The Yasukuni Shrine was experiencing a great destruction.

Explosions were heard one after another.

Important buildings in the Yasukuni Shrine, such as the gate, the worship hall, the main hall, the Yushukan, and the Lingxi Book Fengan Hall, had collapsed in the destruction.

It was already 5 o'clock in the morning on March 30.

There were still three hours left before the end of the game.

The phone in Yuto Ohara's pocket, who was smashing the military horse memorial, rang.

Xiao Yuan You Xiang cursed impatiently: "That bastard disturbed me when I was happy?"

When he took out his mobile phone and saw the caller, Xiao Yuan You Xiang immediately changed his expression and answered the phone respectfully: "Golden Barley Wine, what do you need me to do?"

"It's almost time, let them all gather here at the Great Torii."


Xiao Yuan You Xiang began to notify everywhere.

However, there were some small obstacles in the process of notification.

Because those fortune-tellers didn't listen to him at all.

It wasn't until the order issued by the real fortune-tellers was moved that everyone began to gather at the Great Torii.

After waiting for an hour.

Most of the people have gathered.

Almost everyone was excited, with bloodshot eyes.

Kamiya Minetsuki said with a smile: "It seems that everyone had a lot of fun at this celebration, but happy times always have to end. The celebration ends here. Next is the end of the closing ceremony. Please witness the complete annihilation of the Yasukuni Shrine. Follow me, everyone."

Kamiya Minetsuki brought the theatrical masters to the urban area in Chiyoda District.

Kamiya Minetsuki and the theatrical masters gathered on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

This rooftop can overlook the entire Yasukuni Shrine in the distance.

"This work is only one last stroke away from completion. Even if it is not yet completed, it is so vivid and so attractive!"

"Now! You will know the true beauty!"

Ten depleted uranium bombs placed in the Yasukuni Shrine exploded at the same time.

The pale yellow smoke produced by the explosion of the depleted uranium bombs filled the entire Yasukuni Shrine.

These pale yellow smoke announced that the land of the Yasukuni Shrine would become a completely filthy place.

It will never be rebuilt here.

"At this moment! The last stroke of this work has been completed. Such a tense and beautiful scene is worthy of the ending of this play!"

All the fate masters stared at the Yasukuni Shrine.

This perfect work has their participation, and they are also the creators of this work.

At this time, the sun in the sky has risen completely.

The sun shines on everyone's face.

"Blooming in the killing, just like a flower at dawn."

"The play has ended successfully. Although the play has ended, the spirit of our fate masters will never end! We! Will live forever!"

"From today on, fate masters will become the nightmare of this country!"


With the destruction of the Yasukuni Shrine.

The game of defending the shrine has ended.

Because Kamiya Minetsuki asked the authorities to wait until 8 a.m. on March 30, and now it is 7 a.m., before the time, even if the Yasukuni Shrine has been destroyed, the combat troops cannot enter Chiyoda District.

At this time, Kamiya Minetsuki and the fate masters gathered at the border of Chiyoda District and Chuo District.

Standing next to Kamiya Minetsuki, Ohara Yuto asked reluctantly: "Are we going to disband now?"

Kamiya Minetsuki nodded and said: "Well, it's almost time to disband. I don't care, but if the time comes and the combat troops enter Chiyoda District, these fate masters will be in danger. I won't do the thing of crossing the river and destroying the bridge."

As expected of my idol, he is a good person! He also cares about everyone's safety!

Ohara Yuto now has a great admiration for Kamiya Minetsuki. Respect is not enough to describe his admiration for Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Kaitsuki clapped his hands and said to the players, "Before we disband, I'll make a small advertisement here.

Please pay attention to the Player's Dream House, which has all kinds of weapons. If you need it, please go to the dark web to support it.

If it works well, please introduce the Player's Dream House to your relatives and friends, and let them support the Player's Dream House.

Also, I plan to open a Player's Dream Periphery House, which will sell the same peripherals as mine, such as masks and clothes that are one-to-one with my face.

If there are any games or activities in the future, I will buy the Player's Dream House.

Customers who have purchased items from the Dream Peripheral Hut will have the opportunity to be invited to participate~

Also, the Fatalist mask I wear on my face has accompanied me through the entire game process this month, which can be said to be of great significance. It will be auctioned in a few days. The highest bidder wins. Don't miss it.

Thank you for your support. "

The fate masters, including Yuto Ohara, were stunned.

It's really an advertisement.

Kamiya Minatsuki's arsenal has been almost emptied.

Now Kamiya Minatsuki only wants to make money.

Kamiya Minatsuki saw that the female idol groups on TV were selling their own peripherals. The price and sales were much faster than robbing a bank.

Mouri Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki's offices also have their idols' peripherals.

Kamiya Minatsuki thought that he should be considered an idol now, after all, there are merchants selling the same masks as him everywhere.

It's better for him to make the money than for them to take it away!

The fate masters said that they would definitely support it.

Kamiya Minatsuki smiled and said, "Then, let's end the show! ”

The fate masters began to leave one after another, took off their masks, and evacuated into the central area.

Kamiya Minazuki put his arm around Yuuto Ohara's shoulder, and as he walked forward, he said, "Yuuto, regarding the peripheral store, I'll leave it to you to operate it. Our trademark is the bloody lotus.

Regarding the sale of weapons, I'm a little short on money, so I'll sell the weapons in advance. When the money arrives and I have the goods, I'll ship them.

You'll be very busy next, if nothing unexpected happens. Go find a few members in the organization to help you with the work. Don't carry it all by yourself. I'll call Rum later and let you become a code member of the organization and become my right-hand man."

It doesn't matter whether it's a code name or not, but when Yuuto Ohara heard that he could become Kamiya Minazuki's right-hand man in the future, his emotions were immediately high.

"Make sure to complete the task! "

Kamiya Minatsuki patted Obara Yuto's shoulder with satisfaction.

It feels good to have a younger brother working for you. No wonder Gin always carries vodka with him.

Kamiya Minatsuki used to think that Gin had a problem with his sexual orientation, but now it seems that Gin's sexual orientation is normal.

"Okay, let's go back together. Now it's time for these losers to appreciate this work."

Kamiya Minatsuki and Obara Yuto left Chiyoda District.

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