The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Kamiya Minatsuki explained her position to Conan.

Conan stared at Kamiya Minatsuki in a daze.

Conan still couldn't understand Kamiya Minatsuki's position.

Suddenly, a surprised voice came.

"Conan, what are you doing?"

Officer Sato and Officer Takagi looked at the cigarette in Conan's hand in shock.

Conan followed the two's line of sight and looked at the cigarette in his hand.

Conan hurriedly threw away the cigarette in his hand and explained: "No... It's not what you think..."

Before Conan finished speaking, a big bag had been thrown on the back of Conan's head.

Kamiya Minetsuki rebuked him angrily: "You are such a daring kid! You have learned to smoke at such a young age! This is a crime, you know? Today! I will teach you a lesson on behalf of Uncle Maori and Xiaolan!"

Conan ran away, and Kamiya Minetsuki followed and tried to catch Conan.

Officers Sato and Takagi hurriedly stopped Kamiya Minetsuki: "Mr. Kamiya, let Mr. Maori teach Conan after Conan goes home. The case is important now."

Kamiya Minetsuki sighed regretfully: "Then forget it for now, let the kid feel comfortable for a while."

Ai Haibara saw Conan running over breathlessly and asked in confusion: "Where did you take Kamiya? Why did you come back in such a panic?"

"I was tricked by Kamiya, how is the situation now?" Conan asked after panting a few times.

Ai Huihara shook her head: "Ayumi only remembers the criminal's screams, and can't recognize the criminal's appearance at all."

"Please repeat what the three suspects said just now to me."

Ai Huihara, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta repeated what the three suspects said to Conan as detailed as possible.

Conan smiled: "I see."

Whenever Conan showed this smile, it meant that Conan already knew who the murderer was.

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta urged: "Conan, you already know who the criminal is, right? Tell us quickly."

Conan reasoned confidently: "The murderer is the man who parked the car in the middle. He said that he had just repaired the car and was testing it, but it was raining just now and the visibility was very bad. If he didn't know that the car had been repaired, he would never test the car in the rain.

And he parked the car parallel to the car next to it, which shows that his skills were great at the beginning. If he was really not good at driving as he said, it should be a little skewed.

Since the police did not detect blood reaction at the keyhole, it means that he has tampered with the key. Maybe he used the keyhole of another car to replace the blood-stained keyhole, hoping to get away with it."

Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi looked at each other and nodded in tacit understanding.

"Young Detective Team! Move out!"

The three little ghosts took the initiative to expose themselves in front of the three suspects, pointed at the murderer Conan said, and said Conan's reasoning in public.

Conan and Haibara Ai's heads were buzzing.

They really ignored Haibara Ai's words just now, and they were not afraid of the murderer's revenge at all, right?

Officer Takagi immediately opened the cover of the keyhole of the murderer's car, and it was exactly as Conan deduced, the keyhole was just taped.

The murderer immediately defended himself: "No, this is really the original keyhole of this car. Didn't I say that this car has just been repaired, I just came to test drive it, this keyhole is broken, so I just use the old one to support it."

Officer Sato stared at the murderer with sharp eyes: "Then can you please let us see the key of this car? And what is the number on it? Since you work in a car repair shop, you should know that the keyholes next to the driver's seat are sprayed with different serial numbers. By comparing the two, you can immediately know whether it is the same lock.

In addition, do you want to try the keyhole next to the steering wheel to start the engine to test the blood reaction? I believe there will be a blood reaction there. There are special seals on the keyhole of the engine, and it is not so easy to replace it in a short time."

"In that case, I will show you the key number..." The murderer entered the car and pretended to take the key.

When he sat in the main driver's seat, the murderer showed a conspiracy.

The murderer inserted the key into the keyhole, started the car engine, and wanted to escape directly.


A bunch of stupid policemen! Don't even think about catching me! And those three little devils! Just wait! I'll get revenge now!"

The murderer stepped on the engine and rushed towards Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta.

"Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta! Get out of the way!"

Conan, Ai Haibara and Officer Sato shouted at the top of their lungs.

However, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta were not afraid at all. They put their hands on their hips and said arrogantly: "We are not afraid! Because we have..."

"Kamen Rider's special move! Rider Kick! "

Kamiya Minatsuki jumped high from behind Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta, and with a handsome mid-air kick, his right foot broke the car glass, and his size 44 big foot kicked directly into the murderer's face.

The murderer's neck was directly broken by Kamiya Minatsuki, and the car began to deviate from its position and crashed straight into the wall.

After Kamiya Minatsuki left the car, he made a difficult 360-degree turn in the air and landed steadily.

When the car hit the wall, it was forced to stop.

Kamiya Minatsuki lit a cigarette in a chic manner and asked in a boastful manner: "Just ask if you are handsome or not!"

"Brother Kamiya! It's really handsome!"

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta surrounded Kamiya Minatsuki and cheered.

Officers Sato and Takagi rushed into the car and saw the murderer with his head drooping and blood constantly gushing out of his mouth.

"The neck is completely broken and it's difficult to breathe. Call an ambulance quickly! It's too late to save him!"

Conan came to Kamiya Minatsuki and frowned and said, "You promised me!"

Kamiya Minatsuki said nonchalantly, "Is he dead? He is not dead now, but on the verge of death. If he dies later, it won't be considered that I killed him. And I have kept my promise. The murderer will never appear in front of you again. In this world, there are not many people who keep their promises like me.

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta, did I, your big brother Kamiya, do the right thing?"

"Yes! "

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta immediately responded to Kamiya Minazuki. The handsome knight's flying kick was no different from Kamen Rider.

How could what Kamen Rider did be wrong!

It's absolutely right!

Haihara Ai walked to Conan and said, "I also agree with Kamiya's approach. This murderer will obviously take revenge on Ayumi and the others. Even if he is caught, he will be released sooner or later. No one can say whether he will take revenge in the future. This is the best result."

Conan felt as if he was isolated. Why was there no one on his side?

Conan wanted to go home and seek some comfort in the arms of Mao Lilan.

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