It was Saturday morning.

The doorbell of Rena Mizunashi's house rang again as promised.

Kamiya Minatsuki kicked the door open, and because it was opened from the outside, the door hit the guy who rang the doorbell.

And the guy who had troubled Rena Mizunashi for two months turned out to be a kid.

Kamiya Minatsuki bit his lips tightly, trying his best to hold back his laughter.

As a code member of the organization and a CIA undercover spy, he was tortured by a kid for two months.

How lame!

If it weren't for Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran, Kamiya Minatsuki would have definitely gone all out and started to taunt.

Rena Mizunashi was also a little embarrassed.

I was actually controlled by a little devil, and the reason why Kamiya Minatsuki is holding back his laughter must be because of her.

Maori Kogoro grabbed the little devil who rang the doorbell and said, "Damn it! You are the one who rang the doorbell randomly, right! The only reason you didn't ring the doorbell last Saturday was because there were no magazines piled up at the door, and you had no place to hide, right? That week she was not at home because she was out for an interview, so there were not so many magazines to deal with. Why did you do this!"

Kamiya Minatsuki and Obara Yuto also approached with ferocious faces: "Speak! Otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

The three ferocious faces scared the little devil and he burst into tears.

"Okay, don't scare him."

After pulling Kamiya Minazuki, Obara Yuto and Maori Kogoro apart, Maori Ran gently asked: "Little brother, why did you do it?"

Beside this kid, Conan said: "I think he rang the doorbell just to wake up the big sister. He was afraid that Reina would not be able to catch the Good Morning 7 o'clock live show.

I guess he must have misunderstood the reason why Reina didn't appear in the Good Morning 7 o'clock live show, thinking that you overslept and missed the recording of the show, so the doorbell always rang at 6:30.

Because there is no school on Saturday, if he rings the doorbell and rushes home quickly, he will have time to confirm whether Reina is Appeared in the live broadcast of Good Morning 7 o'clock. "

Ran Mao Li asked the little ghost who had stopped crying: "So you brought the sleeping pills because you hope that your favorite sister Reina can have a good sleep and get up early, right?"

The little ghost rubbed his eyes and choked up: "Well, because my mother said that after taking it, I can sleep well."

Reina Mizuno walked in front of the little ghost and squatted down: "But why? Why do you pay so much attention to me?"

The little ghost lowered his head: "Because you look like me, you look like my mother. My mother died in a car accident last year, so I..."

As he spoke, the little ghost seemed to be about to cry again.

Rena Mizuno taught him earnestly, "Little brother, I understand your sadness over losing your mother, but if you keep thinking about your mother, I think your mother in heaven will be worried. Since you are a boy, you should be strong and let your mother rest assured.

So, you can't come here anymore. This is for your mother and for your own good. Do you understand?"

Minatsuki Kamiya said disdainfully, "What's the point of crying? When you grow up, you can come to me and I will teach you how to be a real man!"

Conan and Rena Mizuno were about to have a heart attack.

Go to Minatsuki Kamiya to become a man when you are an adult?


Become a gangster?

Rena Mizuno didn't want the child to suffer from Minatsuki Kamiya here. She rubbed the child's head and said, "Okay, go home quickly."

"Well! Goodbye, big sister!"

The kid ran out of the apartment.

Looking at the back of the little ghost going away, Mizunashi Rena thought of something, her nose was sore, and tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Mizunashi Rena wiped her eyes and said: "By the way, Detective Maori, Detective Kamiya, I should pay your commission fee."

Mouri Kogoro declined: "No, we also let you treat us a dinner."

Kamiya Minatsuki was watching, Mizunashi Rena had to pay: "But at least it's a little thought, how can I let you run for nothing?"

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head embarrassedly, and he didn't want to take it if he didn't want to: "Is that so, otherwise, I will send the account number to your mobile phone by email later, can you give me your email address?"


Mizunashi Rena was going to work soon, so Kamiya Minatsuki and others went back.

Mouri Kogoro walked down the street dejectedly: "Really

, why is it such a boring case. "

Ran Maori smiled and said, "Isn't this good? Fortunately, it's not some weird stalker."

Kogoro Maori's phone rang, and he took it out and saw that it was an email from Rena Mizunashi.

[Mr. Maori, is 1 million okay for this commission?]

Kogoro Maori instantly became excited and cheered, "Wow! 1 million! More cases like this can be done!"

Just when Conan was speechless to Kogoro Maori, he suddenly heard footsteps.

Conan's heart skipped a beat. The chewing gum with a bug stuck on the door of Rena Mizunashi's house was forgotten to be recycled.

Listening to the footsteps, the chewing gum should have been stuck to Rena Mizunashi's feet.

Conan stopped and said, "I seem to have forgotten something at the house of that big sister just now. I'll go get it and come back soon! "

After that, Conan ran back without looking back.

Ran Maori shouted to Conan: "Then we will wait for you in the parking lot!"

Kamiya Minatsuki said goodbye to Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran: "Youxiang is coming to Beido Town for the first time. I will take Youxiang to go around. Uncle Maori, Xiaolan, you go back first."

Kamiya Minatsuki and Ohara Youxiang said goodbye to Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran, and walked back to Mizunashi Rena's apartment.

Ohara Youxiang asked in confusion: "Brother Kamiya, are we really going to go around?"

Kamiya Minatsuki lit a cigarette and said: "How is it possible? I will take you to see a play now."

"Huh? Watch a play? What play? Is there any theater nearby?"

"It's the play between Conan's kid and Gil. Maybe... Conan's kid is going to find Gil now."

"Conan? Looking for Gil? "

Yuto Ohara, who didn't know Conan's true identity, was confused.

Minatsuki Kamiya said mysteriously: "That kid is a magnet. Once he attracts a member of the organization, he will stick to him. You should know it by then. Compared to me telling you, it's not as interesting as you finding it out yourself. It's very fun."

When Minatsuki Kamiya and Yuto Ohara came to the entrance of the apartment, they saw Rena Mizunashi driving away from the apartment.

Minatsuki Kamiya stopped a taxi and asked the taxi driver to drive to follow Rena Mizunashi's car.

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