Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 907 Allow me to interject a word

"Well..." Xiaolan thought about it for two seconds, and finally shook her head: "Forget it, it's up to you to decide. No matter what your choice is, I will support you!"

"Well, I'll decide based on the situation later. Anyway, I don't care where I go to play." Conan said.

"Hey! What are you two mumbling about?" Hattori Heiji finally noticed Conan and Xiaolan biting their ears.

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji and said calmly: "A discussion within the team, can you, a solitary black man, be in charge?"

"Hey! What's your attitude!" Hattori Heiji said angrily.

"I've brought the physical evidence!" Officer Megure's voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

At this moment, Officer Memu was holding two large evidence bags. In the evidence bags were a golf club and a black coat.

Officer Megure introduced: "These are the golf clubs that committed the crime and the coat worn by the murderer. There are blood stains on the coat. However, these are the president's belongings. These still cannot help us find the murderer."

Conan and Hattori Heiji immediately ran over to check.

"Huh? Why do these bloodstains on the left shoulder seem to have been wiped by something?" Hattori Heiji pointed at the left shoulder of the coat and said. The bloodstains there were much lighter than other places.

"This is also where we are confused." Officer Megure said.

Conan was also lost in thought. At this time, his peripheral vision accidentally glanced under the desk.

"Huh? This is..." Conan immediately got under the table.

"Hey! What did you find?" Hattori Heiji immediately noticed Conan's movements and also squatted down and looked under the table.

"Eh? There's still blood under the table?"

"Hmm..." Conan responded lightly without making any further comments.

After all, they are still opponents now, so they cannot share information as casually as usual.

However, Conan believed that Hattori Heiji could reach the same conclusion as him.

Judging from the sudden disconnection of the blood stain, something should have been placed under the table.

Conan frowned slightly: "The murderer should have been standing here at the time... He should have moved the things under the table afterwards. What did he want to do?"

Conan glanced around, and finally fixed his gaze on the hanging TV in the office.

"Could it be that..." Conan's expression moved slightly.

And Hattori Heiji also screamed in surprise, suddenly stood up and picked up the remote control on the table.

Ignoring Officer Memu's dissatisfaction, he turned on the TV.

However, the picture was not shown on the TV.

"It seems like this TV has been tampered with." Hattori Heiji squinted his eyes.

Conan got out from under the table and looked thoughtful when he saw this scene: "Looking at it this way, is it a camera under the table?"

Maori Mugure also checked the blood stains under the table. Hearing this, Maori Kogoro frowned and said, "Could it be that the murderer put a camera to monitor the deceased's movements in order to steal other property in the room?"

"As for cameras, there is one in the president's bedroom." Officer Megure said.

"Okay, then let's ask the forensic personnel to check it and see if there are the same blood stains on it!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.


"Oh? The blood stains on the camera do belong to the deceased?" Officer Megure finally confirmed that he understood.

"Yes, but the amount of blood stains is very small. I'm afraid the murderer himself didn't notice it." The forensic officer nodded.

"If that's the case, then the murderer's behavior of putting the camera back into the president's room revealed that he was no stranger to this place, and the president actually left a death message under such circumstances. I'm afraid the president Nagaya knows the murderer." Hattori Heiji said calmly.

"But why did the murderer put a camera? If it was just to monitor the president, wouldn't it be better to just tie the president in front of the safe?" Officer Megure wondered.

"Perhaps it is to put enough pressure on the president?" Mouri Kogoro guessed: "In short, the key now is the death message left by the president."

"Officer, have the police investigated the four employees who found the body?" Conan asked.

Officer Megure nodded: "I asked Takagi to take charge of this. I'll ask him to come in and talk to you."

After a while, Officer Takagi looked at the notepad and said:

"Those four employees are all toy designers. First is the manager Aiko Nao, who went fishing alone on the night of the incident, and then Hasami Jun, who is in charge of the business, who was watching the video at home at the time of the incident."

"There is also Zhong Zhi Gongnan who is in charge of planning. He was watching horse betting at the time, and then Vice President Yan Fuso, who was watching a golf tournament on site."

"Are these claims credible?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Not yet, but Officer Chiba is conducting further verification." Officer Takagi replied.

"What's the motive? Do the four of them have any grudges against the president?" Conan asked.

"About this..." Officer Takagi turned over a few more pages and said, "Nao Aiko is the ex-wife of the president. The reason for the divorce was that Aika had a new love. They also had an unpleasant dispute over alimony. "

"Then there is Hasami Jun. The president once warned him that if this year's performance is worse than the previous year, he will be let go."

"Then there is the middle-aged man. He had a very unhappy relationship with the president some time ago because of toy design issues. Finally, there is the vice president Iwatomi. He and the president have no conflicts, but if the president dies, he can take over naturally. This company, so is equally motivated.”

"The employees of this company really have their own agendas!" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

"Yes, they often meet at the vice president's house, and they criticize the president as a side dish." Officer Takagi said: "On the night of the incident, they met again at the vice president's house and spent the night there. "

"Oh, by the way..." Officer Takagi turned over a few more pages and said, "There is one more thing. Although it may have nothing to do with the murder case, I still want to talk about it."

"The four of them all have a hobby of collecting things. Aiko Nao, whose hands and feet tend to get cold easily, has collected fifty pairs of gloves. Every time she goes fishing, she puts three pairs of gloves on her hands."

"Then there's Jun Hasami. Because he likes watching movies, he collected thirty pairs of sunglasses, including the limited edition ones he wore when he was young."

"The only man in the middle collects hats. Every time he goes to bet on horses, he picks out hats that can bring him a long way to wear. There are forty hats in total."

"The last one is Yan Fuchuang. He likes to collect golf shoes. There are thirty pairs of white shoes in total, all of which are brand-name ones. They are cleaned once a week."

"As for the deceased, he was a super idol fan. It is said that he liked to collect some celebrity peripherals."

"Oh! Are these the ones in the room? Look, there are pen holders with photos of idols on the table!" Officer Megure said.

"Guys, let me interject a word." Yu Gongming's voice came to everyone's ears.

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