Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 921 More raids!

"That's it. Thank you for being willing to accept our exclusive interview despite your busy schedule." With a ceremonial smile on his face, Keir said to the tall, majestic man in front of him.

The man is the protagonist of this interview - Domon Yasuki.

Yasuki Domon glanced around and asked, "Is it really okay here?"

Kil smiled and nodded: "Of course, this park is beautiful, isn't it?"

Tumen Yasuhui was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement: 'Yes, to be honest, I often go jogging in this park, but this way my two bodyguards were forced to run with me. ’

He motioned to the two bodyguards beside him who were wearing black suits and had a strong temperament, with a hint of apology and gratitude on their faces.

At this point, he suddenly approached Kiel and whispered: "Speaking of which, regarding that matter, as a condition for accepting the interview, you should be able to accept the request I made before, right?"

The smile on Keir's face remained unchanged: "Of course, no problem."

Tumen Yasuhui nodded with satisfaction.

On the rooftop, Chianti was holding a sniper rifle a little irritably: "Hey! What on earth is Kiel doing procrastinating?"

Gin's order was also issued at this time: "Okay, Kil, now guide the target to the predetermined location."

After receiving the news, Gere looked around, pointed to a nearby bench and said, "Our interview will be conducted on the bench over there."

Tumen Yasuhui glanced at the bench and laughed: "No problem, it's a pretty good place."

So, under the guidance of Keir, Domen Yasuhui gradually approached the bench.

Through the pinhole camera disguised as a reporter's badge on Kiel's chest, Gin, Vodka and others in the car saw the whole scene.

"Very good! Let's end it as soon as possible! Mr. Tumen!" Vodka showed an expectant smile: "What a pity. If it were live broadcast, the scene would definitely be quite shocking."

On the other side, Coren's sight gradually focused on Domon Yasuki's head.

"We have captured the target, do you want to shoot?"

Hearing this, Gin was about to give an order.

Something unexpected happened!

During the communication, Gin only heard Column suddenly groan, and then an unsettling noise came to mind in the communicator.

Gin frowned: "Colen? What's going on?"

There was no reply from the other side.

"Hey! Gin! What's going on? What's wrong with Colon?" Chianti's slightly anxious voice sounded.

Before Gin could reply, Chianti's scream suddenly came from the communicator: "Wait! You are...ah!"

In Gin's ears, Chianti's screams and dull gunfire sounded intertwined.

Gin's face finally couldn't remain calm anymore.

"Chianti? What's going on?" His tone became urgent.

However, things are not over yet.

"Brother! Look!" Vodka suddenly pointed at the tablet screen and shouted.

Gin turned his eyes and saw a shaking in the screen. In the fast-moving picture, Gin saw Domon Yasuki and his bodyguards moving in a hurry, and his two bodyguards were already protecting him tightly. In the middle, he even got a safety helmet from somewhere and put it on his head.

Then, the scene changed, and through Kiel's perspective, they saw several figures holding firearms rushing towards Kiel.

And one of them is no stranger to either Gin or Belmode.

Judy Stelling!

"F! B! I!!" Gin gritted his teeth and spit out the three letters.


A smiling voice suddenly came from the communicator next to my ear: "I accidentally messed up your good deeds again."

"Akai Shuichi! It's you!" Gin immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

"Yes, I really want to thank you this time! You gave us such a big gift, three members of the organization code name, and we accepted it without ceremony!"


Gin slammed the communicator to the ground and trampled it into pieces!

The communication status is also disconnected.

He took a deep breath and said harshly: "Retreat!"

"Yes!" No matter how slow Vodka was, he understood that things had become quite bad. Without hesitation, he immediately started the car and prepared to leave the parking lot.

Just as the Porsche drove out of the parking lot, a car roared over from behind.

If Vodka hadn't accelerated in time, he would have almost been hit in the rear by the car that suddenly arrived.

Gin could guess with his toes that once his car was slowed down by the collision, he would immediately be surrounded by the FBI!

"Let me drive it," Gin said coldly.

Vodka's driving skills aren't bad, but they can't be said to be top-notch. He's usually fine as a driver, but in an emergency, Gin has to do it himself.

"Yes!" Vodka handed over the driving right simply.

Not long after, the speed of the Porsche suddenly increased to a higher level, and it drove into the distance at lightning speed.

Behind the Porsche, several cars of different brands followed closely in a tacit understanding.


Inside the park.

"We are the FBI! Stop immediately and give up all resistance!" Judy and a group of FBI colleagues forced Keir to a rock wall.

Keir looked at the FBI gradually surrounding him with a rather ugly look on his face.

Because she wanted to interview Yasuki Domon, she did not carry any weapons. She was cornered by a group of FBI with guns and ammunition, and it was extremely difficult to escape.

Kil turned around and glanced at the rock wall behind him, gritted his teeth, turned around suddenly, and started climbing the rock wall!

"Don't even think about running away!" Judy yelled and immediately rushed towards the rock wall.

At the same time, other FBI agents also shot at Kiel. Of course, they did not target Kiel. They just wanted to use this method to intimidate the other party and make the other party give up resistance.

However, Kil did not take this trick and continued to climb up without hesitation despite the sound of gunfire.

Behind her, Judy had also begun to climb the rock wall. She raised her head slightly and shouted: "Stop all actions immediately, or we will shoot you!"

Keir remained deaf.

Judy frowned. There was a lake behind the rock wall. If the other party jumped into the lake and waited for an opportunity to land, it would be troublesome.

Besides them, there are other normal tourists in the park!

If the other party kidnaps any tourist as a hostage, he will be very passive.

So, Teacher Judy gestured to her colleagues behind her.

The FBI's firepower is officially aimed at Kiel!

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive shots were fired, two hitting Kiel's knees on both sides, and one hitting Kiel's upper arm.

In an instant, Kiel's upward momentum stopped instantly, and he even felt a bit shaky!

Judy was not idle during this process. She climbed another distance, reached out and grabbed Keir's ankle!

Unexpectedly, Kil's body suddenly jumped and broke away from the rock mass.

Under the influence of gravity, she fell towards the bottom of the rock wall, and Judy, who was holding her ankle, was brought down with her.

In desperation, Judy could only let go temporarily.

"Help!" she shouted back to her colleagues.

A group of FBI agents immediately rushed toward the location where Kiel fell, trying to catch him.

If the other party fell to death like this, then their responsibility would be huge!

However, perhaps because of Gere's deliberate calculation, she deliberately chose to fall in a direction away from the FBI. Therefore, the FBI agents were still a step too late.


Keir's body hit the ground hard!

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