The two of them were waiting for Officer Sato to pay respects to her father.

And from Officers Takagi and Shiratori, they learned about a robbery case 18 years ago, the Chousilang case.

The only person who could have seen the robber's appearance was the truck driver who hit the policeman to death.

But the robber was wearing a raincoat at the time, and the truck driver was not even sure whether the robber was a man or a woman. Even the robber captured by the surveillance camera along the side was wearing a hat, sunglasses, a mask, and a coat.

Mitsuhiko asked doubtfully, "Didn't the police already know that the robber's name was Choshiro?"

Officer Sato explained, "But anyone with that name could have committed the robbery, and none of them fit the bill after screening."

And Kamiya Minetsuki, who had been absent from duty, was completely confused, and whispered to Huihara Ai, "Hey, Huihara, was the dead policeman called Choshiro, or was the robber called Choshiro? Could it be that the policeman was the robber?!"

Huihara Ai rolled her eyes so much that she almost popped her eyeballs out, "Can't you just listen to what others are saying? Even Mitsuhiko and the others understood it!"

Kamiya Minetsuki yawned, "I don't know why, but I get sleepy when I hear about things like a few years ago..."

As he spoke, Kamiya Minetsuki leaned his head against the telephone pole, and his eyelids drooped again.

Huihara Ai shook her head and ignored Kamiya Minetsuki.

Officer Shiratori sighed, "No wonder this case has become an unsolved case. The three clues of surveillance video, raincoat and Choshiro are too weak."

Officer Sato said seriously, "There are four! The fourth clue is the suspicious words [KAN O] written in katakana on my father's police manual. As far as I know, the police did not want this to be leaked, so they did not release this clue, but none of us understand the meaning of these words.

I often think in my heart, whoever can solve this mystery and catch Choshiro, no matter what he asks, I will definitely agree to him!"

I will agree to any request as soon as I hear it.

Number one licker Takagi and number two licker Shiratori suddenly became excited.

I imagined Officer Sato wearing a wedding dress in my mind.

Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko also got excited.

"Would you like to treat me to 100 servings of eel rice?"

"If it were me, I would go and stay at the Tropical Paradise Castle to see what it's like!"

"If it were me, just give me a ticket to the International Space Station."

Even Haibara Ai and Conan got involved.

"If it were me, just give me the latest Prada bag."

"Then can I have a ticket to this World Cup?"

Officer Sato's mouth twitched, and then he said "hmm", thinking that it was too scary that kids nowadays were so smart.

And Kamiya Minatsuki thought everyone had come to the wishing session, and he stopped dozing off instantly.

"If it were me! All I would need is a banknote printing factory that allows me to print money anytime, anywhere!"

Officers Sato, Takagi, and Shiratori stared at Kamiya Minatsuki in astonishment.


Conan and Haibara Ai were already used to Kamiya Minatsuki's nonsense.

However, asking the police for a banknote printing factory was a pretty explosive request.

At this time, four elderly people came over.

After Officer Sato's introduction, it was learned that these four elderly people were teammates of Officer Sato's father's baseball team in high school, and they came to pay tribute to Officer Sato's father.

Shiratori suddenly received a call from Officer Megure.

Someone witnessed the suspected arsonist.

Now Shiratori and his group are very close to the suspect. Officer Megure asked Officer Shiratori and Officer Takagi to go to Shinagawa District for support and arrest the suspect.

But Officer Takagi suddenly found that he forgot to take his handcuffs.

Officer Sato asked worriedly: "Officer Takagi, are you okay?"

"It's okay. If you need handcuffs, there are Officer Shiratori's. And the divination in the magazine said that I am very lucky today!"

Officer Takagi's words made Officer Sato's face change drastically.

Because on the day Officer Sato's father got into trouble, he also said before leaving that today's fortune-telling said that his luck today was extremely good.

And he also forgot to bring handcuffs.

Officer Takagi got into the car and said, "Officer Sato, I'll leave these children to you. Bai and I

Officer Bird left."


Officer Sato hurried forward and took out an old pair of handcuffs from his pocket and handed them to Officer Takagi.

Officer Takagi looked at the rusty handcuffs in his hand and asked, "Why are these handcuffs so rusty?"

"These are my father's relics. When I was handling a case last time, my handcuffs were broken, so I'm using this pair for the time being. I'm just lending it to you as a talisman."

"How can this be an amulet? Didn't your father also die in the line of duty?"

"I'm lending it to you for a while, have to be careful."

Officer Takagi wanted to say something, but the second dog licker was already unhappy.

"Officer Takagi, it's time to go! "

Officer Takagi was urged by Officer Shiratori to drive away from the scene.

Kamiya Minatsuki complained: "Officer Takagi is a bootlicker, and he is not as experienced as Officer Shiratori. Officer Sato lent him the amulet, but Officer Takagi could still say, 'Didn't your father die in the line of duty?'"

Haihara Ai nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, his EQ is really too low."

Conan didn't believe that Kamiya Minatsuki's EQ was that high, and asked, "If you were Officer Takagi, what would you say if you got the amulet handcuffs of Officer Sato's father?"

Haihara Ai pricked up her ears and listened, wanting to hear what high EQ answer Kamiya Minatsuki would say.

Kamiya Minatsuki said decisively, "Then I will be your father for a day today! "

Conan and Haibara Ai: ...

Haibara Ai was very upset. It was her fault for having high hopes for Kamiya Minatsuki!

Officer Sato said to Kamiya Minatsuki and his group, "Well, let's follow our previous itinerary and go to the alley where Ayumi found the suspect to collect evidence."

After arriving at the alley that Ayumi mentioned.

Officer Sato received a call from Officer Takagi.

Officer Sato was shocked: "What? You already know the robber from 18 years ago? "

Everyone's eyes turned to Officer Sato.

Kamiya Minatsuki still hasn't figured out whether the dead policeman is called Choshiro or the robber. He asked Haibara Ai and Conan, but neither of them wanted to tell him more.

And Kamiya Minatsuki couldn't bring himself to ask Ayumi and the three little ghosts.

But Officer Takagi hung up on Officer Sato soon, and Officer Takagi didn't say who the murderer was.

Just when Officer Sato called to inquire, Officer Takagi called again.

This time, Officer Takagi stopped talking when he was about to say the name of the murderer.

And the phone was not hung up, no matter how Officer Sato called, Officer Takagi didn't respond.

Everyone (except Kamiya Minatsuki) looked unhappy.

It felt like Officer Takagi might be in trouble!

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