It was two o'clock in the morning on Monday.

Kamiya Minatsuki was walking down the street with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his pockets.

He had given all the money in his pocket to the pachinko parlor.

"Tsk, what bad luck! If it's still like this after I come back from England, I'll blow up this broken shop, tui!"

Kamiya Minatsuki spat on the ground in a very uncivilized manner.

At this time, Kamiya Minatsuki's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Rum's call.

After answering the phone, Rum's voice came from the receiver: "Are you going to England?"

"Hmm? Yes."

Kamiya Minatsuki was not surprised that Rum knew he was going to England.

Because the legal identities of all code members of the organization are monitored by the organization, if any problems are found, they can be dealt with immediately.

Rum gave Kamiya Minatsuki a task: "In this case, I will give you a task. A code member of the organization in the UK, Ruraz, was arrested by the British Army Intelligence Bureau..."

Kamiya Minatsuki scratched his ears: "Huh? Do you want me to save him? Are you okay?"

Rum's face turned black on the other end of the phone: "Listen to what I have to say. I didn't ask you to save him. He has a lot of intelligence about the organization. You go and kill him. There is a locator of the organization in his body. At that time, the appropriate member of the organization will hand over to you."

Kamiya Minatsuki scratched his ear between his fingernails. After the shit bomb flew, he agreed: "It's okay if you don't save people. I understand. I'll take this mission."

The worried Rum said: "Just kill Roraz. Don't cause a big riot. The members of the organization in the UK can't provide you with any useful help."

Kamiya Minatsuki said "Tsk": "It seems that you can provide me with help here. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I promise to do it properly. I promise to kill that guy Zi. You can rest assured."

Kamiya Minatsuki hung up the phone. Rum on the other end of the phone had a complicated expression.

The more Kamiya Minatsuki told him to rest assured, the more uncertain he was. After all, there were too many precedents.

And Kamiya Minatsuki promised to kill Roraz, not to not cause a riot.

But Rum was only a little worried. Even if a big riot was caused, it would not be a headache for him.

Kamiya Minatsuki's business ability is still quite trustworthy.

The next day.

Kamiya Minetsuki, Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran boarded the plane, and the three of them were sitting in the first class.

Maori Ran sat in a comfortable seat and exclaimed: "Great, the first class is so spacious."

"How rich is that auntie?"

Mauri Kogoro was also shocked by Diana's generosity. He thought that the economy class was already very good, but he didn't expect that they would be arranged in the first class.

Maori Ran said with some regret: "But it's a pity that Conan can't come with us."

Kamiya Minetsuki was surprised: "I just found that the little brat is not here. What happened to him? When he heard that he could go to London last time, wasn't he still very excited?"

Mauri Kogoro said: "The little brat said that he had something unexpected, so he couldn't go with us."

Mauri Ran also explained: "Well, but Conan will still take the next flight with Dr. Agasa, and he even helped pay for Dr. Agasa's air ticket and travel expenses. Diana Shi is really a good man. "

Kamiya Minazuki suddenly said: "Good people are not necessarily."

Mouri Ran asked in confusion: "Huh? Why?"

Kamiya Minazuki said sinisterly: "Didn't you watch the news? Some criminals in foreign countries will deceive some people to go there on the pretext of traveling or working. After they deceive you, they will either sell you as slaves or sell your kidneys and other organs for money, which is much more than the money of several plane tickets before."

Mouri Ran and Maori Kogoro shuddered at the same time.

Mouri Ran laughed dryly: "It should be... No way..."

Kamiya Minazuki said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm here, and I don't know who will be the one to be killed."

After the plane took off, the three of them chatted happily, discussing where to go when they arrived in London.

Mouri Kogoro reminded: "Xiaolan, don't buy too many gifts."

"Huh?" Maori Ran didn't understand why Maori Kogoro said that.

Maori Kogoro looked like he had seen through me, and said unhappily: "You will definitely buy a lot of them? Give them to that detective boy who is a Sherlock Holmes fan."

Mauri Ran blushed: "No way, I didn't buy any.

It's a lot of stuff!"


Economy class on the same plane.

Conan's enlarged Kudo Shinichi kept sneezing.

Kudo Shinichi rubbed his nose: "The air conditioning on this plane is too strong."

Dr. Agasa reminded in a low voice: "Hey, don't draw too much attention. If Xiaolan and the others find out that we are on the same flight, it will be troublesome."

Kudo Shinichi looked out the window of the plane and said: "Don't worry, they are in first class and won't come here."

Dr. Agasa breathed a sigh of relief: "Thanks to Xiaoai's good idea, you can take medicine to turn back into Kudo Shinichi's body during this period of time and pass the exit inspection smoothly."

Kudo Shinichi showed a look of despair: "Yes, I am really grateful to her! "

Haihara Ai gave Kudo Shinichi two pills to use when going through customs.

The effect of the medicine can last for about 24 hours, which is enough for Kudo Shinichi to pass the immigration inspection when he arrives in the UK.

After explaining everything to Kudo Shinichi, Haihara Ai drew a large tube of blood from Kudo Shinichi on the pretext of checking his brain.

Now Kudo Shinichi feels very weak.

But Kudo Shinichi feels it is worth it.

Although Kamiya Minatsuki will also go with him this time, at least in a foreign country, Kamiya Minatsuki should not mess around.

Kudo Shinichi is now looking forward to this leisurely vacation.


The airport in the UK.

Mouri Ran held a sign, and together with Mouri Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki, they met Conan and Dr. Agasa.

But the next flight had arrived a long time ago, but there was no sign of anyone.

"Sister Xiaolan! "

Conan and Dr. Agasa finally arrived in front of them.

Mouri Kogoro, who was almost impatient, complained: "When did you come out?"

Dr. Agasa wiped the sweat from his forehead and lied: "Just now, didn't you see us?"

Conan smiled helplessly. Because the effect of the drug had not subsided, Kudo Shinichi stayed in the toilet for nearly 30 minutes before he turned into Conan.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the time: "Then there is still some time before we meet with that rich woman in the hotel in the evening."

Dr. Agasa suggested: "Why don't we go sightseeing first."

Ran Mouri, who was in a very good mood now, asked: "Where does Conan want to go?"

Conan said excitedly: "Of course it's the Sherlock Holmes Museum!"

Mouri Kogoro looked around and found that he didn't see Kamiya Minazuki: "Hey, where is Kamiya brother? "

Ran Maori pointed to the back and said, "Mr. Kamiya has a phone call and is answering it over there now."

Everyone looked back and saw Kamiya Minazuki answering the phone with an irritated look on his face.

Because the other party was speaking bird language, he didn't understand a word.

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