Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 947 Something dirty has sneaked in

After hanging up the phone on Conan, Akira Hanamiya and Meng Yu immediately rushed to the hospital where Reina Minami was staying - Abedo Central Hospital.

After taking the tram to the corresponding stop, Akira Hamiya met Conan in a parking lot near the hospital.

Conan motioned for the two of them to follow him.

After a while, the three of them got into a car together.

Xiaolan was sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

"Hey! Why is Xiaolan here? Why did you come to Aido Central Hospital?" Mengyu asked in confusion.

Conan explained: "This is my uncle's car. We came with my uncle to see a friend of my uncle who was hospitalized with a broken foot, so we came to Aido Central Hospital. My uncle chatted with that friend, and Xiaolan and I were in the hospital. Waiting in the corridor."

"Then, out of boredom, I looked down from the corridor and saw our chief Eyou entering the outpatient clinic building."

"He took Mizuna Reina's photo and went around asking some nurses and doctors to see if anyone knew the person in the photo. According to him, it seemed to be his sister."

Meng Yu's expression condensed: "How did he know that Shui Wu Lina was hospitalized? And he directly found this hospital?"

"Probably he got some information from the staff at Nippon TV Station. Judging from his reaction, he is not sure that Reina Mizuna is in this hospital." Conan speculated.

"If it was just this matter, you wouldn't have rushed to find us, right?" Yu Gongming asked doubtfully.

"Yes!" Conan nodded: "In order to find out why he came to the hospital, I asked Xiaolan to pretend to knock him down, and while I was lifting him up, I installed a tracking device and a listening device on him."

Meng Yu blinked when she heard the words: "Eh? Xiaolan also learned bad things~"

Xiaolan, who had been quietly listening to the discussion among several people, blushed when she heard this: "Although I know this is to obtain information, I still feel a little sorry for treating my classmates like this."

"You don't have to feel bad. This guy is not a simple person." Conan comforted him and returned to the topic:

"It was through the bug that I found out what he was asking the doctors and nurses along the way. The bug was later successfully recovered, so there's no need to worry about that."

Yu Gongming nodded: "Then what? Did you hear any important information?"

"I don't know whether this information is important or not." Conan looked hesitant: "At that time, I was far behind our hall Yingyou. He had already asked around the doctors and nurses and seemed to be planning to give up."

"But when he was walking through a corridor, he suddenly let out a low exclamation and stopped. Out of curiosity, I quickly came to hide nearby to observe the situation."

"Then 0, I saw him hiding sneakily outside a room, as if he was peeping at something. Then, there was a sound of pressing a cell phone from the bug, and the sound was quite special."

"Special?" Yu Gongming remained calm on his face, but there was already a vague guess in his heart.

Conan nodded; "Yes, that seems to be the melody of a nursery rhyme... Well, if I heard correctly, it should be a section of the nursery rhyme "Seven Children", right?"

"Seven children?" Yu Gongming and Meng Yu spoke at the same time, with surprise in their voices.

Among famous people, this nursery rhyme is famous because the seven children are directly related to the email address of the boss of the black organization!

Since Conan heard this melody in the hospital, it means that people from the black organization have lurked in this hospital!

Yu Gongming remained calm on his face and asked, "Then what was our reaction at that time, Yingyou?"

"His expression looked very serious, and he seemed a little...excited?" Conan recalled.

Yu Gongming looked thoughtful: "Since he has such an abnormal reaction, there are only two reasons. First, it is because of the person who pressed the phone. Second, it is the melody you mentioned. What do you think? Maybe it’s higher?”

"I think it's because that melody is more likely to be heard." Conan replied: "Because after that melody ended, Hondo Eiyu immediately left the place, and shortly afterwards, a man wearing a hospital gown walked away from the room. When I came out, I saw with my own eyes that he put the phone back into his pocket. He must have been the one who pressed the phone just now."

"Then the man also left. Hondo Yingyou had no intention of following or monitoring that man, so I think his surprise came more from that melody."

Akira Hanamiya thought for two seconds and said: "In this case, let's contact Mr. Akai. After all, this is the hospital where Reina Mizuna is located. If there is such an abnormality, we should inform them."

"Furthermore, we handed over the matter of our hall Yingyou to them for investigation before. After such a long time, we should have some clues."

"Well, maybe they know the meaning of this melody." Conan agreed.

So, Akira Hanomiya dialed Akai Shuichi's phone number.

As soon as the call was connected, Akai Shuichi's voice came over: "What's the matter?"

Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "Mr. Akai, how is the intelligence investigation about our Eiyu that I gave you before? Today he suddenly appeared at Abedo Central Hospital."

The person on the other side was silent for two seconds, and then he said, "That Bentang Yingyou is indeed not simple. Based on the photos you sent us and the surname of Bentang, I have found out a lot of valuable things."

"Oh? Please tell me." Yu Gongming replied.

Akai Shuichi didn't show off, and said: "According to the photos you sent, the man who was with Rena Mizuna at the food stall should be Ethan Hondo."

"Ethan Hondo?" Yu Gongming asked knowingly.

Akai Shuichi said calmly: "He is a member of Company."

"Company?" Yu Gongming muttered the word in a low voice, then his face changed and he replied: "Are you talking about the American one..."

"It's what you think." Akai Shuichi gave an affirmative answer and continued: "He is a second-generation Japanese-American. He joined the Company about thirty years ago, returned to Japan to get married three years later, and then lurked. Come down."

"What about Hondo Eiyu? What is his relationship with Ethan Hondo?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Akai Shuichi: "The initial guess is that it should be his son, right? However, we have not found any photos of him and Hondo Eiyu, so further confirmation is needed."

"You just said that he showed up at Aideto Central Hospital? What happened?"

Akira Hanomiya then explained the matter in general, especially the melody of "Seven Children".

After listening to Yu Gongming's narration, there was a long silence on the phone.

Finally, Akai Shuichi spoke: "It seems that something unclean has gotten in."

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