Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 983 Judy’s call

Two days later.

"Phew! I have to go to school again!" Conan stretched and jumped up from the tatami of the Mori Detective Agency.

He changed back last night, and was driven back to the Mori Detective Agency by Akira Hanomiya without hesitation.

Conan didn't care about this. After all, it was more comfortable to stay with Xiaolan.

Conan walked out of the room, the smell of food filling his nose.

"Eh? Conan is up? Breakfast has just been finished!" Xiaolan's figure came into view, and a plate of baked toast was brought to the table, while Mouri Kogoro was already sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, sister Xiaolan! Good morning, uncle!" Ke greeted, then walked into the bathroom and started washing up.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Conan who walked into the toilet, frowned and said: "Really! Has this kid been playing too crazy these two days? His snoring at night is even louder than mine."

Xiaolan showed a helpless smile and explained: "There is nothing we can do! After all, he and his parents haven't seen each other for so long, so it's understandable that he plays a little crazy, right?"

Yes, this is the reason Xiaolan made up for Mori Kogoro.

According to Xiaolan, they met Conan when they went to the bookstore. They originally planned to come back together, but they met Conan's parents when they passed through 2-chome.

After discussion, Conan temporarily went out to play with his parents for two days.

Mouri Kogoro naturally had no doubts about this statement.

Afterwards, Conan finished washing up, had breakfast with Maori and his daughter, and went out.

However, he had just arrived at the 5-chome intersection when his cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

"Huh? An unfamiliar number?" Conan frowned for a moment, hesitated for two seconds, and then answered the call.

"Hi! It's me! Coolboy!" came the sentence directly from the other side.

Conan was stunned: "Teacher Judy?"

"That's me!" Judy smiled.

"What happened to you before? Why didn't you answer my calls?" Conan asked.

"Aha! Because after the previous incident, my mobile phone was completely broken, so I bought a new one and changed the number by the way."

"Of course, I also told her the new number!" Judy smiled.

"She..." Conan suddenly lowered his voice: "Are you talking about Mizuna Reina?"


Conan rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "Wait a minute, why did Reina Mizuna contact you? This plan was obviously made by her and Mr. Akai, why do you need to give him your number?"

Conan's question is not unreasonable.

The very act of Teacher Judy taking the initiative to call was quite suspicious.

Logically speaking, he should just be Akai Shuichi's "informant". Now that Akai Shuichi is dead, Judy has even changed her number. It's obvious that she doesn't want to contact him. Why did she suddenly take the initiative to call him?

Teacher Judy chuckled lightly: "That's right, Shuichi handed over Reina Minami's line to me because of his secret mission."

Conan fell silent for a moment.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Judy's confused voice came.

After hearing this, Conan said, "Teacher Judy, do you think I don't know how to read the news?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't understand..."

"Coming to Yeshan Road, there was a car explosion." Conan interrupted Judy directly: "The car that exploded was a black Chevrolet. There was a man in his twenties to thirty years old in the car, and a gunshot wound was found on his body."

"Moreover, according to news reports, the deceased's body was charred beyond recognition, and only his right hand could be used as identification."

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Akai is also used to putting his right hand in his pocket. Teacher Judy..." Conan's voice became deeper and deeper: "About what I said above, you... really don't intend to explain to me. For a moment?"

This time it was Judy's turn to be silent.

After a long time, a voice came from the other side: "You... called me before to ask about this?"

"That's right! Even after reading the news, I want to confirm it again from your side." Conan said calmly.

"Huh! Well, I can't hide it from you." Zhudiqie said helplessly: "Just as you thought, Shuichi... died in the line of duty."

"...That's it..." Conan nodded slightly, without any emotion in his tone.

"Yeah." Judy whispered.

The two fell into silence at the same time.

About a minute later, Conan spoke first: "So, why did you call me this time?"

"Well, I'm here to tell you some news." Judy's tone returned to normal.

"What news?" Conan wondered.

"Yesterday, Reina Mizuno called me." Judy replied: "According to her, it seems that another very powerful member of the organization has come to Tokyo."

"New... member?" Conan's expression suddenly changed.

"Yes, Reina Mizuno said that this new member is quite top-notch in the organization in terms of observation, reasoning ability and overall quality, even better than Gin."

"And the purpose of this new member is to hunt down the traitor Shirley who defected from the organization."

Conan suddenly said: "Is that why you called me?"

Judy sighed: "Yeah, originally I didn't want a child like you to be involved in this kind of thing again, but if the target is Shirley who defected from the organization, then I can only contact you, after all..."

"After all, she and I are classmates now." Conan said calmly.

"Yeah! So no matter what, you and that girl should be careful recently. If you find any suspicious person, you must contact us as soon as possible." Judy warned.

Conan took a gentle breath and replied: "I understand, we will be careful. Oh, by the way, what is the code name of that member?"

"Bourbon." Judy said calmly.

"Okay, I understand." Conan replied.

After chatting for a few more words, Conan hung up the phone.

On the other side, Judy also put down her phone and sighed again.

"How's it going?" James' voice came from behind.

"Sure enough, he immediately discovered the flaw in my words and deduced the death of Shuichi. I also told him about the new members of the organization."

"Then what was his reaction after confirming it from you?" James asked.

"It looks very calm, but I can feel the suppressed emotions. He must be feeling very uncomfortable," Judy said.

"Alas! Now that he knows that the new member is targeting that girl, he can't stay out of it after all." James sighed.

"Yes!" Judy was also a little helpless.

"Thank you for your hard work during this period." James patted Judy on the shoulder: "If Shuiwu Reina contacts you later, report to me immediately."

"Yes!" Judy nodded.

James nodded, then turned and left.

"Am I thinking too much..." He murmured in his heart.

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