The old man was very happy.

According to Amuro Toru's reasoning, what Akai Shuichi said, "I didn't expect it to come to this point," was not regret, but admiration.

"I see, it's quite interesting,"

Amuro Toru frowned. Now he was sure that the Okiya Subaru in front of him was Akai Shuichi, so Akai Shuichi's calm appearance made Amuro Toru very unhappy.

But Toru Amuro didn't want to be outdone. He leaned on the sofa, put his right hand against his head, and continued, "Then the next step is very simple. Just check the suspicious people who suddenly appeared next to the boy after the incident at Lai Yeya, and then you can naturally find this place.

I still don't know what kind of relationship the boy has with the owner of this house, Kudo Yusaku, but you can live here because of the help of the boy, which should be correct."

Toru Amuro put his mobile phone on the table and said, "I'm waiting for news now. My companions are chasing them in order to catch your companions. Even if you are calm, you may become more frank once you are involved in the death of your companions.

But can you take off your mask before they contact me? Mr. Okiya Subaru, no, it's the FBI agent, Akai Shuichi!"

Toru Amuro looked at 'Okiya Subaru' in front of him with an expression that everything is under my control.


Dr. Agasa's house next door

Miyano Akemi, who was also made up, looked worriedly at the Kudo family villa across the street from the window.

Because Amuro Toru must be investigating now. If Miyano Akemi is found, there is no need to investigate Akai Shuichi's fake death, and it can be determined that Okiya Subaru is Akai Shuichi.

So when Kudo Yusaku was making up, Kudo Yukiko also made up Miyano Akemi.

Ai Huihara calmly took a sip of coffee and said, "Sister, don't worry. With so many people with such a lot of tricks gathered together, nothing will happen."

Miyano Akemi worried, "How can I not worry? Obviously, everyone has the same goal. Why do you want to do this?"

Ai Huihara shook her head helplessly, "Sister, you are really naive. Although their goals are all organizations, it does not mean that they can allow each other to exist. And you can just be happy now. The most troublesome Kamiya Minetsuki doesn't know about this. If he knows, who knows what kind of moth he will make. This situation is what he is most happy to see."

Miyano Akemi replied, "Mr. Kamiya? He knows. He was still there during the day."

Ai Huihara:...

Ai Huihara put down the cup and returned to the room alone.

Anyway, she didn't know anything and it was none of her business.


At this time, Judy and Cameron were at Laiye Cliff.

In Laiye Cliff, Judy also got inspiration and deduced the process of Akai Shuichi's fake death step by step.

Moreover, Judy also ran into Subaru Okiya when she was chasing Scar Akai in the chaotic crowd at the Beika Department Store. When Subaru Okiya pulled her up, he said, "We are half and half responsible." Judy realized that Subaru Okiya was Shuichi Akai.

Behind Judy and Cameron's car, there were three or four cars following.

These vehicles were all Japanese public security companions of Toru Amuro.

And there were two cars parked in front, trying to stop Cameron's car.

Cameron reminded: "To avoid biting your tongue, bite your back teeth tightly!"

Cameron made a drift turn and then rushed straight towards a stone.

The car came diagonally and drove through the two cars that served as roadblocks.

This operation not only stunned the Japanese public security, but also Kamiya Minazuki.

Kamiya Minazuki put down the telescope in his hand and said in shock: "Fuck! The God of Cars in Akina Mountain?"

Ohara Yuto said unhappily: "I can do this level too!"

Sawakuri Isao asked: "Brother Kamiya, are we going to act now?"

Kamiya Minazuki smiled brightly and said: "No, the name of our action is 'Saving Private Akai'. Now even the protagonist has not appeared, it is not our turn to appear.

This time we have to treat this action as a movie, it must be ups and downs, and exciting, understand? Your brother, I want to hit the Oscar for Best Actor!"


Kudo family villa.

At the request of Amuro Toru, Kudo Yusaku has taken off his mask.

Amuro Toru frowned and looked at Kudo

Fuji Yusaku: "What are you doing?"

Kudo Yusaku coughed twice and replied: "Because I have a cold, can I wear a mask? I don't want to infect you."

Amuro Toru crossed his hands and rested his chin and said: "I'm not talking about the mask, I'm talking about taking off the disguise now, Akai Shuichi!"

Kudo Yusaku pretended not to understand: "Disguise? Akai Shuichi? Why can't I understand what you are saying from just now?"

At this time, the winner of the Best Screenplay Award was about to be announced on TV.

The host took the microphone and announced: "The nominee for this extraordinary honor is unexpectedly the first-selling writer who claims to have written a movie script for the first time, Mr. Kudo Yusaku, who is well-known for the Dark Night Baron series.

The name of the winning work is "Scarlet Detective"!"

Kudo Yusaku put on the mask again.

Amuro stared at Kudo Yusaku's narrowed eyes and asked, "What exactly are you planning?"

Kudo Yusaku asked puzzledly, "What am I planning?"

Amuro glanced around: "Although I only took a rough look, there are two in front of the entrance, three in the corridor, and in this room, it seems that there are five hidden cameras installed. Are they planning to record our conversation and send it to the FBI?

Or is there someone in another room watching our conversation?"

It was just as Amuro guessed.

In a small room in the villa, Conan sat in front of the computer, holding a bow tie in his hand, looking at Amuro on the screen.

Kudo Yusaku was surprised and said, "The person you are talking about should look very similar to me, right? For example, his appearance or voice."

Amuro Toru snorted coldly, "Humph, his appearance is disguised and his voice is disguised by a voice changer. During the day, I went around the neighborhood and did a little research to see if there were any inventions of your neighbor Dr. Agasa that were well received but suddenly stopped selling.

Yes, it is a necklace-shaped voice changer. As long as it is wrapped around the neck, the voice can be changed at will by the vibration of the throat. It is very useful for prank calls from stalkers."

Amuro Toru got up from the sofa and stood in front of Kudo Yusaku.

"Yes, the size is just right, it's a high-necked dress, which can be hidden to a certain extent."

Amuro Toru stretched out his evil black hand and lifted up Kudo Yusaku's collar.

However, Amuro Toru was shocked to find that there was no voice changer at all.

Amuro Toru looked incredulous.

How could this be!

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