The truth is that the murderer is still a mystery.

Kamiya Minatsuki guessed who the murderer was.

But there was still no evidence and no motive.

But so what?

When he, the famous detective Kamiya Minatsuki, investigated a case, he never needed evidence or motive, as long as the murderer confessed.

Kamiya Minatsuki looked at the middle-aged man with ill intentions.

Now all he had to do was think of a way to be alone with him.


On the other side.

After Judy found the words on the back of the coaster, she asked the waiter if he had seen the man with burns on his face come into the store.

The waiter said, "Yes, it happened not long ago when you left your seat to answer the phone."

Judy took out the hat in her hand and asked, "Is that person wearing a hat like this?"

The waiter looked at it and nodded, "Yes, it seems that he is wearing a similar hat."

At this time, Kamal entered the store and asked, "Is that person Mr. Akai?"

"Huh?" Judy was surprised how Kamal knew.

Kamal explained, "I just passed by a man in the toilet, a man with burns on his face who looked very much like Akai."

Judy said excitedly, "Really? You said he was here?"

Kamal replied, "Yes, but he disappeared later."

Judy was puzzled and said, "But why is he here? Has he lost his memory? If he hasn't lost his memory or recovered his memory, why didn't he meet us?"

Kamal was surprised when he heard it, "Did you see him when you looked strange during the bank robbery last time?"

Judy admitted, "Yes, you are right, no After the robbery, he disappeared. I have been looking for him, and I noticed that the pattern on his hat is the original design trademark of this Beihua Department Store, so I came here to investigate and see if there are any clues.

Sorry, I didn't tell you because I was also half-believing and half-doubting. He seems to have lost his memory and can't speak. His identity cannot be confirmed for the time being. "

Camel speculated: "I wonder if this is a trap set by those guys. Didn't you say it yourself? Shuichi Akai is dead, and the fingerprints of the body have been confirmed. How could he still be alive. "

Judy frowned.

She also suspected that this was a trap, but even if it was a trap, she wanted to find out the truth.

What if Shuichi Akai is still alive?

Just when Judy and Camel were thinking about whether this scarred Akai was a member of the Black Organization, the mobile team of the Metropolitan Police Department passed by them.

Judy asked in confusion: "What happened here? Why are the people from the Metropolitan Police Department here?"

Kamail explained: "So, it seems that something happened upstairs, because the elevator does not stop at that floor, the guests are all in a commotion."

Judy was stunned for a moment and quickly took out the coaster to show it to Kamail: "So, the burned man is indeed Shuichi, look, this is the message that the burned man just secretly left me."

Kamail's nostrils were enlarged in shock: "So, Mr. Akai knew what would happen in this department store a long time ago?"

Judy said firmly: "Yes, it is basically certain now that he should have recovered his memory."

Judy still couldn't figure out why he didn't contact them since he had recovered his memory.


Second floor.

Maori Kogoro, Conan, Maori Ran, and the people who were stopped around were all looking at the thirteen red T-shirts spread out on the ground.

Maori Kogoro looked at the T-shirts and said, "According to the fragments of the express receipts torn off the bags containing the T-shirts, we can see that two T-shirts were delivered seven weeks, six weeks, and five weeks ago, but for some reason, only one was delivered four weeks ago. However, three weeks ago, two weeks ago, and last week, two red T-shirts were delivered every week."

The middle-aged man came over and asked, "Is there any meaning in this?"

"I don't know, except that the total number of 13 pieces is not auspicious..." Maori Kogoro suddenly reacted and said in horror, "Hey, didn't I tell you not to come closer? You still have a bomb tied to your body!"

"Sorry... I'm sorry." The middle-aged man hurriedly stepped back.

Conan suddenly saw a touch of red on the middle-aged man's left shoulder: "Uncle, there is something red on the shoulder of your coat."

Mauri Kogoro immediately said excitedly:

"Red? Red T-shirt? Does it have anything to do with this?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "I think this should be someone's lipstick, because I took the train here, and it was crowded."

Mouri Kogoro was deflated: "What? Anyway, you stand farther away first."

"Okay, okay..."

The middle-aged man kept backing away.

The middle-aged man suddenly bumped into someone, turned around and saw that it was Kamiya Minatsuki.

Kamiya Minatsuki smiled and whispered to the middle-aged man, "I am the famous detective Kamiya Minatsuki. I think I know what the T-shirt means. Can we talk alone? I want to tell you alone."

The middle-aged man was extremely surprised. Did he know so quickly?

The middle-aged man didn't think much about it. After all, he came with the famous detective Maori Kogoro. Although he was not sure whether he was a famous detective, he might be quite capable. So he nodded and said, "Okay, where are we going?"

Kamiya Minazuki put his arm around the middle-aged man's shoulders and walked forward: "Let's just find a place where no one is."

Because everyone's eyes were on the thirteen red clothes, they didn't notice that the middle-aged man was taken away by Kamiya Minazuki.

The middle-aged man didn't want to leave the scene too far because he had to watch the paper bag. If someone found out that there was no bomb in it, it would be bad.

The middle-aged man stopped: "This is far enough, tell me here, who sent those clothes to me?"

Kamiya Minazuki smiled and said to the middle-aged man: "Who sent you the clothes, how do I know? Anyway, it wasn't me who sent you the clothes."

The middle-aged man looked at Kamiya Minazuki blankly: "Then what do you mean by what you said about the T-shirts?"

Kamiya Minazuki grabbed the middle-aged man's neck with his right hand to prevent him from shouting, and said maliciously: "This is not a good place to talk, let's find a small room and have a good chat."

The middle-aged man felt a strong sense of suffocation, struggled hard, but couldn't break free, and couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to call for help.

Kamiya Minazuki pinched the middle-aged man's neck and came to a utility room.

Kamiya Minazuki just let go of his hand, and the middle-aged man wanted to scream for help.

Kamiya Minazuki hit the middle-aged man's neck with a knife, injuring his throat and preventing him from making a loud sound.

Kamiya Kaitsuki patted the face of the middle-aged man who was lying on the ground, holding his neck in agony: "Hehe, then from now on, it will be just the two of us in our world."

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