Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 968 Sudden closure of the case, Conan’s request

"A step that cannot be ignored?" Officer Megure looked at Hanomiya Akira with some doubts.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "Didn't I just say that? The note was probably taken away by the murderer. Since these people have been identified as suspects, I remember that the police should have the authority to search their belongings, right?"

"Well, that's true, but since the murderer took the note away, he should have destroyed it immediately, right?" Officer Megure asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but the police arrived very quickly. Maybe the murderer has not had time to deal with the note. Moreover, just from the English phrase "bring my tux", I am afraid that it may not be able to directly point to the murderer. It cannot be ruled out that the murderer will use the note. Research, and you can find an excuse if you are suspected.”

"Yeah...that's true." Officer Megure nodded slightly, then looked at the suspects: "Guys, can you let us check your belongings?"

Kamel, Buckner and the secretary all had no objections, but Keynes shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to be like this, right? I think that..."

When Keynes said this, his right hand that was originally in his pocket suddenly took out and clenched it into a fist. There seemed to be something in it.

Then, without any explanation, he brought his fist to his mouth and opened his mouth at the same time.

Officer Megure was a little dazed when he saw his actions, but someone had already taken action.

Akira Hanomiya came to Keynes's side without knowing it, directly clasped Keynes's fist, and grabbed Keynes's other arm with his other hand.


With a grapple, Keynes was directly pushed to the ground by Akira Hanomiya with his hands behind his back.

He turned to look at Officer Takagi: "Officer Takagi, Officer Sato, come over and break open his fist to see what's inside."

Police officers Takagi and Sato came to their senses and ran over quickly.

Officer Takagi cooperated with Akira Hanomiya to hold down Keynes, while Officer Sato forcefully opened Keynes's clenched fists.

Keynes was not without his struggles.

As a model, Keynes usually exercises, but now he is under the control of others, and Officer Sato is not an ordinary person, so his resistance did not make any waves.

A crumpled piece of paper appeared in Officer Sato's hand.

Officer Sato opened the note and it read "Bring my tux"

She immediately handed the note to Officer Megure.

When Officer Megure read the content on the note, his eyes immediately locked on Mr. Keynes: "Mr. Keynes, do you have anything to explain?"

Keynes, who had been struggling fiercely, heard this, and the strength of his struggle suddenly became much smaller.

He looked up at Officer Megure and said with a wry smile: "If I had known better, I shouldn't have taken any chances and just destroyed the note."

"So, you killed the person?" Officer Megure finally confirmed.

"Yes, I was the one who killed the person." Keynes readily admitted.

"My girlfriend, because she was abused by the president, was overworked and caused an accidental injury, and finally... passed away last year."

"Moreover, because she couldn't read Japanese, she was tricked into signing a Japanese contract. And even if she passed away, her brother would be jointly and severally liable."

"So, thinking that I could save her brother, I deliberately asked him to discover me on the street. Then I threatened him with a gun when we met and he handed over the contract."

"So, the information from ten years ago that the president asked me to get is..." The secretary's eyes widened.

"Yes, there should be my girlfriend's contract in there..." Keynes nodded.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, the police officers should be happy to hear it." Yu Gongming interrupted.

Officer Megure nodded: "Yes, that's right. Then Mr. Keynes, please come with us."

Keynes nodded without any further resistance.

Finally, Officer Megure thanked Hanomiya Akira, and after collecting the evidence, the police left the hotel.


"It's really amazing! We were all attracted by the information on the note at the time, and we didn't even think about going for a body search!" Judy looked at Akira Hanamiya with admiration.

Yu Gongming smiled: "It's nothing. Case detection should be easy to difficult first. After the easy methods have been exhausted, the relatively difficult one of decrypting the death message can be considered. I originally just wanted to give it a try. Thoughts, who knew the murderer really hid the note on his body."

"That's right. Not every criminal in this world has a high IQ." Judy nodded in agreement, and then the conversation suddenly changed: "However, regarding the fact that I am the FBI, please keep it a secret."

"Ah! Of course there is no problem with that. I don't really want to know what you want to do in Japan. This is not something that a little detective like me can get involved in." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Ahaha, we are actually here for vacation. We don't have any mission. I'm not lying to you." Judy smiled.

"Yes! I believe it." Yu Gongming smiled and nodded.

"Well, since we don't have lunch now, Kamel and I will have dinner in this restaurant first." Judy smiled.

"Then let's go first and see you next time." Yu Gongming nodded.

Subsequently, the brothers Akira Hanamiya and Kudo separated from the two FBI agents.

After walking for a while, Conan whispered: "I'll go back to find them..."

Then, he suddenly said loudly: "Brother Yu Gong, please wait a moment, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my stomach and want to go to the toilet!"

Yu Gongming immediately said in an impatient tone: "Okay, we will wait for you here, go back quickly."

"Okay~" Conan responded, and then started running back.

After a while, he met Kamel and Judy who had been waiting for a long time.

Neither of them were surprised by Conan's arrival. After the three of them walked for a while, Judy said, "What's wrong, Conan? What do you want from us?"

"Is there any problem at the hospital?" Conan asked first.

"No problem, everything is fine," Judy replied.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. By the way, I would like to ask you to contact Mr. Akai now. I have something to ask him."

Judy looked embarrassed when she heard this: "I'm afraid this won't work. My mobile phone has suddenly stopped receiving messages since the morning. Where is Kamel?"

"I didn't bring my mobile phone because I had to exercise..." Kamel was a little embarrassed.

"In that case, how about I lend my phone to Teacher Judy temporarily, and then return it to me after Teacher Judy buys a new phone." Conan took out his mobile phone, took out the mobile phone card and handed it to Judy; " Since my mobile phone is the same model as Teacher Judy’s, it should be fine.”

"But, is this okay? The information on your phone..." Judy seemed to hesitate.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have any important emails or messages on my phone, and I've already transferred them." Conan smiled.

"That's it...well, thank you Conan, I will buy a new mobile phone as soon as possible!" Judy did not refuse, took Conan's card-free mobile phone and installed her own mobile phone card.

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