The night is dotted with stars.

Conan is at Dr. Agasa's house, talking with Dr. Agasa and Haibara Ai.

Conan tells what he just learned.

Conan asked Huihara Ai: "Do you have any impression of the guy codenamed Ireland who pretended to be a police officer?"

Huihara Ai shook her head: "No, I have never heard of this codename."

Conan sighed: "Really... If we know his original appearance, we can guess who he pretended to be. What I care about now is what Vermouth said, 'It's just that Kamiya broke half of the bottle cap of this bottle of wine.'

Assuming that a complete bottle of wine represents a person, the bottle cap is part of the wine, then it represents a person's organ. Could it be that Ireland had an organ destroyed by Kamiya?

Huihara, do you know who in the organization has had an organ destroyed by Kamiya?"

Huihara Ai shook her head again: "I don't know either, although I was also codenamed in the organization at that time. member, but I am a researcher and have no intersection with Kamiya. However, I heard of it because the name of Golden Barley was too notorious.

At that time, Kamiya Minetsuki had a small number of admirers in the organization, because as a code member of the organization, he did whatever he wanted, and his firepower was strong. Every mission was basically completed with a crushing firepower.

Also because of Kamiya Minetsuki's bad character, some people in the organization resented Kamiya very much, because I heard that when Kamiya had nothing to do in the organization, Kamiya's favorite thing was to tease other members and have fun with them.

I heard that several ordinary members of the organization were made to see a psychiatrist by Kamiya. "

Dr. Agasa was surprised: "Ah? They all went to see a psychiatrist? What did Mr. Kamiya do to them ? "

Gin, who was on a mission outside, quickly stopped the mission and returned to the organization, and asked Kamiya why he did it. Kamiya said that the toilet in the toilet could not flush, and he got angry and blew it up. "


Dr. Agasa:...

Conan used his brain and guessed: "Vermouth would definitely not shoot without a purpose. It is very likely that Ireland's body part is missing, but with Vermouth's makeup skills, if it does not affect the action, the missing part is likely to be filled.

And Vermouth also reminded me that it is best not to let Kamiya know that Ireland is pretending to be a policeman. The two of them have "If Kamiya knew it was Ireland, he might provoke Ireland. If Ireland couldn't hold back, it might not end well if Kamiya went crazy."

Gray Hara looked at Conan with a squint and said, "This should be good news for you. Maybe Ireland will be killed by Kamiya, and you will have one less obstacle."

Conan said unhappily, "What I want is to bring these criminals to justice, not let them die!"

Gray Hara sneered, "Go tell Kamiya about this. What's the point of telling me? I'm hiding from the organization."

Conan sighed and said seriously, "This case must be solved as soon as possible. The life of the police officer impersonated by Ireland is uncertain, and the memory card must be caught earlier than the organization. Get the memory card.

The memory card with the organization's undercover list may be the trump card to destroy the organization. "


On the other side.

Ireland sneaked into Teitan High School and got the fingerprints on the black knight helmet that Conan wore when he grew up to become Kudo Shinichi and participated in the stage play, as well as the dorsal fin of the clay dolphin made by Conan at Teitan Elementary School.

After returning to his rental house, Ireland entered the fingerprints extracted from Kudo Shinichi's black knight helmet and Conan's fingerprints on the dorsal fin of the dolphin into the computer for comparison.

The comparison results showed a similarity of 98%

Ireland smiled.

At this time, Ireland's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Gin's voice came: "Where have you been for these two hours? It seems that you have gone to a place where you have to turn off your phone."

"You want to know?"

"Forget it, you just need to concentrate on the task assigned to you."

Ireland asked with a twinkling look in his eyes: "By the way, you used

"You killed a high school detective with a drug that the organization was researching, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It was Kudo Shinichi, have you forgotten?"

Gin snorted coldly: "I don't have so much time to remember everyone I killed, what happened to that guy?"

Ireland's expression began to become gloomy: "No, nothing."

Gin warned: "Humph, anyway, concentrate on the mission."

After Gin hung up the phone, Ireland's breathing became heavy, and he said to himself angrily: "Really arrogant, Gin. "

Ireland not only hated Kamiya Minetsuki who killed Pisk, whom he admired like a father, but also Gin.

Because Gin was also at the scene, but he watched Kamiya Minetsuki kill Pisk, which made Ireland feel chilled.

Pisk, whom he admired, was killed, and half of his ear was blown off, which made Ireland hate Kamiya Minetsuki to the extreme.

In the organization, every time he saw someone, the other party would look at his half ear at the first time.

It seemed to remind Ireland of the humiliation he suffered from Kamiya Minetsuki all the time.

Ireland leaned back in the chair with a gloomy expression and thought.

Kamiya Minetsuki did not see through the true identity of Edogawa Conan, and was so close to him.

Gin thought he killed Kudo Shinichi, but failed to kill him, and he became smaller and invisible. Hiding.

In Ireland's opinion, this was a major mistake made by Minatsuki Kamiya and Gin.

If Conan could be brought back alive, and the mistakes made by Minatsuki Kamiya and Gin could be exposed on the spot, and if the organization's drugs could make people smaller, it would be possible to bring down the two of them in the organization after making great contributions.

As Conan, Shinichi Kudo has been hiding beside Minatsuki Kamiya for so long, and he may have learned a lot of clues about the organization through Minatsuki Kamiya.

If it can be investigated, it may be possible to make the organization give up and decide to execute Minatsuki Kamiya.

As a meritorious person, he can apply to become the executioner of Minatsuki Kamiya!

When Ireland thought that he could kill Minatsuki Kamiya himself, he couldn't help but smile.

"Golden Ale, you wait for me, I will return the humiliation I suffered to you double!"

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