Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 973 The aftermath and “accidental encounter”

Nine p.m.

Conan dialed Judy's phone.

"Hello?" Judy's slightly depressed voice came.

Conan pretended not to notice and asked, "Teacher Judy, have you conveyed the matter to Mr. Akai? He hasn't contacted me yet."

Hearing this, the person on the other side fell into a long silence.

"What's wrong?" Conan sounded confused.

"...I'm sorry, Conan..." Judy's voice became even lower: "I'm afraid he won't be able to contact you."

"Ah? What happened to him?" Conan seemed even more confused.

The person on the other side was silent again for a while, and then said: "He is currently performing a secret mission, and I can't contact him for the time being."

"Eh? Is that so?" Conan said in surprise: "Well, when he comes back from the mission, ask him to contact me."

"Yeah! No problem." Judy replied, and hung up the phone before Conan could say anything else.

Conan took back his cell phone, turned around and smiled at Yumiya Akira and others who were looking over here: "The last step has been completed."

"Thank you for your hard work! Come over and eat! I can't help it anymore!" Kudo Yukiko said with a smile.

"Coming!" Conan promised and ran over.


Judy took her phone back and let out a breath.

"Who called?" James asked.

Judy replied: "It's from Conan. He seemed to have something to do with Shuichi, but I was able to talk him out of it."

"That's right..." James nodded slightly: "Okay, although that kid is quite smart, it's better not to tell him this kind of thing. It's not a good thing to keep him away from our FBI."

Judy nodded: "Well, if there's nothing else, I'll go back and rest first."

"Okay, you go back and rest first. Don't be too sad. As the FBI, we should have been prepared to sacrifice our partners and even ourselves." James finally reminded.

"...I understand." Judy responded softly, then turned and left.


A few days later, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Huh? You said that our hall Yingyou has resumed school?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

"Yes, Xiaolan and I were both shocked when he came back today!" Mengyu nodded.

"Didn't he accept the FBI's witness protection plan?" Akira Hagong suddenly frowned.

Meng Yu shook her head slightly: "Even so, the FBI probably won't let him go back to school like this. After all, with the FBI's methods, now that he has been controlled, it is almost impossible for him to escape."

"So, maybe he has reached some kind of agreement with the FBI?" Akira Hagong immediately made a guess.

"Anyway, according to my observation, there are indeed some mysterious guys following him." Meng Yu said.

"Huh? That's really interesting. What does he want to do? He can't be thinking about Xiaolan, right?" Yu Gongming teased.

Mengyu looked thoughtful: "I'm not sure?"

"Hey! Are you sure?" Yu Gongming was shocked.

"After you said that, it seems that he hesitated to talk to Xiaolan several times..." Meng Yu recalled.

The corner of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched: "You didn't tell Conan about this, right?"

Meng Yu shrugged: "That's definitely not the case. If we tell him, God knows what kind of trouble this jealous person will cause? Maybe there will be a murder in our apartment."

After a pause, Mengyu continued: "However, he made an appointment with Xiaolan, Yuanzi and me to buy reference books tomorrow. If you are interested in this matter, you can [encounter] us on the road."

Akira Hanamiya thought for two seconds and nodded: "Okay, let's go and have a look. After all, we still need to confirm that he accepts the witness protection plan. It would be better to leave Japan."

"Okay, I haven't decided which bookstore to go to yet. I will send you a text message when the time comes." Meng Yu said.

"Okay." Yu Gongming nodded.


The next afternoon, in a bookstore.

"Hahaha! It's so funny!"

"That's it! This guy is so stupid!"

The three little boys of the Young Detective Team are gathered around a comic book, their faces full of excitement.

As for Conan? I'm looking for mystery novels.

At this time, a hand patted his shoulder.

Conan turned his head and saw Xiao Ai pointing in one direction: "The mystery novels are on that bookshelf."

"Eh? Thanks!" Conan ran over immediately.

Xiao Ai looked around, then walked along the bookshelf to the end and turned a corner.

She raised her head slightly and looked at the young man in front of her who was reading a book with great interest.

"How come you, a famous detective, come to this bookstore?"

The man put down the book, revealing the face of Yu Gongming.

"When did you notice me?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

Xiao Ai smiled slightly: "You have noticed it since you entered the bookstore. I am not someone who forgets about it as soon as he finds a mystery book."

"Then what do you think I am doing here?" Yu Gongming continued to ask with interest.

Xiao Ai tilted her head, seeming to be thinking.

Her eyes accidentally glanced in Conan's direction, her expression slightly startled.

Then, she gradually showed a look of surprise: "That's it."

On the other side, Conan looked around the bookshelf, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Eh? This is the latest best-selling mystery novel! There is only one left! You're lucky! Take a look first, and if it's good Buy it!”

With this thought in his mind, Conan reached out and grabbed the book.

However, when he was about to touch the book, another hand took the book away.

Conan was stunned and immediately looked at the owner of that hand.

"Brother Yingyou?" He couldn't help but asked in surprise.

Although he already knew from Xiaolan that Hondo Yingyu had returned to school yesterday, he didn't expect to meet him here.

He tried to contact Teacher Judy to ask about Yingyou's condition, but after dialing the number, he kept saying that no one answered.

As for the other FBI, Shuichi Akai can contact him, but in his current state, he probably doesn't know about it.

In desperation, Conan could only put this matter aside for the time being.

With a thought in his mind, Conan showed an innocent smile: "Brother Yingyou, have you returned to school? I heard from Sister Xiaolan that you have been taking leave recently and have not come to school."

Our hall Yingyou smiled and nodded: "Yes, I just returned to school yesterday."

"Eh? Conan, why are you here?" A familiar and pleasant voice came, immediately attracting Conan's attention.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Mengyu walked over side by side, and Xiaolan was looking at him in surprise.

Sonoko glanced at Conan and the young detective team not far away, and immediately showed a playful look: "Hey! You little brats, aren't you here to read comic books after school?"

The three little ones also noticed Sonoko and the others. Genta heard this and immediately said dissatisfied: "What! Don't you come here to read comics?"

Yuanzi suddenly showed a proud look: "Of course not! We came here this time to buy reference books for review!"

"Isn't it too late to buy a reference book now?" A smiling voice sounded.

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