The next day.

After school, Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Lilan and Conan walked on the road.

Now the three of them are preparing to go to the museum to watch the duel between Kyogoku Makoto and Kaito Kid.

"Hey, you are finally here."

At the intersection not far away, Kamiya Minazuki waved to the three of them.

Ran Mao Li asked in confusion: "Hey, Mr. Kamiya? Didn't you say at dinner yesterday that you were going to the pachinko parlor today?"

Minatsuki Kamiya walked to Ran Mao Li's side, put her elbow on her shoulder, and said with a smile: "That's what we said at dinner. After dinner, I learned that Sonoko's boyfriend and Kaito Kid were going to fight. How could I not join in the fun? You should be preparing to go to the museum now?"

Ran Mao Li nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, then Mr. Kamiya, come with us."

Conan's mouth twitched, and he didn't know whether to pity Kaito Kid or Kyogoku Makoto.

Looking at Minatsuki Kamiya's excited face, Conan knew that it was impossible for Minatsuki Kamiya to watch, and he would definitely participate.

As for who Minatsuki Kamiya would help.

Based on Conan's past experience, Minatsuki Kamiya would not help anyone. It should be said that he would help whoever makes him happy.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes also twitched.

Yesterday, she promised Kaito Kid not to tell Conan and Kamiya Minatsuki.

Now, both of them are here.


In the exhibition room of Alexandrite.

Kyogoku Makoto sat on the exhibition stand with Alexandrite around his neck.

A child asked her mother curiously, "Strange, why does he look unhappy and sit with the gem? It's strange, isn't it?"

The child's mother whispered, "Don't worry about this kind of thing."

Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Li Ran, Conan and Kamiya Minatsuki also saw Kyogoku Makoto in the crowd.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said, "That's right, Makoto is with the gem."

Mao Li Ran said, "Indeed."

Conan was stunned. He was really with the gem.

Kamiya Minatsuki looked up and down at Kyogoku Makoto. He was really calm when he was looked at like a monkey.

If it were him... he would definitely change from being watched to being a watcher.

"Sonoko, you've done a great job!" Suzuki Jiroyoshi walked up to Suzuki Sonoko and said, "You're worthy of being my beloved niece, dating a martial arts master."

Officer Nakamori behind Suzuki Jiroyoshi said, "But Kid's preview time is 10 o'clock in the evening after the audience has left. There's no need to do it now."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi replied, "He insisted on this because he wanted to prevent Kid from taking advantage of the situation and pretending to steal at the preview time. In fact, he had already used the method of switching the bag."

Officer Nakamori was still not very reassured: "However, even if he is a karate master, he is still just a high school student. How could he let him do it?" Is it really safe for one person to guard the gem?"

Suzuki Jirokichi asked back: "Didn't you see the amazing video I sent you, where he knocked down eleven men at once with lightning speed?"

Officer Nakamori still didn't believe that Kyogoku could keep the gem: "Even if that's the case, what if Kid uses his specialty of creating a power outage and steals it in the dark? !"

Suzuki Jirokichi said confidently: "Don't worry, he is a master of kicking with a mind. If it's pitch black, Kid will suffer a great loss."

"Besides, I have prepared a secret plan." Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Shiro came over.

Suzuki Tomoko continued, "Kid's best skill is to pretend to be someone around us, and approach the gem with such disguise. Yes, just like the Kaito Kid pretending to be my husband before, whether it is the consultant or Officer Nakamori, they also have such experience, right?"

Officer Nakamori and Suzuki Jirokichi began to make faces at each other: "Just like this!"

"If it is you men, it's okay, but if it is a woman, it's not convenient to be so rude, right, so I prepared this!"

Suzuki Tomoko uncovered the cloth on her body and showed the gorgeous clothes she was wearing: "I specially found a Parisian designer to customize it, and it was just delivered. There is only one dress in the world that I am wearing!"

Officer Nakamori asked unconvincedly: "What if you are drugged by Kid and your clothes are taken off?"

Suzuki Tomoko said proudly: "Only

You men will encounter it. As far as I know, Kid has never taken off women's clothes and put them on his body to pretend. In other words, as long as I wear this dress, you can tell at a glance that I am the real one! "

Conan complained in his heart, isn't Sera Masumi considered a woman? Kid had taken off Sera Masumi's clothes and put them on him.

Suzuki Tomoko walked in front of Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Li Ran and said: "Of course, I also prepared dresses for Sonoko and her friends to wear."

Mauri Ran was surprised: "I have too? But I just came here after school."

"Please change it later, just after you pinch your face like this." Suzuki Tomoko pinched Suzuki Sonoko's cheek with a smile on her face.

Mauri Ran had a drop of sweat on her forehead: "Okay, okay."

"Besides." Suzuki Tomoko looked at Conan: "I don't think the consultant wants this little boy who is the nemesis of Kid to go back like this, right? "

Jirokichi Suzuki gave Conan a brilliant smile.

Minetsuki Kamiya said to Jirokichi Suzuki, "Counselor Suzuki, can you show me the video you just mentioned?"

"Of course, here you go."

Jirokichi Suzuki took out his phone, played the video and handed it to Minetsuki Kamiya.

Minetsuki Kamiya took the phone and clicked the play button. Kyogoku Makoto's abnormal skills appeared in Minetsuki Kamiya's eyes.

Ran Mouri and Conan also saw it, and both of them were stunned.

Is this still a human?

Minetsuki Kamiya returned the phone to Jirokichi Suzuki, looked up at Kyogoku Makoto in front of him, his eyes were extremely aggressive.

And Kyogoku Makoto also felt the extremely aggressive eyes of Minetsuki Kamiya, and turned his head to look at Minetsuki Kamiya.

The moment Kyogoku Makoto's eyes met with Kamiya Makoto's eyes, Kyogoku Makoto's eyes gradually became aggressive .

The tacit understanding of masters.

Both sides want to conquer each other.

In the crowd, there is also an unremarkable passerby who observes that something is wrong between Kamiya Minetsuki and Kyogoku Makoto.

This unremarkable passerby is Kaito Kid.

Kaito Kid's eyes are rolling wildly.

After watching the video, Kaito Kid has realized that Kyogoku Makoto will be a tough opponent, so Kaito Kid has made all preparations, but there is no guarantee of 100% success.

But now... there is Kamiya Minetsuki, the troublemaker, and it seems that he and Kyogoku Makoto have a crush on each other, maybe he can make some efforts.

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