Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1001 Chi Feichi Can't Stand It Anymore

Tsukamoto Sumi found the administrator of the library, found out the four books that Hosaka Hideaki had borrowed and were rumored to be haunted, and also got the library record cards of the four books.

"The four are not very common books." Mao Lilan looked at the four books on the table.

"Electrical Communication Engineering", "Report on Tropical Rainforest Destruction", "History of the University System", "Analysis of Rock Formation Destruction Sounds"... just looking at the title of the book is very unpopular.

Conan picked up the four library cards on the table and looked down, "And besides Hideaki Hosaka, almost no one has lent these four books, and he was also the last person to borrow these books."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko stroked his chin and thought, "It seems a little strange."

"Then let's go to the next place!" Conan raised his head and smiled, the left lens of his glasses reflected the light.

Such an unpopular book with a hard-to-remember name and no one borrowed it except Hideaki Hosaka, it's really rare that all four of them were randomly thrown in the library in the morning...

Sure enough, someone was playing tricks this time, and it was an acquaintance of Hideaki Hosaka.

It is not easy for ordinary people to remember these titles. The other party should have had contact with Hideaki Hosaka for a long time, and it is very interesting which books Hideaki Hosaka borrowed!

This digital sister is Hideaki Hosaka's classmate, and she seems to have a good relationship, and she is also on the list of suspects who may "promote haunting rumors".

Tsukamoto Sumi planned to stay in the library to read, and did not run downstairs with a group of people.

The next haunted place is the stairs that Hosaka Hideaki fell down. The school rumors that there will be an extra step here.

Conan asked Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran to go up the stairs side by side, while silently counting the number of steps.

At the end of the stairs, Suzuki Sonoko turned around and asked Mao Lilan beside him, "Xiaolan, how many steps did you count?"

"Mine is level 12." Mao Liland said.

"Ah!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly looked terrified, "I counted 13 steps!"

Down the stairs, Chi Feichi sighed softly, turned his head to face the window, took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"The correct answer is 12 steps," Conan said helplessly. He could count them all wrong. Look, even Chi Feichi couldn't stand it any longer. Counted one step..."

Suzuki Sonoko became angry from embarrassment, and his face quickly turned from white to red, "I know, I can just count it again!"

Conan: "..."

He kindly reminded him, but it turned out to be annoying?


The door of the art room next to Conan was opened, and the male student with glasses and short hair parted in the middle said angrily, "Hey, can you guys be quiet? I can't even concentrate on drawing!"

Chi Feichi glanced at it, then continued to look out the window and smoke.

Most of the male classmates at Teidan High School are old-looking, and they look older than him, and they are also older than Toru Amuro, who is nearly 30 years old...

"I'm sorry." Shinde Zhiming quickly scratched his head and apologized to the other party with a smile.

"I'm sorry!" Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan also ran down the stairs, but the other party seemed to be in a bad mood, and without saying a word, they closed the door of the art room again with a clatter.

Shinide Chiaki looked at the closed door with a little doubt in his eyes.

This... He didn't know it, but he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Chi Feichi looked out of the window, "Go and look at that table when you're done."


Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran leaned in front of the window.

Looking out of the window on the second floor, in the yard outside the teaching building, a desk is placed alone in the middle of the yard, which looks very strange.

There was also a piece of paper blown by the wind pressed against a stone on the table. Because of the distance, they couldn't see what was on the paper clearly.

Conan jumped up, put his hands on the window and looked around, then jumped down immediately, turned around and ran downstairs.


Mao Lilan began to run after Conan every day.

Chi Feichi saw that Suzuki Sonoko and Shinide Chiaki were also chasing after him, so he didn't rush to follow. He looked out the window and smoked for a while before going downstairs. He extinguished the cigarette on the trash can downstairs and threw the cigarette butt into the in the trash.

Even with his eyes closed, he could recall what was on that desk, what was written on the paper, and what the truth of the matter was, whether he saw it or not.

Conan and Shinide Tomoaki also came back with that piece of paper. Due to the damp soil after the rain, the bottom and sides of the slippers provided by the school to visitors were also stained with mud, leaving four footprints after stepping on the steps.

Suzuki Sonoko quickly asked, "Then, could that desk be..."

"That's right, it's the desk used by Hideaki Hosaka that was placed in the warehouse before, with the same signature on the lower right corner of the desk," Conan said sternly, spreading out the paper he got, "There is still a brush on the paper Scribbled with the words 'my hatred is not over yet'."

"It wasn't wet by the rain on the paper, which means it was moved there after the rain stopped," Shinide Tomoaki wondered, "but isn't this strange? The soil in the yard is wet because of the rain, but There are only footprints on the ground that Conan and I rushed over to look at, and there are no footprints left by the man who moved the desk to the yard..."

"Ghost! The ghost has no feet. It's definitely the ghost!" Suzuki Sonoko looked at the yard in a panic, and then stepped back two steps, screaming, "Ah! That desk is gone again!"

Conan Banyueyan, "Dr. Xinchu and I just moved the desks back to the warehouse by the way."

Shinde Zhiming also quickly explained with a smile, "If it causes a commotion, isn't it right in the opponent's arms?"

"By the way," Conan looked up at Chi Feichi, "When did Brother Chi see that desk?"

"When Yuanzi said there were 13 stairs." Chi Feichi said.

"Then when you turned around and looked out the window to smoke, the rain had stopped at that time," Shinide Tomomi paused, "but why didn't you tell us then?"

"You are counting the stairs." Chi Feichi gave a speechless answer.

Xinde Zhiming: "..."

Because they were counting... No, a desk and chair appeared in an empty yard. Shouldn't they be surprised or curious to go downstairs to have a look when they suddenly saw such a strange thing?

Why did Chi Feichi wait patiently until they finished talking about the number of stairs, and by the way, have a few words with the student in the art room...

Conan thought hehe, he's used to it, Chi Feichi doesn't seem to be surprised or curious at all when he sees something unexpected and strange, this guy is abnormal, "When Brother Chi saw the desk, Is this how it is now? Is there anyone around? Or is there anything weird around like a rope or something?"

"That's it, no one, no strange things." Chi Feichi answered Conan's three questions in one breath.

Conan frowned and thought about it for a while. He felt that Chi Feichi would not be mistaken, "Then what happened afterwards? During the time we ran down, brother Chi, you have been standing in front of the window on the second floor and staring? Did someone take advantage of us? Leave when you run down, or recycle something?"

"No," Chi Feichi walked to the place where the corridor was next to the yard, looking down at a long line on the wet soil, "it was completed before I saw it."

"Huh?" Conan ran over quickly, but just looking at a long line on the ground, he couldn't tell what it was.

Shinide Chiaki bent over to look at Conan, "It doesn't look like a thread or something..."

Conan squatted down and observed the long marks on the ground, "But judging from the marks, it was left after the rain stopped. What is used to create strange stories that are still unexplainable, when did the rain stop?"

"I didn't notice..." Shinde Zhiming and Conan exchanged glances, then turned to look at Chi Feichi and the others standing in the corridor.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ranchi shook their heads left and right, expressing that they hadn't noticed either.

"Five thirty-three in the afternoon," Chi Feichi said, "that's when we were just about to leave the library."

Conan recalled, "The time when Brother Chi saw a desk outside the window..."

"When the student in the art room opened the door, the wall clock on the wall behind him was 5:42," Chi Feichi continued to tell the time, "The time I saw on the desk was about a minute in the morning, so it should be afternoon Five forty-one."

Conan: "..."

Is my friend infected by Baima Tan?

Xinchu Zhiming broke into a sweat, "Feichi, you keep paying attention to the time, is it because you have something to do soon?"

"I didn't pay special attention," Chi Feichi explained, "There are many clocks in the school, so I happened to see them."

Conan was too lazy to talk to Chi Feichi, and looked at Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, "Then let's go to the library, the library is on the third floor, and there are many students there, maybe someone just happened to see it from the window. The situation in the yard."

A group of people walked upstairs again.

Suzuki Sonoko was silent for a while, and when he was about to reach the second floor, he finally couldn't help but said, "Is it really not a ghost? Maybe it was Hideaki Hosaka who left a note like 'my hatred has not disappeared'. Injustice, when it was raining, I lay down on the desks and chairs and left this sentence on a note, I wanted to tell everyone..."


A man's scream came from the art room on the second floor.

Conan's expression changed, and he hurriedly ran the rest of the stairs in three steps and two steps, rushed to the front of the art room, and opened the door.

Shinde Zhiming also hurriedly followed, "Is something wrong?"

In the art room, the boy wearing glasses was sitting in front of the easel, his face was so ugly that he seemed to have seen a ghost, his right hand holding the paintbrush was loosened, and the paintbrush fell on the wooden floor. , That guy is still holding grudges... This ghost incident is also... a curse from Hideaki Hosaka!"

Conan was taken aback, and stepped forward to ask, "Do you also know this student named Hideaki Hosaka?"

"Ah, yes..." The face of the boy wearing glasses was still terrified, his eyes were out of focus, "He and I were members of the art club, until the time he fell down the stairs two years ago..."

"You said 'at that time'?" Mao Lilan was puzzled.

Suzuki Sonoko asked directly, "Were you there when he fell?"

The boy wearing glasses avoided answering, seemed to have calmed down, lowered his head and said, "Can you guys go out..."

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