The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Unable to contact Kiel, Gin immediately realized that Kiel was in trouble and ordered everyone to take action.

Vermouth, who arrived the fastest, frowned on the top of the mountain and looked at the situation below.

A group of FBI surrounded Kiel, and Conan was among them.

Now Chianti, Cohen, and Gin are on their way.

It is hard not to be suspicious of a child following a group of FBI.

Conan's expression is extremely solemn.

The bug has been destroyed.

Before the bug was destroyed, Conan vaguely heard Gin say "did you do anything?"

This sentence is most likely what Gin said to Kamiya Minetsuki, asking Kamiya Minetsuki whether he had installed a bug.

But Conan didn't hear Kamiya Minetsuki's answer.

If Kamiya Minetsuki said 'no'...

Conan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who was sitting in Gin's car, had his mobile phone in his pocket vibrate.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an email from Conan anxiously asking about the bug.

Kamiya Minetsuki replied to Conan with a bright smile.

Conan received the email from Kamiya Minetsuki, and the email only had two words.

[Guess. ]

Conan scratched his head hard. It was already this time, and he was still keeping it a secret.

Conan called Dr. Agasa again: "Dr. Agasa, are Uncle Kogoro and Xiaolan at your house?"

Dr. Agasa turned his head and looked at Maori Ran who was playing games with Haibara Ai: "Xiaolan is still here, but Mr. Maori disappeared in the blink of an eye. He should have returned to the detective agency. Do you need me to go to the agency to bring Mr. Maori back?"

"No! You must not do this. In short, don't leave before I contact you!"

After Conan hung up the phone, his face wrinkled in anxiety.

The only question now is whether Kamiya Minatsuki helped him hide the bug.


Conan received a strange email on his mobile phone.

And this email only had six simple words.

[Known, on the way]

Conan looked at the email and was completely confused.

If this email was someone reminding him, then what was the reminder?

Is it that something happened to Keel now, and he is in the hands of the FBI, and Gin and his friends have already known about it, and he is on his way here?

Or is it that Gin has discovered the bug, and Gin is on his way to the Mori Office?

Conan didn't dare to bet, and hurriedly said to Judy: "Teacher Judy, get a car to take me back to the Mori Office immediately!"

Seeing Conan's anxious expression, Judy also guessed that something might have happened to Maori Kogoro: "Then I'll take you back immediately!"

Judy took the car keys from James and drove away with Conan.

Vermouth watched Conan leave with a smile, and then informed Gin: "Kil should have been forced to stop by the FBI and fell unconscious. It seems that the FBI wants to take Gil away."

Gin's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he notified Chianti and Cohen on the intercom: "You immediately rush to Vermouth's location, and then snipe the FBI around Gil."

After the notification, Gin turned around and asked Kamiya Minatsuki: "Do you have a submachine gun or other firearms with you now?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said unhappily: "I've said it many times, don't ask if you have it, people who don't know will think you are scolding people!"

Kamiya Minatsuki explained to Ohara Yusho: "The two of us are here to watch the show, let them go first, we will show our respect behind and cheer them on."

Kamiya Minatsuki directly took out a gun and handed it to Ohara Yusho: "This is an AUG A3, semi-automatic and full-automatic shooting modes, light weight, extremely stable, and extremely high firing rate. You use it first, and I will change your weapon later depending on the situation. "

Ohara Yuxiang nodded: "Yes! Big brother!"

The corners of Gin and Vodka's eyes twitched at the same time.

They are still in the car!

Isn't it too much to say such words in front of them!

But Gin turned his head and thought that this was also good.

If you can prevent Kamiya Minatsuki from taking action, don't do it.

Before giving Gin and Vodka weapons, Kamiya Minatsuki said: "Let me make it clear first, we are here to watch the show, and the second assassination mission obviously failed, so it should be my turn to assassinate the DJ.

Now we have encountered an emergency, and the weapons provided to you, one

One million yen a gun. At the same time, if you want me and Gepala to join the battle, the mission operation funds must not be less, and the weapons used by me and Gepala must be reimbursed.

After the problem is solved, you have to drive me to find DJ and let me complete the mission. I don't want the money to fly away. "

Gin now feels like a fly has flown into his mouth.

He is really greedy for money.

But now they really need Kamiya Minatsuki to provide them with weapons.

Because it is an assassination mission, except for Chianti and Cohen who are holding sniper rifles, everyone else is holding pistols.

Now that Kamiya Minatsuki is here, they can also fight with guns like the rifle in Obara Yuto's hand.

Kamiya Minatsuki took out two AKs and threw them to Gin.

Vodka glanced at them and almost popped his eyes out: "AK? The market price is only about 100,000 yen a gun. It has increased tenfold?"

"Don't want it? If you don't want it, give it back to us. You can use the pistols to save people. "

Kamiya Minatsuki was about to take the gun from Gin's hand.

"The organization will pay you after the mission is completed." Gin looked at Vodka who was driving: "Vodka, don't talk too much! The most important thing now is to rescue Kiel!"

Vodka's mouth was slightly pouted.

He was scolded by his eldest brother.

Chianti and Cohen have arrived at the location where Vermouth is.

Chianti asked: "Gin, we have arrived at the location, and there is a height difference with the FBI below. Now the FBI is carrying Kiel into the car. How about it, do you want to do it?"

Gin said coldly: "Do it!"

Chianti and Cohen lay down at the same time, and the scope of the sniper rifle in their hands was aimed at the two FBI carrying Kiel.

Two gunshots rang out at the same time, and the bullets of the sniper rifle instantly killed the two FBI.

The unconscious Kiel fell back to the ground.

James shouted loudly: "Sniper! Hide! Pay attention to hide! "

The FBI members immediately hid behind the car and fought back with pistols.

However, due to the range of the pistol bullets and the height difference, the FBI's counterattack was ineffective.

Also because the two snipers Chianti and Cohen stayed together, they could not snipe from all directions, which resulted in them having no way to deal with the hiding FBI.

The two sides were awkwardly deadlocked.

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