Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 902 The so-called technique

Suzuki Jiroji rolled his eyes and laughed: "Oh! In fact, my eyes are not as bad as I thought. Occasionally, I still try to feel like I was young!"

"Besides, I was still commanding the guards when Kaito Kidd showed up, and many people saw it!"

Conan smiled slightly: "That one is actually a dummy."

"Dummy? How is this possible? Kaitou Kidd said something very arrogant and then jumped into the museum. How could it be a dummy?"

When Conan heard this, there was a hint of admiration on his face: "Speaking of which, you are indeed very powerful. The dummy is very realistic, but the fake is still fake after all."

"When I was watching the surveillance footage in the broadcast truck, I discovered that the direction and speed of Kid's movement and the trajectory of his legs sometimes didn't match up."

"I think you should have stuffed a drone or something like that into the dummy, and then controlled it through your accomplice outside the museum. As for the sound you made before entering, you should have recorded it with a tape recorder in advance. ?”

"That's why you turned your back to the crowd, because it was just a dummy after all. Even if you could turn around, you would still be seen through."

Suzuki Jiroji's eyebrows moved and asked: "But if it is just a dummy, then how can my accomplice control the steering of the dummy accurately outside? The terrain in the museum is like a maze!"

"There are so many ways to do it!" Conan laughed: "For example, dig a hole for the dummy's eye, and then use the drone's camera to point outside the hole to determine the direction."

"Of course, because the dummy needs to avoid pursuit, the drone may be at risk of deviating from the visual range, and digging a hole in the eye may also be visible."

"So, you chose another more covert method."

"Oh? In what way?" Suzuki Jiroji asked.

Conan said: "Remember? You asked the staff in the radio car to report the location of Phantom Thief Kidd in real time, and this location should actually let your accomplices know the specific location of the dummy in the museum."

"As a thief, it is basic common sense to familiarize yourself with the terrain in advance. I think both you and your accomplices have a certain understanding of the terrain in the museum."

"Coupled with real-time reporting from the staff, even if your accomplice is outside the museum, he can control the dummy to move freely in the museum for a period of time."

"But those guards are not just for free. There is a picture of the broadcast truck. They will catch the dummy sooner or later, right? Won't they be gangsters by then?"

"So you caused a power outage in the museum at that time." Conan said with a smile: "That power outage gave your accomplices time to hide the drone and leave only a dress."

"And all you have done is to make people think that Kaitou Kidd is indeed in the museum and has been disguised as a guard."

"Obviously, your cover-up was very successful. Even if you proposed to secretly take away the Blue Miracle, Officer Zhongmori did not doubt your identity. After all, in his opinion, Kaitou Kidd is in the museum, so Suzuki Jiroyoshi outside the museum is naturally It can be trusted.”

"And you, who stole the blue miracle, escaped on old Jirokichi's two-person motorcycle, just like you wanted to do."

Suzuki Jirokichi was silent for a while, and then he tore it in the face!

A human skin mask flew back in the wind, and the driver of the tandem motorcycle turned into a rather young man.

With a joking smile on his face, the man said, "It's exactly what you said, but I didn't expect that you guys would catch up with me before I ran very far."

"I feel ashamed to say it. It's not that I don't want to wear goggles, but if I wear them, it will affect the makeup on my face, so I can only compromise. However, I didn't expect you to even bother with such details. All understood.”

"Hmph! So, we are detectives." Conan said calmly, and at the same time, he raised his hand slightly and showed off his watch anesthesia gun.

Kaitou Kid's expression remained calm: "Do you want to stun me with a tranquilizer gun? However, the speed of the car is not slow now. If I lose consciousness, even if your two companions help, we will probably be injured!"

"Of course I know this, but you can't keep driving this car, right? As soon as you stop the car, I will knock you out immediately. You can't escape!"

When Kaitou Kidd heard this, instead of feeling any nervousness, he laughed loudly: "Haha! It seems that you still don't know that Suzuki consultant well enough."

Conan's expression condensed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Kaitou Kidd smiled and said: "This two-person motorcycle is not only powerful, but in an emergency, it can also activate the acceleration system, just like this!"

Kaito Kidd suddenly pressed a button on the car.

The next moment, the passenger seat of the tandem motorcycle was disconnected from the motorcycle. The motorcycle continued to move forward, but the passenger seat and Conan on the passenger seat gradually fell backward amidst the bumps.

"Damn it! Don't run away!" Conan was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. In a hurry, he could only fire an anesthetic needle at Phantom Thief Kidd who hadn't gotten too far away in the bumps.

Unfortunately, the shooting conditions were too poor after all, and Conan's shot was in vain.

Conan could only watch Kaitou Kidd, Meng Yu and Yu Miyazaki's motorcycles go away with an expression of dismay.

"Does this car still have this function?" Meng Yu glanced at the Kaitou Kid's motorcycle, which had become much "lighter" in surprise.

"Yeah, it's really convenient," Kaitou Kidd smiled, and then glanced at Dream Whisper: "Now that the most persistent kid has been dumped, what do you two mean?"

"Of course we asked you to return the Blue Miracle to us. As for catching you? Police from all over the world can't catch Kaito Kidd. Isn't it normal that we can't catch him?" Akira Hanamiya's voice came from the front. .

"Oh? You really don't plan to arrest me?" Kaitou Kid raised his eyebrows slightly.

Mengyu sneered: "As early as when you appeared as Suzuki Jiroji, Amin had already discovered your flaw. If we really want to catch you, do we need to wait until now?"

"And don't forget, we can chase you back to your house." Akira Hanamiya's car appeared on the other side of Kaitou Kidd at some point. He glanced at the suitcase tied to the motorcycle. , said lightly:

"Now you just need to stop the car and hand over the blue miracle to us. Then everything will be easy. Otherwise, we will only make you suffer a little bit."

"Or you can continue to drag it, but if the police arrive by then, we won't release the water!"

Kaitou Kidd said with some displeasure: "Really, it's like I can't escape if you don't let me go..."

Although he muttered this, Kaitou Kid gradually slowed down the speed of the car.

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