Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 896 Don’t break your promise easily

If he hadn't known that he couldn't beat him, Kuroba Kaito would have really wanted to rush up and punch Hanamiya Akira hard.

However, I'm just thinking about it now. Let's not talk about whether he can beat him or not. If he directly reveals his identity as Kaitou Kidd, it doesn't take much. As long as Aoko knows, he will be in big trouble. !

Therefore, he could only force himself to smile and said: "So that's it. I didn't expect you guys to know so well!"

Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "Yes, the magic show I just mentioned was performed by Kaitou Kidd. I have to say that it is indeed eye-catching."

"Eh? What magic did Kaitou Kidd perform?" Aoko asked curiously.

"No! This is it!" Mengyu took out her phone, operated it for a while, and put it in front of Qingzi.

There was a photo on the phone, and the photo showed Kaitou Kid walking in the air!

Kaito could barely control his expression again.

Did this guy even take photos with him?

It would be fine if the general onlookers took two pictures, which shows that his magic was very successful, but now these two ruined the place immediately after their own performance!

And when he finally escaped, he followed him like a dog-skin plaster, and even showed the photo to his childhood sweetheart!

This is absolutely unkind!

Not to mention Kaito's inner curse, Aoko looked at the photo with some confusion: "Is this... Kaitou Kid standing in the air?"

"More than that!" Mengyu called out a few more photos.

Aoko's eyes gradually widened: "Is Kaitou Kid... walking on the air?"

"Yes, and he just walked all the way to the blue miracle decorated on the roof of the museum. If he hadn't planned to do it today, I'm afraid the blue miracle would have fallen into his hands." Yu Gongming explained.

"Listen to what you mean, the good police and that Suzuki consultant can't do anything against Kidd!" Aoko asked puzzledly: "Then how did he get chased here by the police?"

Akira Hanomiya looked at Kaito: "Kuroba-kun, you and Kaitou Kid are both magicians. Why do you think Kaitou Kid's whereabouts were tracked by the police?"

"Aren't you meddling in other people's business?" Kaito answered unhappily, but on his face he could only pretend to be confused: "Ah! Well... although I can do some magic, I'm not there, so where can I Do you know the reason?"

"However, if I had to guess, there was either something wrong with his magic trick, or someone saw through his trick and told the police."

"Then which one does Black Feather think is more likely?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

Kaito coughed lightly: "Well, someone should have told the police about this, right? After all, Kaitou Kidd has committed crimes so many times, and the police have been tricked by him every time."

"In addition, since you, a famous detective like Hanomiya, are nearby, I think you were the one who informed the police about the method, right?" Kaito said this with a hint of edge in his tone.

Yumiya Akira naturally noticed this, smiled and shook his head: "You are wrong about this. Although I was the first to see through Kidd's tactics, I had no intention of telling the police."

"This was originally just a game between Kaitou Kidd and Uncle Jirokichi, and Kaitou Kidd also let us watch a magic show for free. I have no interest in catching him this time."

"However, Conan happened to be next to me at the time. As a child, he has a strong sense of justice. After listening to my analysis of my techniques, he excitedly contacted Mr. Jirokichi."

", by the way, who is Conan?" Kaito wanted to continue to fool him subconsciously, but then he realized that he, Kuroba Kaito, didn't seem to know Conan at all, so he changed his mind and asked one more question.

Although the two people in front of them already knew their identities, it would be even more embarrassing if they discovered another flaw in this kind of thing.

Yu Gongming smiled secretly in his heart and gave a brief introduction to Conan.

"Oh? Living in Detective Mouri's house and being the disciple of Detective Hanomiya, isn't that equivalent to learning from two famous detectives? Then little brother Conan should be very smart, right?" Aoko asked.

"More than just smart..." Kaito complained in his heart: "That kid's brain and mobility are not that of a 7-year-old child at all. He is a famous detective as famous as Hanomiya, the true identity of sleeping Kogoro... In this world Is there really such a talented guy?"

Yu Gongming heard this. He smiled and waved his hand: "Although he already possesses some qualities of a detective, he still has a long way to go before he can become a truly top detective!"

"That's pretty awesome!" Qingzi exclaimed.

Akira Yumiya nodded lightly: "Okay, the performance has been finished, we should go back. Tomorrow Kaito Kidd will officially start the action, and we have to go back to make some preparations!"

Kaito raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you just say you weren't interested in catching Kidd?"

"Yes, I really didn't intend to catch Kidd." Akira Hanomiya showed a playful smile: "But wouldn't it be too boring if Kidd could steal the blue miracle so easily?"

Meng Yu gently shook her index finger: "So, we plan to make it more difficult for Kaito Kidd. If Kaitou Kidd is accidentally caught by the police when the difficulty is increased, it will have nothing to do with us."

"So that's it." Kaito also smiled: "I think, with Kaitou Kid's acting style, I'm afraid he won't be angry after hearing your words, but will happily accept the challenge, right?"

"That would be the best." Yu Gongming smiled.

Kaidou's smile widened unconsciously: "Then you go back and prepare. See you later."

Akira Hanomiya nodded lightly: "Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's performance! I hope Kaitou Kidd won't disappoint us."

"Then I wish you all your wishes come true." Kaito smiled.

After saying farewell to each other for a while, Yumiya Akira and Mengyu passed by Kaito and the other two and walked farther and farther along the street.

Kaito turned his head slightly, looked at the two people's retreating figures, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought to himself: "So are you here to declare a challenge?"

At this time, Aoko suddenly touched Kaito: "Hey! Kaito, do you have time tomorrow?"

"What's wrong?" Kaito was confused.

Aoko said: "Aren't you also a magician? Can you go to Shioliu to help my father? Maybe you can see through Kaitou Kid's magic tricks and help dad catch Kid?"

"Um, um..." Kaidou rolled his eyes and looked apologetic: "I'm really sorry, Father Terai asked me to help tomorrow, so I may not have time to help your father."

"Huh? That's it. That's such a pity..." Qingzi looked disappointed.

"There's nothing we can do about it..." Kaito's expression became a little more serious: "After all, you can't break your promise to others easily,"

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