Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 910 The dropped mobile phone and the ominous call

"Please give me some advice!"

After the players from both sides greeted each other, the national high school baseball finals officially began!

"Konan High School played against Daikin High School. In the first half of the first inning, Daikin High School took the lead! The first batter - Inoue, was in the batting position."

Inoue, wearing a Daikin uniform, stood in the batter's box with a bat and looked at the pitcher standing on the opposite side seriously.

He must hit the ball thrown by the pitcher and prevent the opponent's "catcher" behind him from catching the ball.

If he fails to hit the opponent's "legally thrown" ball three times and allows the "catcher" behind him to successfully catch the ball, he will be out and replaced by the next batter.

"Okay, now the pitcher is Hidehiko, a junior from Konan High School!" A radio commentary came from the scene.

Konan pitcher Hidehiko winked at his teammates in the receiving area. When he saw his teammates nodding slightly, he raised the ball high above his head and threw it in a standard posture!

The ball was coming, and Inou looked at the right time and swung the bat fiercely!



The sound of the ball being caught by the glove came from behind, indicating that Inoue's attack failed this time.

"A good shot!" the referee announced loudly.

The atmosphere on the court gradually became more enthusiastic as the first ball was thrown.


"Hey! What a good shot!" Kogoro Mouri held a telescope and stared into the distance, letting out a lewd laugh from time to time.

"Hey! Uncle Maori, are you watching the football carefully?" Kazuye looked over with a suspicious look on his face.

"Of course I do!" Mouri Kogoro replied, putting down the telescope.

Hattori Heiji chuckled: "Look! He's looking at the cheerleaders in the outfield stands, right?"

"Ouch! How disgusting!" He Ye suddenly showed a disgusted expression.

"That is to say, dad finally came out to see Jiaziyuan, can you be more serious!" Xiaolan also felt a little embarrassed.

"I also want to watch the ball!" Mouri Kogoro argued: "But where we sit is too far away from the field, we can't see anything at all! I said, Hattori boy, you can't just pick someone to watch the ball. Good location?”

"I'm so sorry!" A rich male voice said apologetically: "I asked a friend who lives nearby to help buy tickets for the party, but he seems to have overslept..."

Mouri Kogoro looked at the source of the sound and said in surprise: "Officer Otaki?"

"I see." Conan suddenly realized: "This match between Daikin and Konan is a very popular one. If you don't go there early in the morning, you won't be able to buy tickets for the infield seats."

Mouri Kogoro curled his lips secretly and had no choice but to accept the reality.

"Okay, okay, let's eat shaved ice! Everyone has something!" Officer Otaki smiled and distributed the shaved ice he bought to everyone.

"Wow! Thanks officer!"

"sorry to bother you!"

Everyone expressed their sympathy.

Officer Otaki finished handing out the shaved ice and took a seat next to a few people.

"Oh! It turns out that this seat belongs to Officer Otaki, so I asked why no one is sitting on it!" Mouri Kogoro laughed.

"But, officer, can you watch the football today? Is there any problem at the police station?" Heye asked.

"Of course it's no problem. Officer Otaki has already asked for leave from the police station!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

"Yes! I've been watching since the preliminaries, and I've watched the games for three consecutive days!" Officer Otaki said with a smile.

"Oh? Is Officer Otaki a baseball fan?" Mengyu asked.

"Of course! Because Officer Otaki also participated in the high school baseball team!" Kazuha laughed.

"It turns out that Officer Otaki was once a member of the team!" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Oh! Don't tell others about things like this with Ye!" Officer Otaki waved his hands in embarrassment.

"Have Officer Otaki ever played in Koshien before?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

Officer Otaki's face became even more embarrassed: "No, I just barely made it to the top eight in the regional competition..."

He turned his eyes to the ongoing fierce competition, and the expression on his face gradually softened: "However, Koshien is indeed a good place. I think back then, I was like these children, practicing hard in peacetime, and on the field for Fighting to win until the last minute is really nostalgic..."

"Haha! We all have our youth!" Mouri Kogoro patted Officer Otaki on the shoulder with understanding, and several young people also showed knowing smiles.

After some small talk, everyone turned their attention to the football game again.

The game was quite fierce. The offensive team kept trying to hit the ball, but the defensive team tried their best to stop it. There were endless interceptions, blocks and touches.

Finally, thanks to the efforts of Konan High School's ace hitter Nagashima, Konan High School finally advanced to third base!

As long as he hits a ball and runs back to home plate, Konan can score!

Everyone was watching enthusiastically when a man wearing a wide-brimmed hat suddenly passed by in front of them.

The man didn't know whether it was because of his inconvenience or on purpose, but his steps were very slow, which affected several people's viewing experience.

However, the self-cultivation of the few people present was not low, and they didn't say anything.

After the man passed by, they put the incident behind them and continued to enjoy the game.

Now Konan's batter Nagashima is standing in the third base batter's box.

"We've reached third base now, and no one is out yet. It looks like there's hope for scoring!" Officer Otaki said with a smile.

"It's too early to say a score," Hattori Heiji had a different opinion.

If he remembered correctly, in the last big game, there was someone on third base and no one out, but in the end, despite the stubborn resistance of the defense, there was still no score.

Just as a few people continued to wait and see how the situation would change, a cell phone ring suddenly rang.

"Huh? At your feet?" Yu Gongming lowered his head and saw a mobile phone beside his feet.

"Eh? When did this phone appear?" Mengyu picked up the phone in confusion.

"Could it be the gentleman who passed us just now?" Hattori Heiji guessed.

"Then why don't you get connected and take a look?" Mengyu asked.

"Take it," Yu Gongming said.

Mengyu nodded and answered the phone: "Hello! Hello! Are you the owner of the lost phone?"

"Yeah!" A deep male voice responded.

"Oh! Then please come under the searchlight, we..."

"Is it fun?" A deep male voice interrupted Meng Yu's words and asked confusedly.

"Huh? What are you talking about, sir?" Meng Yu frowned.

"Let me ask you, is this place really so fun?" the man asked again.

"This line... is not very good..." Meng Yu muttered in her heart, and asked in a deep voice: "Sir, what exactly do you want to say?"

The deep male voice chuckled: "If you like, I can play a more exciting game with you. Moreover, I guarantee that this is a more exciting game than a football game and will make your blood boil - a game of life and death!"

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