The murderer was found dead in a hotel.

Inside the hotel.

Toshihiko Funaki died of potassium cyanide.

The police have arrived and believe that the murderer lives in this hotel, and are questioning one by one.

When it was Saori Ayukawa's turn, Conan suddenly interrupted and said that Saori Ayukawa and Toshihiko Funaki had left the hotel alone last night.

Officer Yokomizo stared at Saori Ayukawa with extremely oppressive eyes and asked, "Is this true?"

Saori Ayukawa nodded, "It's true."

"Then why didn't you say it just now?"

"Because I don't think it's necessary, because you also said that Toshihiko Funaki died at around 7 o'clock in the morning, but at about 1 o'clock yesterday night, Toshihiko Funaki and I went back to the guesthouse to rest in our respective rooms."

Conan squinted his eyes and looked at Saori Ayukawa's profile.

Conan felt that Saori Ayukawa was very wrong, very wrong.

Facing such an oppressive interrogation by Officer Yokomizo, Saori Ayukawa was too calm.

Officer Yokomizo also felt that Saori Ayukawa was very wrong. No matter who it was, facing such a radical interrogation method, they would have panicked long ago.

Officer Yokomizo slapped the table and asked fiercely, "What did you and the victim do when you left the B&B last night?"

Saori Ayukawa explained, "Mr. Funaki is a freelance writer who provides photos for a magazine called "Railway Fans". Because Mr. Funaki wanted to take pictures of traditional mine cars near Lake Oko today, he asked me last night to take him there in advance. When I talked to Mr. Funaki yesterday, many people heard it, right? Little brother?"

Conan's face froze.

Conan didn't expect Saori Ayukawa to throw the question to him.

But Conan had to testify for Saori Ayukawa because he did hear it last night.

As a detective, his sense of honor prevented him from perjury.

Conan nodded with difficulty and said, "I did hear it..."

Kamiya Minazuki, who had been observing the battle, felt excited.

Yes! That's the feeling!

Let Conan suffer a lot!

Although Conan and Officer Yokomizo felt that something was wrong with Saori Ayukawa, there was no direct or indirect evidence to prove that she had a problem, so they could only give up for the time being and question other people first.

Conan sat alone in a corner, supporting his chin with one hand, thinking about the whole process.

Funaki Toshihiko died around seven in the morning.

That is to say, before seven o'clock, anyone could pour potassium cyanate on the door handle of Funaki Toshihiko's room.

And the bottle of potassium cyanate was also thrown on the ground casually, and there were no fingerprints on the bottle.

There was not even a clue at the scene that could indicate the identity of the murderer.

But Conan could be sure that Saori Ayukawa had a problem.

Not because of any evidence or something, but because of the detective's intuition!

That's right!

The detective's intuition told Conan that Saori Ayukawa had a big problem.

Conan ran to Saori Ayukawa and asked, "Sister Ayukawa, when you and Mr. Funaki returned to the B&B last night, did you find anything strange?"

Saori Ayukawa smiled and shook her head, "Nothing strange, everything is the same as usual."

"Sister Ayukawa, when we gathered in the lobby of the B&B last night, I felt that you seemed to hate Mr. Funaki. Why does Sister Ayukawa hate Mr. Funaki?"

Saori Ayukawa looked at Conan in surprise.

Is this kid so perceptive?

The big head mentioned by the fortune teller should be him in all likelihood.

"Yes, I really hate Mr. Funaki because he is very frivolous and out of tune. Little boy, are you suspecting me of being the murderer? No matter what conflicts I have with Mr. Funaki, I don't have to kill anyone directly, right?"

Conan scratched his head embarrassedly: "No, I'm just asking casually."

At this time, Saori Ayukawa's cell phone suddenly rang. Saori Ayukawa stood up and said to Conan: "Sorry, I'm going to answer the phone."

Saori Ayukawa walked to a corner and answered the phone.

As soon as Saori Ayukawa answered the phone, Kamiya Minazuki scolded her.

"Did your head get squeezed by the door? You're still talking to me here. Do you want me to get you some melon seeds and sit down and have a good chat? Are you eager to let everyone know that you did it?

I thought you were pretty smart before, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Keep being stupid.

If you go down, it's only a matter of time before you cry, kneel, and confess. You might as well just go through the process. I've been expecting you so much!

Forget it, you don't have to go through the process. Just go to the forensic department and grab the empty bottle of potassium cyanate. You should be able to die by licking the empty bottle!"

Saori Ayukawa was almost choked by Kamiya Minazuki's scolding: "But I didn't reveal any clues..."

"Do you know who was in front of you just now? Death god, do you understand? If you are marked by him, he can make you guilty even if you are innocent!"

Saori Ayukawa looked at Conan fiercely.

The seemingly harmless child actually has such a domineering nickname as the Death God.

And a criminal who provided himself with highly toxic potassium cyanate would be so afraid of this child.

Is this child more terrifying than this 'Fate Master'?

Saori Ayukawa said seriously: "I understand. I won't say anything extra. ”

“Whatever you want, I don’t care whether you live or die.”

Kamiya Minatsuki hung up the phone.

“Hey, can you use a little more force? Haven’t you eaten yet?”

Behind Kamiya Minatsuki, Genta was trying hard to massage Kamiya Minatsuki.

“So it’s hard for Kamiya, brother. How’s the force?”

Genta’s forehead was bulging with veins from using so much force.

“That’s more like it! "

Kamiya Minatsuki snapped his fingers, and Mitsuhiko, who understood, immediately took a cigarette from the cigarette box, put it into Kamiya Minatsuki's mouth, and then lit it with a lighter.

Kamiya Minatsuki took a sip with satisfaction, and then raised his eyebrows towards Ayumi.

Ayumi immediately brought a wine glass and put the straw into Kamiya Minatsuki's mouth.

"Haha~ Early in the morning, you need strong liquor to refresh yourself~"

Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi served Kamiya Minatsuki in all aspects like lackeys.

"Brother Kamiya, when will we have fish frying next time?"

Kamiya Minatsuki enjoyed the all-round service comfortably: "It depends on your performance. Your performance now is very good. Keep it up. I, your brother Kamiya, am not a stingy person. Next time I will give you something more fun than firecrackers."

"Okay! "

Yuanta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi were very excited. Something more fun than firecrackers... How much fun would that be!

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