Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 934 Detective show?

Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, his expression suddenly became subtle.

"What's wrong?" Mengyu came over and took a look at the screen, and suddenly showed a look of surprise: "Hattori?"

"It's her again? Every time this guy calls, it's bound to be up to no good!" Conan's face darkened.

"Don't say that. Hattori and Ye took us to many places to have fun when they were in Osaka." Xiaolan laughed.

Conan rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, only after we solve some difficult cases."

"Well, it seems so..." Xiaolan recalled it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Just accept your fate." Akira Hanamiya said, having already answered the phone: "Hey! What happened to Hattori this time?"

"What are you talking about! I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?" Hattori Heiji's somewhat dissatisfied voice came.

"Of course, but when did you call me and it was okay?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Uh-" Hattori Heiji was stuck for a moment, and then he said calmly: "Ah haha! As expected of Hanomiya, I guessed it right away. I'm going to Tokyo in a few days. I'll ask you to entertain me then. oh!"

"Huh? Didn't you just come here some time ago? You were almost killed, and you came out of the shadows so quickly?" Yu Gongming said with a half-smile.

"Hey! I was just careless that time! If that aunt hadn't had a gun in her hand, don't you think I would have beaten her to pieces!" Hattori Heiji shouted.

"But the fact is that you were caught in the attic by them. If we hadn't arrived in time, you might have lost some parts!" Yu Gongming laughed.

"Hey! Are you done yet? Who hasn't performed abnormally yet?" Hattori Heiji said angrily.

"Then what's the purpose of your visit to Tokyo this time?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Hattori Heiji was a little caught off guard by Hanomiya Akira's sudden change of topic. He was stunned for a moment and then said: "Well, your Nippon TV station invited me to participate in a detective program."

"Detective show? You are actually interested in this kind of thing?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

As far as he knew, scripts for similar detective programs had already been written, and even the puzzles were quite simple. Even Uncle Mori wouldn't have done it if he hadn't been paid high enough or if there was Okino Yoko on the show. Promised.

"I wanted to refuse at first." Hattori Heiji explained: "But the invitation letter said that I was participating in the show as the representative of the Western Region."

"In addition to me, it is said that they also invited high school detectives from the east, south, north, and even those studying abroad to participate in the show."

"They claim that through this program they will compete to be Japan's best high school detective! Strange, didn't you receive an invitation?"

Hanomiya Akira was stunned for a moment. This description...could it be the case of Koshimi Nanatsuki?

With a thought in his mind, Yu Gongming replied: "I haven't received the notification yet. Maybe it's because I have graduated, right?"

"That's right! I forgot that you are no longer a high school student. That's such a pity. What about Kudo? Has he received an invitation?" Hattori Heiji asked again.

"I don't know. He doesn't live in his own home now. You may have to go back and check the mailbox to find out." Yu Gongming said.

"That's it...then I'll talk to the organizer and ask you two to go with me. After all, without you in the Detective Showdown, even if you get the first place in Japan, it won't have much value!"

"Let's see then. I'd like to see what other high school detectives are like besides you."

"Then it's settled! See you then!" Hattori Heiji said and hung up the phone at the door.

Yu Gongming took back his phone and briefly explained the matter.

"Oh? The best detective in Japan? That guy Hattori actually believes in this kind of stunt?" Conan said in surprise.

"You also know that this guy has always been very competitive. If he doesn't go and Japanese TV station invites some parallel importers to finally compete for the so-called number one in Japan, then he will definitely be unhappy."

"And if those detectives really have real information, then he has no reason not to go, so this gimmick is enough to attract him."

Yu Gongming looked at Conan with a smile: "After all, he is not like us. He has to worry about other things besides reasoning, right?" As he said this, he hugged Meng Yu's shoulders.

Conan immediately understood Yu Gongming's actions and laughed as well: "You're really a loser."

After a pause, Conan also looked thoughtful: "However, from what you said, the people invited to this show are not necessarily parallel imports! After all, the invitation letters were sent to Hattori."

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "What? Are you tempted too?"

"I'm just interested. After all, I haven't received the invitation yet, right?" Conan admitted frankly.

At this time, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Akira Hanomiya frowned slightly, came to his desk and picked up the phone: "Hey! This is the Hanomiya Detective Agency... Huh? What? You want to invite me to participate in the show... But I'm not a high school student anymore... Is this like this? Okay? , I’ll think about it and will get back to you later.”

Yu Gongming hung up the phone and sat down on the sofa.

Conan looked at him with a subtle expression: "Did you...did you also receive a call from that program team?"

Akira Hanomiya nodded: "Yes, they said that although I have graduated, because they can't contact Kudo Shinichi, they hope that I will represent the East in this program instead of him."

"Huh? Have they contacted me?" Conan frowned.

"I remember that the phone call at home has been received from us, but we did not receive a phone notification before." Meng Yu said lightly.

"This is strange. Could it be that he sent a letter like Hattori did?" Xiaolan guessed.

"Probably not! I just asked the doctor to help me clean the mailbox yesterday, and it turns out that all the letters are for dad." Conan shook his head.

"This is strange, why would they lie in a place like this?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"And, how should I put it... I always felt that the person who called had a weird tone..." Yu Gongming said.

"Huh? What should I say?" Conan was confused.

"It's just the tone. He claims to be the director of the TV station, but his tone is different from the directors I've seen. In addition, usually such invitations are made from the TV station's public phone, but this number seems to be a private number."

Conan frowned more and more: "That is indeed a bit suspicious..."

She turned to look at Mengyu: "Mengyu, can you help check the caller ID number?"

Mengyu nodded: "Of course it's no problem."

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