been implanted in us with the cooperation of him and his accomplices. In the mind, combined with the wind brought by the helicopter rotors around him, it is of course easy for people to ignore the steel wire hanging from the helicopter."

"After that, he only needs to play the walking sound effects from the recorder in his pocket and raise his legs to take steps in conjunction with the movement of the helicopter. The so-called air walk is complete."

Officer Nakamori and Suzuki Jirokichi stared blankly at Hanomiya Akira, falling into silence for a moment.

Suddenly, Officer Zhongmori raised his hand and pulled Yu Gongming's cheek hard.

"Hey! Officer, what are you doing?" Yu Gongming asked with a distorted expression.

Officer Nakamori let go of Akira Hanomiya's face and muttered: "I see that you revealed Kidd's methods in such a short period of time. Maybe you may be Kidd pretending to be Unit 7." A cover-up to divert attention.”

"But now it seems that you shouldn't be... wow!" Officer Zhongmori said mid-sentence when he suddenly felt the world spinning, and the next moment, he fell hard to the ground.

"It hurts! Who is it!?" Officer Zhongmori looked around with a dark face.

"It's me." Meng Yu clapped her hands gently without expression.

Officer Zhongsen jumped up immediately and glared at Mengyu: "Why did you suddenly attack me?"

Mengyu crossed his arms and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Let's see if you are pretending to be Kidd! According to our experience of playing against him many times, this guy's nervous reaction speed is very fast."

"If I make a sudden move, the real Kidd will subconsciously dodge. If it's the fake Kidd, he will be knocked down by me. Now it seems that you are not the one."

"You!" Officer Zhongmori suddenly became angry. It was clear that he was deliberately retaliating!

Haminiya Akira secretly screamed in his heart, "Well done," and pulled Mengyu behind him. He smiled at Officer Zhongmori and said, "Officer, since it has been proven that we are not Kidd, there should be no doubt that Kidd was on the No. 7 helicopter, right? Is the police helicopter here?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Officer Zhongmori immediately perked up, took out his walkie-talkie and asked, "Hey! Where is the helicopter now?"

A few seconds later, a report came from the other side: "Report! The Metropolitan Police Department's helicopter has arrived in the nearby airspace! The target group of aircraft can already be seen!"

"Okay! Remember! The target is on Unit 7. We must lock his position firmly!" He looked at the surrounding mobile team: "Everyone, immediately rush to the airspace below the helicopter and prepare to intercept Kaitou Kidd!"


After a group of mobile teams responded loudly, they immediately began to take action.


Inside helicopter No. 7.

"Master, it seems that there are other helicopters approaching us!" Terai Huangnosuke looked in one direction and said.

There was no surprise on Kuroba Kaito's face: "The police helicopter should have arrived. This is expected. Dad, can you hold on?"

"No problem! I think back then, my master and I escaped safely when being chased and intercepted by military helicopters!" Terai Huangnosuke said in a proud tone.

"Okay, then please leave it to dad! I'll get it done right away!" Kuroba Kaito nodded slightly.

He wasn't too worried about these pursuers.

Although they have strength in numbers, who is Kaitou Kidd? What he's not afraid of the most is crowds of people!

It would be really troublesome if those detectives who were chasing after them were smart and capable detectives!

Not long after, other helicopters were surrounded behind, to the sides and above the No. 7 helicopter, and the encirclement even gradually spread to the front.

However, just before the encirclement was about to be completely formed.


A burst of white flash suddenly erupted around Unit 7!

This flash of light was not too strong, but its range was really large, encompassing the entire Unit 7 and the surrounding airspace.

Although the pilots of other approaching helicopters were not affected by the flash, they temporarily lost the movement of No. 7 aircraft.

The flash lasted for about 5 seconds, and the light gradually dimmed.

All the pilots looked in the direction of aircraft No. 7.

"Unit No. 7 went to the roof of that abandoned building!" Similar words rang out from the communication channels of Suzuki Jirokichi's bodyguard and the police at the same time.

A group of helicopters immediately followed.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, it was seen that the height and speed of Unit 7 dropped irregularly, and there were even some signs of faltering.

Finally, Unit 7 stumbled onto the rooftop of the building. After a while of sliding, it was finally forced to a stop by the wall where the rooftop door was.

The pilots looked at this scene and were at a loss for a moment.

Therefore, the police and the Suzuki family pilot reported the situation to the superiors.

On the road not far from the helicopter group, Officer Nakamori and a group of mobile team members drove their cars to chase the helicopter. Suzuki Jiroyoshi also drove his two-person motorcycle and her bodyguards were not far behind.

After receiving the report, both of them almost issued similar orders: "Keep an eye on that building! Kaitou Kidd and his accomplices must have escaped inside!"

Officer Nakamori and Suzuki Jirokichi are holding their breath in their hearts. Tonight, they must catch Kaitou Kidd!

Driven by this motivation, the two quickly arrived at the building.

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