The explosion was a big success, but the explosion was too intense.

Kamiya Minazuki fired a white phosphorus bomb, which put a perfect end to the operation in Sindor Manor.

Kamiya Minazuki, who got back into the car, could not hide his excitement.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? The white phosphorus bomb exploded with yellow flames and thick smoke. Doesn't it look like a meteor in the sky? Vermouth, don't you women like to make wishes on meteors? Hurry up, the opportunity is rare and it will never come again!"

Vermouth said nothing with a dark face.

What kind of meteor is this?

Make a wish to the flame of the white phosphorus bomb, hoping that the sparks will not splash on you?

Vermouth didn't say anything. Kamiya Minatsuki turned his gaze to Gin and Vodka: "Actually, men can also make wishes. It's not exclusive to women. I don't know when I will bomb white phosphorus next time. Don't you really want to seize the opportunity?"

Gin and Vodka looked at Kamiya Minatsuki as if he were an idiot.

"Make a wish yourself."

Kamiya Minatsuki muttered dissatisfiedly: "Tsk, what a bummer, you won't let me make a wish!"

Kamiya Minatsuki leaned out of the skylight of the armored vehicle again, clenched his hands, and made a wish devoutly to the white phosphorus falling from the sky.

"I hope my detective career goes smoothly. It would be best if I could have a good time with the murderers before I kill them and not let them be caught by the police."

"Then let's line up in front of me automatically to teach those guys who ruin my good mood and provoke me a lesson."

"Also, I hope my bank account has countless zeros and I don't have to worry about money anymore."

"It's not over yet. I hope I can have some new, fun, and powerful weapons in my inventory! I have never felt what it feels like to launch a nuclear weapon. Please let me feel it once."


The wish made by Kamiya Minatsuki made Gin, Vodka, and Vermouth's eyelids jump.

Wholesale here? !

Nuclear weapons?


Because Kamiya Minatsuki's white phosphorus bombs made the Japanese Self-Defense Forces unable to pursue and intercept.

The organization's armored vehicles successfully evacuated from the Sindor Manor.

It's unknown how long the armored vehicles traveled.

Finally, they arrived at a secret underground base established by the organization.

In the base.

All the members of the organization in the armored vehicle got off the car.

Kamiya Minatsuki followed Vermouth and others into the organization.

In a room.

In addition to Chianti, Cohen and Ireland who had previously sniped outside the Sindorah Manor.

There were also Kil, Amuro Toru and Calvados.

There were even a few code-named members of the organization who were foreigners that Kamiya Minatsuki had never seen before.

Two of them stared at Kamiya Minatsuki fiercely.

The two eyes were from Ireland and Amuro Toru.

Kamiya Minatsuki lit a cigarette comfortably, then made a fist towards the two and slowly extended his middle finger.

The provocation was extremely strong.

Amuro Toru turned his head away and stopped looking at Kamiya Minatsuki.

Ireland was so angry that he even gnashed his teeth.


A voice with a changed voice came from the speaker in the room.

"This operation went very smoothly. It was well done. Thank you for your hard work."

Everyone had already guessed the identity of this person.

Rum, the second in command of the organization.

But Rum suddenly changed the subject and said gloomily: "But during this operation, rats appeared in the organization."

Everyone looked at each other in surprise when they heard that rats appeared in the organization.

"The base of the Japanese Self-Defense Force is quite far away from the Sindor Manor. It took at least 90 minutes for them to gather personnel to rush to support from the time they learned that the Sindor Manor was attacked. However, this time, after the operation started, the Japanese Self-Defense Force arrived at the Sindor Manor in less than 60 minutes. This shows that someone notified them in advance, which allowed the Japanese Self-Defense Force to support the Sindor Manor so quickly."

After listening to Rum's words, Gin lit a cigarette with a cold look in his eyes.

According to the plan.

From the start of the operation to the end of the operation, it will be completed within 90 minutes, and then the Sindor Manor will be safely evacuated.

However, when they entered the underground server of Sindorra and read 59% of the data, Cohen reported to Gin that the Japanese Self-Defense Force had come to support them.

This means that the Japanese Self-Defense Force knew in advance that Sindorra Manor was going to be attacked and gathered personnel in advance to come to support.

This operation.

Gin can guarantee that there is no problem with Kamiya Minazuki, Vodka and Vermouth.

As for the others, all the members of the organization who know about this operation, there may be problems!

But Gin knows that he doesn't need to take action this time.

Since Rum said it in front of so many people, it means that he has already mastered the information about the mouse.

As Gin expected, Rum suddenly sneered and said: "I have already investigated the identity of the mouse."

Everyone was refreshed and waited quietly for Rum to reveal the identity of the mouse.

"MI6 British Army Intelligence Bureau Six, the code name member who entered the organization undercover, Bottington."

Everyone looked at a man with blond hair and a golden beard.

Bodington's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He took a few steps back and argued in broken Japanese: "There must be something wrong. I am so loyal to the organization, how could I be an undercover agent!"

Kamiya Minatsuki asked Belmode in a low voice: "Who is this Bodington? Why haven't I heard of him?"

Belmode explained: "He opened a foreign-funded high-tech company in Japan with the power of the organization. He is a big shot in the Japanese financial world. He provides funds and cutting-edge talents to the organization. Some foreign researchers in the organization are working in his company in a legal capacity."

Kamiya Minatsuki suddenly realized: "So he is a tool man."

Belmode smiled and said: "You can understand it that way."

Bodington kept arguing.

Rum said gloomily: "Boddington, you are really too stupid. Is it because Sindor is an extremely important IT industry giant company in your UK that you have become stupid? You actually used your company computer to transmit information. Do you think it will be fine if you delete it? Curacao has obtained the information about you as a spy in your company's computer."

Kamiya Minatsuki was instantly excited when he heard "Curacao".

"I'm crazy about Curacao!"

Kamiya Minatsuki now looks like a fanatical star chaser.

Rum coughed: "Shut up Gin Ale, you can execute the traitor of the organization now."

As the traitor killer of the organization, Gin took out a pistol and pointed it at Boddington.

But he was stopped by Kamiya Minatsuki the next second.

"Let me do it! Since this is the traitor that Curacao has investigated with great difficulty, I will execute him."

Kamiya Minazuki looked at Bottington: "Hey, Bottington, you are British, right? You should know a bullet called dum bullet, right?"

Bottington's expression became extremely terrified. As a British, he certainly knew about dum bullets.

Dum bullets are also commonly known as "flowering bullets", "shrapnel bullets", and "deformed bullets". They are "expanding" bullets that do not have penetrating power but have extremely high shallow lethality.

Once hit by a dum bullet, a wound similar to a trumpet or gourd mouth will appear on the body of the person hit, and the area of ​​the wound is hundreds of times that of an ordinary bullet.

The most terrifying thing about dum bullets is the bullet head. If the person hit does not remove the fragments in time, the dum bullet head will rupture, which is likely to cause lead poisoning, and the wound is difficult to heal. It is easy to cause wound infection and suffer great pain. Generally, it will not take long for the person to die in pain.

Kamiya Minazuki took out a revolver and loaded it with bullets one by one.

"Dum-dum bullets are a type of bullet made in the UK. It is the perfect choice for executing you as a British person. Alas, I am too kind. On the eve of your death, I wanted to let you feel the warmth from your hometown."

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