Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 999 Toru Amuro’s interview

Yasuda Harumi returned to the downstairs of Hanomiya's house and looked at Toru Amuro who was chatting with Hanomiya Akira with some confusion.

"Miss Harumi, you're back!" Akira Hanamiya said hello first, and then introduced: "This is Mr. Amuro who I just met. He seems to be interested in coming to work in this dessert shop that is about to open."

Akira Hanomiya signaled to Harumi Yasuda again: "This is the owner of this dessert shop, Miss Harumi Yasuda."

"Oh? I didn't expect the boss to be such a beautiful lady. Hello, I'm Toru Amuro. I'm looking for a job now." Toru Amuro smiled at Yasuda Harumi.

Yasuda Harumi took a look at Toru Amuro. Although the young man in front of her had blond hair, he was well dressed and his temperament did not give people a sense of frivolity. He did not look like the kind of idle gangster.

After getting the first impression, Yasuda Harumi said: "It's really surprising. I originally planned to wait for the renovation to be completed before officially recruiting store clerks, but I didn't expect someone to come now."

"I just happened to pass by here and saw that it was ready to open, so I wanted to give it a try." Toru Amuro said with a smile.

Yasuda Harumi nodded slightly: "So, what job are you planning to apply for? Is it a pastry chef or a waiter?"

Amuro thought for a while and replied: "I personally have some research on dessert making. It would be great if I can become a pastry chef. If not, I can also be a waiter."

Yasuda Harumi looked at Toru Amuro again and said, "Your height and temperament are indeed qualified as a waiter. As for the pastry chef, I can't decide easily, and the store is still under renovation, so it's hard to give you an answer."

"Otherwise, you can leave your contact information, and after the store decoration is completed, I will notify you to come to the store for a formal interview, okay?"

"No problem! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!" Toru Amuro agreed readily.

After a few more pleasantries, Amuro Toru said goodbye and left.

After Toru Amuro disappeared, Akira Hanamiya put his hands in his pockets and smiled at Yasuda Harumi: "Miss Harumi, please continue your work. Mengyu and I are going out."

"Okay, I will help take care of this place. You should have fun!" Yasuda Harumi said with a smile.

Afterwards, Yu Gongming and his two brothers also left.

After watching the two figures of Akira Hanomiya disappear, Harumi Yasuda turned her attention to the decoration team in the store.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

That's the text message tone.

Yasuda Harumi took out her mobile phone and brought up the text message interface.

That was a text message from Akira Hanomiya.

[That person is not simple, let me investigate]

Looking at the content of the text message, Yasuda Harumi's expression changed slightly.

She immediately deleted the text message, put her phone back in her pocket, and then continued to supervise the work of the decoration team as if nothing had happened.


Another few days passed.

Yasuda Harumi's store was finally renovated yesterday.

So, she contacted Toru Amuro and agreed to have a formal interview this morning.

Toru Amuro readily agreed.

In the morning, Toru Amuro, wearing a formal suit, came to this dessert shop that had not yet opened, but already had a decent appearance.

Akira Hanamiya, Mengyu and Harumi Yasuda are all in the store.

"Mr. Amuro, welcome!" Harumi Yasuda smiled.

Toru Amuro glanced at Akira and Akira Hanomiya with some surprise: "Are Detective Hanomiya and this lady also my interviewers?"

"That's right, but the examiner is still Miss Harumi, and we were just invited to make a guest appearance." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"I see, then it looks like I have to work harder!" Toru Amuro said, sitting across from Akira and Hanomiya, taking out his resume from his briefcase and handing it to Harumi Yasuda: "This is my resume. "

Yasuda Harumi laughed: "This is just a small dessert shop, it doesn't need to be so formal."

That being said, she still took the resume and read it.

After a moment, she looked at Toru Amuro in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be a graduate of Toto University. Many big companies wouldn't reject a graduate of a prestigious school like you, right?"

Toru Amuro nodded: "Yes, but I didn't like the companies I interviewed with before, so I'm not interested in those big companies anymore."

"So, I planned to find a job that I was more interested in. I happened to see this dessert shop that was still being renovated and wanted to give it a try."

"In other words, you won't be able to do this job for a long time, right?" Yasuda Harumi asked.

"That's true." Toru Amuro said calmly, "However, I don't mind working here for a year or two."

"That's it..." Harumi Yasuda nodded slightly, and then handed a menu to Toru Amuro: "This is the menu I drafted for our restaurant. You can choose three types to make at will."

"After making the finished product, we will taste it and as long as two of us are satisfied, then you can choose to become the pastry chef in our store."

"Of course, you don't need to take this test. With your resume, it's more than enough to be a waiter in our store."

Toru Amuro smiled: "In that case, I'd better choose to test it. It's more interesting to make desserts than to be a waiter."

"Then please!" Harumi Yasuda raised her hand and said, "The ingredients are all in the kitchen, you can use them as you like."

"Understood, then please wait a moment." As Toru Amuro said, he stood up and walked to the kitchen.


"The last piece of cheesecake, done!" Toru Amuro placed a plate of already cut cakes on the dining table.

Next to the cake was a glistening croissant and an omelette and ham sandwich.

Each was divided into three portions for three people to taste.

The three of them had already moved their index fingers after the first dessert was served. Seeing that the last dessert was also in place, they couldn't help it anymore and picked up their knives and forks to start eating.

"Yeah! The ratio of cream and cheese in this cheesecake is just right, and there's a light lemon scent in it, which dilutes the sweetness of the cream..."

"This croissant is also very good, the taste of honey is really surprising!"

"The ham sandwich is not bad either. The fried eggs and ham are well cooked. Although the bread is toasted, it is surprisingly soft. The taste of the whole sandwich is very layered!"

The three of them all made their own evaluations and were quite satisfied with Toru Amuro's work.

Soon, all the food on the table was wiped out by the three of them.

The three of them showed satisfied smiles. Yasuda Harumi smiled at Amuro and said, "Mr. Amuro's cooking skills are really amazing. You are really modest to say that you only have a little research on desserts."

"Haha! Thanks, I'm still far from a truly great pastry chef!" Toru Amuro said with a smile.

After Yasuda Harumi and Hanomiya Akira looked at each other, they finally said: "Well, congratulations, Mr. Amuro, your performance far exceeded expectations, you are hired."

"Thank you very much!" Toru Amuro thanked him.

"Then, let's talk about wages and benefits now." Yasuda Harumi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Toru Amuro nodded.

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