Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 954 Red and Black-Countermeasures?

Akai Shuichi came to the curtains in front of everyone's eyes, opened the curtains slightly and looked out the window.

Outside the window is another building.

Akai Shuichi said calmly: "The investigator who was patrolling the rear just reported that he found another suspicious figure on the opposite side of the building and was ready to move."

Judy's expression changed: "Could it be that that organization has..."

Akai Shuichi did not answer, but his increasingly stern expression was already a silent answer.

James frowned: "In that case, let's talk to the dean about the current situation first." James was about to leave.

"It's best not to do that." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

James stopped and looked back at him doubtfully.

"If you tell the director now and ask the hospital to cooperate with us, it is equivalent to telling the organization that the hospital is joining hands with us to hide Shuiwu Reina here."

"When we leave, the organization may cause trouble here in order not to expose its secrets. If we don't say anything and the hospital doesn't take any action, it means that the hospital and the FBI are not involved. They will think that this place is just an ordinary place. Maybe the hospital."

James nodded slightly when he heard the words: "What you said makes sense. It seems that this is the only way to protect the safety of the dean and the people here."

"However, there are many other immobile patients here. We knew clearly that those guys were going to invade here, but we didn't tell them, but just waited passively..."

"It's not passive." Shuichi Akai interrupted Judy directly: "It's seduction."

"Luring? You mean to leave her here and then we evacuate?" Judy said in surprise.

"No, we should be prepared." Akai Shuichi turned to look at everyone with a solemn expression:

"We must go all out to face the coming black crows!"

"That's all it can do now. Several new investigators have been sent here today." James said.

Judy's face looked a little ugly: "Damn it! If I had known at that time, I should have let him finish taking those photos without disturbing him!"

"It's useless, because brother Conan has already destroyed that guy's mobile phone, right? Sooner or later it will be exposed." James comforted him.

"Hmph! This kid's destruction of the mobile phone did not just prevent him from making contact." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Shuichi Akai: "We haven't actually figured out how he contacted the organization before. It might have been a phone call, text message, or other means."

"Conan destroyed his mobile phone. When he found out that the mobile phone was broken, if he had other ways of contacting him, he would definitely find an opportunity to contact him."

Akai Shuichi stopped talking when he said this.

But James already showed a look of surprise: "I see, if it is a public phone or an Internet cafe, through tracking, we may be able to figure out who he is communicating with and how he is communicating."

"Even if he is caught by us in the end, we can continue to pass on information and mislead him on his behalf."

"That's it. So, there is nothing wrong with what this kid did. He just didn't expect that we would suddenly take action." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

"Sorry, I just wanted to prevent those innocent patients' information from falling into the hands of the organization." Judy said a little guiltily, after all, she was the one who issued the arrest order.

"There is no need to blame ourselves for what happened now. Now we should take turns to rest, recharge our batteries, and wait for their arrival." As he said that, he had already walked towards the door, and a long voice came:

"If everyone's nerves continue to be so tense, I'm afraid we will fall before their people come." He opened the door and said goodbye to everyone:

"Okay, I'm going to take a rest first. If I think of any good tactics to deal with them, I'll report back."

"Brother Akai, wait for me!" Conan trotted behind Shuichi Akai. As the door closed with a bang, the two left the temporary conference room.

Judy frowned slightly: "Why do you feel...that he and Conan don't have a relationship like an informant and a top line?"

"It feels more like cooperation." James said meaningfully: "Of course, the object of cooperation may not be this child, this child may be just a representative."

"Really?" Judy frowned and shook her head slightly.

Shuichi Akai's personality became much more withdrawn after he returned from being an undercover agent in the black organization. It was not until he suddenly came to Japan some time ago and brought back a woman that he became more cheerful.

However, for colleagues like them, except for necessary work interactions, he stayed alone at other times.

He often gets information that others cannot, and the information is never wrong.

But the intelligence channel has always been a mystery.

And because of his status as an undercover agent, according to relevant FBI regulations, he does not need to report the source of the intelligence to himself and others.

Therefore, he has always been full of secrets, and even her "ex-girlfriend" has become unfamiliar with him.

Although Judy has always been a little worried about this, she is also helpless.


In Shui Wu Lina's ward.

Shui Wulian was lying quietly on the bed, her eyes closed and her face pale, like a sleeping beauty.

Akai Shuichi stood next to her, watching him silently.

He had just changed shifts with his colleagues for a while.

At this time, his colleague's voice rang in his ears: "Mr. Akai, there is a combat meeting!"

Akai Shuichi frowned and replied: "I know, I'll go over right away. I hope we can discuss a good countermeasure this time."

As he spoke, he opened the door and left the ward, and closed the door smoothly.

Reina Mizuna was the only one left in the room.

After a while, the door was pushed open.

The person who came in was not Akai Shuichi.

The person who came was wearing a hospital gown, glasses, and a childish face. He looked like a high school student.

It is none other than Hondo Eyou who has disappeared!

He came to Shui Wu Reina's window and stared at Shui Wu Reina: "Okay, Shui Wu Reina! Wake up quickly and tell me, how is Sister Yinghai doing?"

Shui Wulian had no reaction at all.

"Hey! Wake up!" Yingyou, the hall, began to shake Shui Wu Lianna vigorously, and shouted: "They are about to move you to another place. Before that, wake up!"

However, no matter how he called, Shui Wu Lina didn't respond at all.

Hondo Yingyou gritted his teeth and suddenly took out a pair of sharp scissors from his arms!

He raised the scissors high and shouted: "Damn it! Wake up!"

The scissors fell rapidly and stabbed Shui Wu Lina hard in the chest!

Just before the scissors were about to hit Rui Wulian, a hand clasped Hondo Yingyu's wrist, preventing him from moving forward!

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