The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

In the fourth parking lot of the imperial capital.

Mizuno Rena and Gin met successfully.

And Mizuno Rena suspected that Kamiya Minatsuki had set her sights on her, and asked Gin if he had any solution.

Gin had no solution for Kamiya Minatsuki.

But Kiel, who was also a code member of the organization, asked him for help, and Gin still gave him a suggestion.

"During this period, all the organization's missions for Golden Ale have been stopped, and he is very close to a famous detective, so he may just be playing detective there to kill time. You don't need to worry too much. If you are really worried, then move. If he still finds you, you can contact Rum, he may be able to find a way."

After Gin gave his advice, he began to confirm the mission: "The last confirmation of the mission, tell me."

Rena Mizunashi began to report: "The time is 13 o'clock, the location is Eddie P, I will guide him to that location as I am responsible for visiting DJ."

Just as Rena Mizunashi was reporting, a Dodge Viper 1996 SRT-10 GTS stopped in the parking space on the right side of Rena Mizunashi.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm waiting, Gil, you have to lead the prey to the center of my telescope so that I can have a good time."

Chianti was playing with an eight-fold telescope in his hand.

Rena Mizuno looked inside the car: "Chianti, even Cohen is here, it's really reassuring."

Conan, who was eavesdropping, felt his scalp tingling.

Gin, Vodka, Kiel, Chianti, Cohen, how many people are there? !

Rena Mizuno leaned on the steering wheel and said: "It's all up to you. Although our achievements cannot be made public, our failures will be widely known in an instant."

Gin snorted coldly: "Whether it is success or failure, the general public will never know. This is the organization's way."


The voice of the sixth person appeared.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's pack up quickly, I hope you don't let me appear as much as possible, okay?"

Upon hearing this voice, Chianti got out of the car angrily and slapped the window of the car where Vermouth was.

"What is this? Why is this woman here? I have never heard that this woman who took Cavaldos out without permission and watched him being killed would join this plan!"

Gin said calmly: "Go back to the car, Chianti, Vermouth is here just in case."

Chianti stared at Vermouth unconvinced: "But..."

Gin looked at Chianti with a squint: "This is also the order given by that person!"

Vermouth lit a cigarette: "The location will be chosen in Eddie P, it is really a veritable hunting ground."

Iron Foolish Vodka asked in confusion: "What do you mean by this?"

Vermouth laughed and said: "You should study the history of that place, Vodka."

"Wow, so many people are here, it's really lively."

Two footsteps and a voice that sounds like a handsome guy echoed in the parking lot.

However, after hearing this voice, Gin and others had an urge to drive away from the parking lot quickly.

Vodka and the others all looked at Gin.

Gin's forehead went dark. What was he looking at?

Gin looked at Mizunashi Rena fiercely.

Mizunashi Rena just said that she found a strange car following her, so it should be Kamiya Minazuki.

It was Mizunashi Rena who led Kamiya Minazuki here.

Gin suddenly felt a little displeased with Mizunashi Rena.

Mizunashi Rena sat in the car awkwardly, not daring to meet Gin's eyes.

Gin got out of the car with no choice, leaned against the door and asked: "Kin Barley, what are you doing here?"

Kamiya Minazuki took Obara Yusho to Gin and said: "It's a big gathering of organization members, I can't come? Who stipulated it? It seems that you have some big moves, tell us too."

Conan, who was eavesdropping, was excited.

'That's it, Kamiya! Let them tell us all the targets and detailed addresses! ’

Gin narrowed his eyes and said, "This is a mission for Kiel, Chianti, and Cohen. It's not difficult, and you don't need to do anything. And since you did that recently, all the Japanese officials are looking for you, and the organization is also paying you a full living allowance every month. All you have to do now is stay here. If the organization needs you, it will naturally arrange a mission for you."

Conan eavesdropped and said, "I'm going to do it now."

It's very strange.

What did Kamiya Minazuki do recently? What? Why are all the Japanese officials looking for him?

"Oh? Is that so? Then it seems that it would be impolite if I force myself to join."

Kamiya Minazuki pulled Obara Yuto, who was standing behind him, in front of him: "I think you all know that he is now the code member of the organization, Gepala Brandy. You should get to know him."

Kamiya Minazuki patted Obara Yuto on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Gepala, remember every face here. We will all be colleagues in the future. We must get along well with everyone. If there is anything, you can ask them for help. They are very nice people."

The expressions of everyone present were as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

Obara Yuto looked around with his head held high: "Brother! I have remembered it!"

Kamiya Minazuki nodded with satisfaction, and then patted the window of Vermouth who was sitting in the back seat of Gin's Porsche.

Vermouth rolled down the window: "What's the matter?"

Kamiya Minatsuki asked curiously: "They are doing the mission, what are you doing?"

Vermouth really didn't want to answer Kamiya Minatsuki.

But seeing Kamiya Minatsuki almost sticking his head into the car, Vermouth could only answer: "Just in case."

"Are you going to cover me?" Kamiya Minatsuki reached into the car directly, opened the door, and said to Vermouth: "Sit by the side."

Gin frowned and asked: "What are you going to do?"

"We won't participate in the mission, we'll just watch, it's okay to watch."

Kamiya Minatsuki had already forced himself into the back seat, squeezed Vermouth to the side, and then patted the remaining small seat: "Gepala, come and sit here."

Ohara Yuto squeezed into the car.

Because Gin's car was a bit small, the back seat was a two-seater, and it was very difficult to fit three people in. Ohara Yuto finally closed the door.

Vermouth was squeezed into a line.

Vermouth complained: "Can't you drive yourself?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said confidently: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If you drive, do I have to squeeze with you? It's okay, I don't mind you being fat."

A vein popped up on Vermouth's forehead.

She's a big star! She's very strict with her figure management, and you actually said she's fat?

Gin's breathing has begun to become a little disordered, and he brainwashed himself in his mind.

Mission first, mission first...

Gin regained his composure, ignored Kamiya Minatsuki, sat in the co-pilot and announced: "Let's start the mission."

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