The money was spent on the banknotes, but the money was spent on the banknotes.

Outside the venue.

Kamiya Minazuki was counting checks like a money-grubber.

"This time I'm really rich!"

Three hundred and forty million, a full three hundred and forty million.

Kamiya Minazuki looked at the people who were coming out of the venue with ill intentions.

Isn't this money coming faster than robbing a bank?

Curacao felt the malice in Kamiya Minazuki, took a step forward, and blocked Kamiya Minazuki's sight: "Okay, this mission is over, don't do anything extra."

"Okay, okay, what are you going to do next? Go report the mission?" Kamiya Minazuki asked.

"Well, so I have to leave first."

Kamiya Minatsuki was about to speak when Genta and the other kids came up to him.

"Sister Amami, are you leaving?"

Curacao squatted down and said with a smile, "Yes, it's late, and you should go home, right? This time, thanks to you, the Junior Detective Team, I have seen the unity of the Junior Detective Team."

Faced with Curacao's praise, Genta and the others scratched their heads embarrassedly.

After Curacao stood up, he said goodbye to Maori Ran and Maori Kogoro: "Then Xiaolan, Mr. Maori, goodbye."

Mauri Ran and Maori Kogoro said goodbye: "Ms. Amami, goodbye."

Curacao walked towards his car.

Kamiya Minatsuki was about to ask Curacao to stay.

But Curacao's pace suddenly quickened, he got into the car, started the engine, and drove away in one go.

Kamiya Minetsuki pursed his lips: "My ghost fire motorcycle is still at the door of the bar..."

Originally, I wanted Curacao to take me back to the bar, and then the two of them would have a drink in the bar.


One morning a few days later.

Kamiya Minetsuki's black mobile phone received a call from Vermouth.

"Moshi Moshi~"

"Moshi Kasan, if you have something to say, please tell me... er... um..."

Vermouth in the western restaurant had a dark face: "What are you doing now?"

"Shit! Damn, I've been eating too much recently and I'm constipated!"

Kamiya Minetsuki's forehead was bulging with veins, and he looked like he was trying hard.

Vermouth looked at the steak in front of him, and his appetite was gone. After taking a sip of coffee, he said: "I need you to do something..."

"Wait! Um~"

A sound of falling into the water sounded, and Kamiya Minetsuki looked very refreshed.

"Huh, it feels good. Wait a minute, I'll wipe my butt."

Vermouth put down the coffee in her hand.

Now even the coffee doesn't smell good.


Kamiya Minazuki's roar suddenly sounded, and Vermouth held the phone a little further away from her ear.

"Why is there no paper in the toilet? Can I still wipe my butt?!"

"Forget it, I don't want this dress anymore..."

Vermouth rubbed her temples.

As an extremely delicate and high-quality woman, Vermouth could not accept Kamiya Minazuki's lifestyle.

After a moment, Kamiya Minazuki's voice came again.

"You really know how to pick the time. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Vermouth said, "A year ago, the organization asked a computer software maker to complete the development of the software he was developing before. However, he has been a little dishonest recently and has booked a flight to a foreign country. Golden Barley Wine, go and threaten him and make him behave. If he has completed the development of the software, you will bring the software back to the organization directly."

"Can you kill him directly?"

"If you get the software, you can. If he has not completed the development, keep his life for the time being. This software is quite important."

"Name, address."

"Itakura Taku, Room 2004 of the Beika Hotel, the target photo will be sent to you by email later."

"Oh, it's quite close. Okay, I'll take this task and I'll go there now."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Vermouth's email was sent to the phone.

After confirming the target person's photo, Kamiya Minetsuki took a new piece of clothing from the closet and put it on, then rode a scooter to the mission location.

Kamiya Minetsuki arrived at the Mika Hotel and went straight to Room 2004.

After knocking on the door, a voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Room service."

"Room service? I didn't call for room service, wait a minute."

The door of the room opened, and the target person, Itakura Taku, appeared.

Kamiya Minetsuki didn't say anything, he directly raised his leg and kicked Itakura Taku to the ground, then walked into the room and closed the door

and locked it with a chain.

Itakura Taku held his stomach in pain and asked, "What are you doing?!"

Kamiya Minazuki sat on the chair and stretched out his hand: "A year ago, someone asked you to develop software, and I came to get the software."

Itakura Taku's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Are you theirs?!"

"You have been a little dishonest recently. I heard that you even booked a ticket to a foreign country. So, you should have completed it, so hand it over."

Itakura Taku's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "The software is not yet completed..."

Kamiya Minazuki threw a big bag on Itakura Taku's head: "Not completed? You booked a ticket if you didn't complete it? Are you trying to run away?"

With this big bag, Itakura Taku's glasses flew off.

Itakura Taku hurriedly explained: "I booked a flight for three days later, and the transaction time has not yet arrived. I will definitely be able to develop the software for trading on the day of the transaction!"

Kamiya Minazuki patted Itakura Taku's head and threatened: "Don't think about doing anything else. We are all watching you. You can't run away. The software development is completed and the transaction is successful. It's good for everyone. If you can't do it..."

Kamiya Minazuki took out a pistol with a silencer and fired a shot at the wall behind Itakura Taku.

"If you can't do it, there will be a hole in your forehead. Do you understand?"

Itakura Taku shuddered in fear: "I understand, I understand!"

"It's good that you understand, so let's do it. This task is really easy."

Kamiya Minazuki stood up, stretched, opened the door and left the rice flower restaurant.

Itakura Taku saw Kamiya Minazuki leave, and hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

After doing all this, Itakura Taku sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Itakura Taku thought he was going to die today.

It was too scary.


This incident must be recorded in his little diary!

Itakura Taku immediately turned on the computer and started to write in his diary.

[February 11

Another person came today, one of them, but this person is a psychopath.

As soon as we met, he kicked me in the stomach, then threw a big slap on my head, knocking my glasses off, and finally shot a gun at the wall.

And the reason for doing this seems to be just to urge me to develop the software.

This guy with a Kanto accent is completely different from the previous two people. He is too violent.

What should I do? They know all my actions. If I can't hand in the software by then, I will definitely be killed.


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