The police said that the police had been investigating the case.

The CIA officers who had been monitoring the area near Beihu Hospital saw the FBI taking action and they also took action.

"The FBI investigators used three vehicles to transport the priest. Everyone is ready to follow. We must rescue the priest and don't let her be taken away by the FBI. She is our CIA partner, and it doesn't matter if we use violence!"

Just when the CIA commander used the intercom to notify his companions to take action, a panicked voice came from the intercom.

"I saw Hondou in another car!"

"I saw him too!"

"Me too!"


Many CIA members saw Rena Mizuno, and the CIA commander immediately asked, "What happened?"

"I saw a man helping the unconscious Hondou into a jeep! Then he drove towards the direction of Haido Park! I took a photo and will email it to you now!"

After receiving the email, the CIA commander saw that the woman in the photo was indeed Rena Mizuno, and his eyes narrowed: "Is this a trick by the FBI to lure the tiger away from the mountain? Those three cars are actually a cover, yes, it must be like this!"

The CIA commander immediately ordered: "Don't worry about those three cars, everyone! Chase that jeep! Everyone, pay attention, because it is not clear whether the people in that car are from the FBI or the Black Organization, so be sure to act carefully!"

All the CIA members hiding around Haido Hospital took action, got in their respective cars, and went to chase 'Rena Mizuno'.

Inside Haido Hospital

Shuichi Akai and Conan, who were observing the situation outside the Haido Hospital through the window glass, looked extremely solemn.

Conan asked seriously: "Brother Akai, those should be...CIA people, right?"

Shuichi Akai nodded slightly: "It should be them, no wonder I felt uneasy before, I ignored the CIA as an off-site factor, it's my problem."

Conan bit his lip, it was also his problem.

After it was clear that Hondou Eisuke did not see any CIA members in Haido Hospital, he subconsciously thought that the CIA did not know that Rena Mizunashi was in this hospital.

Conan speculated: "It should be that when Brother Eisuke was looking for Mizunashi Rena, those CIA members had been monitoring him. After Brother Eisuke entered the Haido Hospital and did not come out for a long time, the CIA people guessed that Mizunashi Rena was in Haido Hospital."

After taking a sip of the bottled coffee in his hand, Shuichi Akai said: "Ah, maybe those guys from the CIA have already sneaked into the hospital. There is no need to find where Mizunashi Rena is. As long as we recognize a certain FBI member, we can know."

Conan looked at Shuichi Akai and asked: "Are you okay? The sudden appearance of the CIA may disrupt our plan."

Shuichi Akai smiled: "It seems that those guys in the organization don't want to be "The CIA would not have sent him out if they hadn't sent him to mess things up."

Conan asked in confusion: "That Mizunashi Rena might be Vermouth in disguise, but after the CIA found out that it was a disguise, they should have immediately chased the three cars, right?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head and said: "No, when they chased the car, they were already out."

Conan was surprised: "Ah? Why? In addition to Vermouth, are the other two members of the organization very powerful?"

Akai Shuichi said without hesitation: "Of course they are powerful! And Conan, you know them too."

Conan's expression suddenly became strange: "Could that man be Kamiya?"

Looking at Akai Shuichi's expression, Conan knew that he had guessed right.

Conan wondered, "Since the man who was holding Vermouth was Kamiya, then it was obvious that Vermouth disguised him, but why did Akai recognize him right away?"

Akai Shuichi explained, "Because of Kamiya's actions and Vermouth's reaction, Kamiya grabbed Vermouth's neck roughly and threw Vermouth into the back seat of the jeep.

Vermouth is an important member of the organization. If that person was an ordinary member of the organization, he would not dare to grab Vermouth's neck so roughly.

And what really made me sure that he was Kamiya was because he just secretly raised his middle finger to me."

Conan suddenly realized, "Since that person raised his middle finger here, he knew that we were observing here, and only Kamiya knew this.

Moreover, the organization needs to hold back the CIA, which ordinary members of the organization cannot do, so Vermouth and Kamiya were sent out. If nothing unexpected happens, the driver should be Brother Obara. "

Akai Shuichi sighed: "But the price of this elimination may be heavy losses for the CIA."

Conan was also a little heavy. Kamiya Minatsuki's dispatch represented killing and death.


In the back seat of the jeep.

Vermouth complained dissatisfiedly: "Golden Barley, do you have to pinch the back of my neck and throw me into the car?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said nonchalantly: "You want to play a full set of tricks, but if you are too gentle, what if they don't fall for it?"

Vermouth rolled her eyes at Kamiya Minatsuki: "Come on, I think you did it on purpose. ”

Ohara Yuxiang observed the CIA car chasing behind through the rearview mirror: "One... two... at least six cars, big brother, it seems that there are at least a dozen people! If there are four people in a car, there may be more than twenty people. ”

Kamiya Minatsuki raised his eyebrows unconsciously: "With so few people, I don't know if I can have fun. Yuxiang, just drive with peace of mind. Leave the rest to me. I will let you play later. ”

Ohara Yuxiang said considerately: "It's okay, big brother, as long as you have fun!"

Vermouth couldn't help but remind: "Gin said that you should not do too much and don't fight in the downtown area."

Kamiya Minatsuki opened the sunroof of the jeep and laughed: "What? Gin is your father, so you listen to him? I am different from you. I treat Gin as my son! "

Vermouth's face darkened. Kamiya Minatsuki's words were so irritating. Didn't he say that he was the grandfather?

Vermouth crossed her arms and said she didn't care.

Do whatever you want!

After Kamiya Minatsuki leaned half of his body out of the skylight, he looked at the car chasing him closely behind him, and the corners of Kamiya Minatsuki's mouth were almost stretched to the back of his head.

"The hunt has begun."

Kamiya Minatsuki took out a rocket launcher, loaded a rocket in it, and fired the rocket at the nearest car full of CIA members.

With the sound of an explosion, it also announced the official start of the fight between Kamiya Minatsuki and the CIA.

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