Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 924 Officer Takagi was stunned.

In the end, both Hanemiya and Akira did not go to the movie as originally planned.

Basically, nothing good happens every time you encounter Conan and the others outside. It's better to stay and observe.

After Conan and the others found their seats, Yu Gongming pulled Meng Yu over.

"Yo? What a coincidence!"

"Senior Yumiya? Mengyu? Why are you here too?" Xiaolan asked in surprise.

"Of course we came to this newly opened restaurant for a date! The atmosphere here is very suitable, isn't it?" Hanamiya Akira said with a smile.

"However, I didn't expect that you would come to such a place, and you would actually bring Uncle Maori with you?" Meng Yu glanced at Xiaolan suspiciously: "Xiaolan, isn't it you who won another big prize? "

"No!" Xiaolan waved her hand: "This is the table I reserved with great difficulty, and I came here specifically to eat."

"Is that so?" Meng Yu blinked, faintly smelling a different meaning.

"Ah! Wait a minute, I'm going to make a call!" Xiaolan said, standing up and running quickly to a remote corner.

Meng Yu approached Yu Gongming: "Hey! Help me."

"I know." Yu Gongming naturally knew what the dream language meant. He tilted his head slightly and pointed his ears in Xiaolan's direction.

On the other side, Xiaolan has already made a call.

"Hey! Mom! I've made a reservation at the restaurant. Have you finished handling your affairs?"

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan. I've already taken care of it, but another job came up temporarily, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go." Fei Yingli said apologetically.

"Ah! That's it, but dad and Conan have already arrived, and dad even came here wearing the suit you sent!" Glancing in the direction of the table, Xiaolan continued: "And we met here. Senior Yumiya and Mengyu!"

"Oh? That's a coincidence!" Fei Yingli's eyes suddenly fluctuated when she heard that Mouri Kogoro came wearing the suit she gave him.

She tilted her head slightly and changed into a comfortable position, and said with a smile: "But this job is still relatively important. I'm afraid it can only be done next time. I'm sorry, Xiaolan."

After a pause, Fei Yingli continued: "By the way, please tell that guy not to drink so much. If something happens to him because he is drunk and chatting up a young girl, I will not defend him."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's originally disappointed face put a smile back on her face: "Yes! I will definitely tell dad. Then mom, please continue to work and pay attention to rest!"

"I know, I have a sense of discretion. Mom needs to continue dealing with things, so hang up first." Fei Yingli said warmly.

"Yeah!" Xiaolan hung up the phone and returned to the table to sit down.

"Alas!" She couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong? What are you sighing for?" Mouri Kogoro asked in confusion.

Conan saw Xiaolan's expression and roughly guessed the truth. He couldn't help but raise his hand and patted Xiaolan's shoulder, comforting him: "It's okay, sister Xiaolan, there will be another chance next time!"

"Huh? What do you know, kid?" Mouri Kogoro stared at Conan.

"It's not hard to guess, right?" Conan scratched his head and laughed: "Sister Xiaolan should have been on the phone with Aunt Yingli just now and invited her to come over for dinner, but maybe Aunt Yingli is busy, so she can't come."

"Hmph!" Mouri Kogoro snorted, and suddenly showed a proud expression: "I was just wondering why you suddenly asked us to eat at some newly opened restaurant. I already knew there must be a ghost inside! It's true! Haha. Ha ha!"

Conan curled his lips. He didn't know who it was when he heard that he could go out for a big meal. He was so happy that he stepped on the beer can he threw and almost fell down.

Yu Gongming also had a look on his face. Why do you wear a suit sent by your concubine Yingli when you dislike you so much?

Xiaolan held her chin up in distress: "It's nerve-wracking. It took a lot of effort to make a reservation at this store!"

Mouri Kogoro looked around: "This store is actually pretty good. It's quite suitable for young couples like Hanomiya and the others to come on dates or hold social gatherings..."

"Eh? Detective Mouri? Detective Hanomiya? Are you here too?" A surprised male voice sounded.

Several Bricks also looked surprised when they saw the owner of the voice.

The visitors were two police officers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"Officer Chiba? And...Officer Takagi?" Meng Yu's eyes wandered between the two police officers, with an inexplicable meaning in their eyes.

Officer Chiba was relatively calm, but Officer Takagi's expression suddenly became extremely exciting, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Would you two grown men also come to a place like this to eat?" Mouri Kogoro also looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

"No, you misunderstood, we are here to socialize!" Officer Chiba said with a smile.

Officer Takagi's expression became even more exciting when he heard this, and he quickly explained: "Ah! I'm just here to make up the numbers. Officer Chiba forced me to come here, right! That's it, right?"

He grabbed Officer Chiba's collar and winked at him wildly.

"Well, that's true..." Officer Chiba replied with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Meng Yu squinted her eyes and stared at Officer Takagi, who looked like a guilty thief, and asked quietly: "Does Officer Sato know that you are here for a social gathering?"

"Ah! This..." Officer Takagi hesitated.

"Answer!" Mengyu shouted suddenly.

"Yes!" Officer Takagi shouted subconsciously, and then his voice suddenly weakened: "She... doesn't know."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Meng Yu crossed her arms and walked a few steps around Officer Takagi with a scrutinizing gaze:

"You just said that you were forced to come here by Police Officer Chiba? Does that mean you actually don't want to come?" Meng Yu asked lightly.

"Well, yes..." Officer Takagi replied submissively. He was obviously a policeman, but his momentum was completely suppressed by a high school student.

"Then why didn't you tell Officer Sato?" Meng Yu's eyes suddenly became sharp: "As long as you tell Officer Sato this matter, Officer Sato will either come with you, or disagree, or even refuse it directly for you, Sato If the police officer speaks, who dares to force you to come?"

"Ah? This..." Officer Takagi was blinded for a moment, right! Why didn't he think of that?

Meng Yu snorted coldly: "So, if you don't tell Officer Sato, you actually have other ideas in your mind, right?"

"No! How is that possible? I was really pulled here by force!" Officer Takagi explained hurriedly.

This cannot be misunderstood. If this reaches the ears of Officer Sato, it will be terrible!

"Since there is nothing wrong with you, why didn't you tell Officer Sato? Don't you have her in your heart? Or have you broken up?" Meng Yu continued to ask.

"I..." Officer Takagi's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

How could he answer? Tell Mengyu that you just simply didn’t think about it that much?

After saying this, Officer Takagi felt that he might not believe it himself!

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