The game was over, and the staff wore the game equipment.

Curacao supported Kamiya Minetsuki, and Kamiya Minetsuki's face showed a rippling expression.

Half an hour later.

The organizer announced that the players who had 50 badges began to line up to enter the game experience.

In order to install the magnetic disk, Curacao and Kamiya Minetsuki were at the front.

Curacao and Kamiya Minetsuki sat in the 'cocoon' respectively, and the staff wore the game equipment.

After wearing it, Kamiya Minetsuki took out the magnetic disk that Curacao had given him in advance and inserted it into the slot in the 'cocoon'.

As the 'cocoon' closed the hatch, a light flashed, and Kamiya Minetsuki closed his eyes under hypnosis.

The scene changed.

Minatsuki Kamiya and Curacao appeared in the middle of a fork.

And at each fork, there is a stone gate.

Minatsuki Kamiya's eyelids twitched wildly: "Why is it haunting?!"

In front of Minatsuki Kamiya and Curacao.

Ran Maori and the Detective Team of the Resentful are all there.

Conan participated in the game because of the murder that happened in the control room behind the banquet just now, and thought that he should be able to get clues about the murder in this game.

The Detective Team of the Resentful was because Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta used the Golden Superman card to exchange for four badges. Not only did the three of them get the qualification to experience the game, but they also successfully brought Ai Haibara with them.

As for Ran Maori, it was because she was very concerned about Conan, and Suzuki Sonoko was not interested in the game and gave the badge to Ran Maori.

Mitsuhiko said curiously: "Although we are in a hypnotic state now, we don't feel anything."

Graybara Ai said seriously: "No, on the contrary, let alone freedom, vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch are all controlled by the computer."

Curacao looked at Graybara Ai strangely.

Is this child too mature and calm?

There is no childish vigor at all.

Kamiya Minatsuki raised his fist and said excitedly: "No one can control me! Because where I am, there is freedom!"

Curacao glanced at Kamiya Minatsuki.

And Kamiya Minatsuki is just the opposite. She is in her twenties, but she is too childish!

At this time.

A voice suddenly came.

"Friends who are experiencing the 'cocoon' for the first time, the game has begun! My name is Noah's Ark, please give me more advice!"

Kamiya Minatsuki and Curacao looked at each other.

This artificial intelligence actually appeared now.

"Now I will play promotional videos of five stages. Please choose the world you want to play in."

"However, there is one thing to pay attention to. This is not just a game. This is a game that concerns your life!"

Kamiya Minatsuki, Curacao, Conan and Haibara Ai's eyes were stern.

Concerning life?

"If everyone is out, you can't return to the real world, so you have to play the game seriously. As long as one person reaches the end and passes the level, you will win, and all the children who were eliminated before will be able to wake up and return to the real world. This is the game rule I set!

When everyone is out, I will release special brain waves to destroy the brain. In other words, this is a game with a bet of starting over! Do you understand?"

Kamiya Minatsuki asked in a low voice: "Curacao, can you confirm that this artificial intelligence has self-awareness now?"

Curacao shook his head and said: "It's not certain yet, because this may also be a program set in advance."

The voice of Noah's Ark came again.

"I guess everyone can't wait to play the game, it's almost time to start the game..."

Noah's Ark began to introduce five games. After the introduction, the children on the scene were already in a panic.

Mauri Ran and Conan calmed the children's emotions.

After calming them down, everyone began to choose the games they wanted to participate in.

Kamiya Minatsuki asked: "Curacao, which game should we go to?"

"London in 1888, because this is the largest game among the five games. It was originally just to confirm whether artificial intelligence has self-awareness, but I didn't expect to be involved in a life and death game."

Curacao frowned, biting his thumb nail with his teeth, feeling very tricky.

Kamiya Minatsuki put his left hand in his pocket, stroked his hair with his right hand, and said with a full sense of security: "Don't worry, I'm here!"

"You can't bring your weapons in. We are just ordinary people with better skills now. Virus software can

Just because it is difficult for artificial intelligence to interfere with us does not mean that it cannot interfere. "

Kamiya Minatsuki's face froze.

It seems so.

Kamiya Minatsuki tried it out of disbelief, and a round object appeared in his hand.

Kamiya Minatsuki's smile was almost stretched to the back of his head, and he showed it to Curacao like offering a treasure: "Look what this is?"

Curacao was dumbfounded when he saw what was in Kamiya Minatsuki's hand: "Grenade? How is it possible? This is unscientific?"

"Science? Artificial intelligence may have consciousness, so it should be normal for me to carry some weapons, right? "

Kamiya Minatsuki guessed that it was partly because his arsenal belonged to him.

If Kamiya Minatsuki had a tail now, it would be up to the sky.

With firepower in hand, isn't it easy to pass a small game?

Seeing that Kamiya Minatsuki still had firepower, Curacao was a little relieved.

Kamiya Minatsuki and Curacao stood at the entrance of the glowing stone gate of the London game in 1888.

Originally, the four arrogant kids also chose this game, but when they saw Curacao and Kamiya Minatsuki coming over, they quickly changed A game.

Even Takizawa Shin's father, ruling party politician Takizawa Daisuke, couldn't afford to offend them, so they couldn't afford to offend him even more, and that man looked like a psychopath.

And Mao Lilan brought the Detective Team of the Resentful to the stone gate entrance of the London game in 1888.

To pass the London game in 1888, Jack the Ripper must be brought to justice.

The voice of Noah's Ark came again.

"There will be a character who can help you on each stage. You can rely on him and get help. Okay, the game begins!"

Kamiya Minatsuki glanced at Conan: "Don't bother me, kid."

"Tsk! I'll give you this back!"

Conan turned his head and took the lead in entering the stone gate.

When everyone entered, the stone gate disappeared.

What came into the eyes of Kamiya Minatsuki and his group was the gloomy and foggy London streets.

Mao Lilan looked at the surrounding environment with some fear: "Is this the foggy city of London? Rather than romance, it's weird. "


A woman screamed.

Conan's face changed drastically: "Jack the Ripper!"

Conan rushed over without saying a word.

Everyone followed.

Crossing the street, they saw a man in a cloak and a top hat attacking a woman.

Conan turned the switch of his foot-strengthening shoes and kicked the can.

However, in the game world, Conan's equipment failed, and he hurt his foot instead.

When Jack the Ripper was discovered, he ran away.

"I didn't expect to pass the level so quickly, Jack baby, don't run! "

Kamiya Minatsuki took out a UMP45 submachine gun and chased Jack the Ripper without caring about Curacao, Conan and others.

The sound of Kamiya Minatsuki's gunshots and his eerie laughter echoed in the streets.

Kamiya Minatsuki now seemed to be more terrifying than Jack the Ripper...

And Curacao's head was aching now.

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