"Jingling jingling...jingling jingling..."

Shinde Tomoaki heard the phone ringing in his pocket, regained consciousness and took out the phone to look at it, stopped and said, "I'm sorry, I have an important call suddenly..."

"Then let's go back first." Mao Lilan said with a smile.

"I'm leaving first too."

Chi Feichi told the others, seeing that there were no cars on the road, he walked towards the opposite street.

"Goodbye! The new doctor, Brother Feichi, see you another day!" Sonoko Suzuki waved his hand vigorously.

Shinde Zhiming stayed where he was, and only picked up the phone after the others left, "Hello, yes, I'm Shinde..."

On the other side of the phone, Judy stood at the hospital to make a public phone call, and learned about today's events with Shinide Tomoaki, and said with a smile, "Then I really want to congratulate you, you have integrated into the school without being suspected."

"Thanks to your help, you told me every move of the person pretending to be me at school." Shinide Zhiming said.

"Then, this is the last time I'm talking on the phone with you," Judy said, "It would be a good thing if you could completely forget about me..."

After recuperating, she probably won't go back.

"That... I have one more thing to ask you," Shinide Chiaki hurriedly stopped Judy from hanging up the phone, and after he finished speaking, he hesitated, "The person pretending to be me...really..."

Today's experience popped up in his mind again.

Chi Feichi sat at the desk and looked down at the letter, without raising his head, he said: 'You are still like this, good man. '

Shigu Guofan turned around and joked with him at the door of the health care room: '...otherwise the worrying doctor will take me to the hospital! "

Tsukamoto Sumi turned her head and smiled: 'You are still such a nice person. '

The principal of Didan High School also thanked with a smile: "Thanks to the fitness exercises you taught me, my waist is much more comfortable recently..."

Also, Mao Lilan also said just now: ‘The new doctor is still so considerate. '

Chi Feichi said that, probably because the person who pretended to be him said that he should take other people's thoughts seriously. Shigu Guofu said that, it should be because some classmates didn't go to the hospital because of illness, and the person who pretended to be him forced him away. , it's probably not the first time that person has done this kind of 'nice guy' thing, that's why everyone will say that.

He was able to integrate into everyone so well, it seems that because that person made the choice he would make, he also helped many people.

If it's just pretending to be him to do bad things, is it really necessary?

Moreover, being able to think of and know the choice he would make, he thought that person couldn't be that bad, right?

"Really..." Shinde Zhiming asked the doubts in his heart, "Is he a bad person?"

On the other side of the phone, Judy froze for a moment, and the image of Belmode pointing a gun at her appeared in her mind.

Shinde Zhiming explained softly, "After getting in touch with the people around me, I can't imagine that she is a bad person..."

"Stupid!" Judy went into a rage, "How can a person who can kill with a smile be a good person!"


The phone was hung up by Judy directly.

Xinde Zhiming lowered his head, looked at the phone's 'communication ended' page, and was speechless for a while.

It was the first time he had seen Judy get so angry.


Kubado Central Hospital, corridor.

Judy suspects that Xinchu Zhiming is too kind-hearted and has great problems in distinguishing good from bad. After getting angry for a while, she puts the receiver back, closes her eyes, and calms down.

That's right, that woman imitated the new Zhiming's personality completely just for the sake of disguise, what a terrifying skill...

That's all.


On the 1-chome street of Mihuacho, most of the roadside shops have closed, and only a 24-hour convenience store at the street entrance is still open.

Chi Feichi stood by the sidewalk, wearing a depressed baseball cap on his head, which together with the jacket hat covered his hair and most of his face, and quietly looked down at the driveway ahead.

The road surface was washed clean by the rain, and a puddle was formed by the side of the driveway. The decorative lights on the signboards of closed shops were reflected and turned into colorful light clusters on the road surface.

There are many good people in this world.

If you want to take a graduation photo with a classmate who passed away, it doesn’t matter if it’s just desks and chairs, the whole class will pool together to buy new desks...

Because he suspected that his good friend was bullied and killed him, he racked his brains to create haunted rumors, trying to find out that person to avenge his friend...

I will feel guilty for proposing to kill my classmate, and I still can't forget it two years later...

In order to reduce the psychological burden of others, they will also fabricate a lie that does not exist at all...

Then, why didn't the original consciousness go to Didan High School in the ten years before meeting Fukuyama Zhiming?

As long as it is a little earlier, in elementary school, middle school, or high school, before the original consciousness has completely fallen into the vicious circle of despair, that guy will probably be different, maybe he will have a good chat with Conan and others Come.

Forget it by himself, he is a person who despises human life, he is a person who advocates self-power and self-belief more, and never expects others to rescue him.

But take a book to make a table, the original consciousness has definitely done more good things than bad things, even "naughty girls make crying girls", "kicking a ball and breaking a stranger's glass", "pranks hurt people" and these things have never happened. Before completely losing self-confidence, he was not so indifferent. He could be regarded as a person who likes to defend the weak, and at the same time, it was difficult to hate anyone with resentment in his heart.

Just thinking that there are many good people in this world who were murdered due to misunderstandings, he didn't want to think about it anymore, even if it was to pass the time, he didn't want to waste it like this, so he might as well take a break.

Or think about that old adage that good people don't live long...

Chi Feichi looked at the black Porsche 356A driving towards the street, and silently finished the next sentence in his heart.

The scourge will last for thousands of years.

Gin, the scourge, is very conscious of being a scourge. He didn't slow down when he drove to the puddle.

Chi Feichi took two steps back in advance so that his shoes and trousers were not splashed by the stagnant water. After the car stopped, he stepped forward and opened the door, and got into the back seat of the car.

Qin Jiu felt a little pity, and drove to a river with a wide view.

Don't blame him, who told Lark not to stand in a good place, but insisted on standing next to the puddle, still motionless like a statue, making people want to try...

Chi Feichi pulled down the hood of the jacket and did not take off the baseball cap, "How long has the banquet over there?"

Tonight is considered to be an action against the No. 3 cleanup target.

It is not appropriate to say that it is an action, because in the past there was only Takeo Takatori alone, and it was not for assassination. He determines whether the plan succeeds or fails.

Target No. 3 is a wealthy businessman. His family has a steel refinery inherited from the previous generation, and later he has tossed about catering and hotels.

The organization didn't target this person in the beginning, but one night two years ago, this guy had a little overlap with the organization's operations, and accidentally crashed into the organization's range of operations. He was still a drunk driving hit-and-run identity, then don't blame the organization for looting after finding out.

Afterwards, someone from the organization contacted the other party several times, threatening the other party to do some things for the organization, but this person was originally used as an abandoned son, and the connection was not deep. After being investigated by the police, by the time it was time to clean up, the value had been squeezed out, so naturally we had to find a time to clean it up.

Time is not rushed, as long as the opponent is not alarmed before the fatal blow, let the opponent run to the police.

And considering that the other party is not an unknown person, the shooting will easily attract social attention, and the police will step up their investigation. It is best to create an accident or find a suitable blamer.

He has already done what he should do, let's see the result of Takatori Yannan's follow-up feedback.

Success, the cleanup is complete.

If it fails, then the next plan.

"It was over an hour ago and the target hasn't left the hotel yet."

As Qin Jiu said, he drove across the intersection, drove forward to a river with a wide view, and stopped the car.

Vodka put the tablet in front of him and joked, "Oh? People have already come out!"

On the displayed screen, a well-built man in his forties led two bodyguards out of the hotel gate, and the driver also drove the car to the gate.

Gin put down the window and lit a cigarette, "Luck, what's your plan?"

"Judging from the survey data and relevant news reports, he has a problem. If he does something wrong and causes huge losses, and some people point out that he is dissatisfied with ridicule, criticism, and toughness, he will deliberately repeat the mistake. , I want to prove that I didn’t make a wrong choice, it’s just that there are some minor errors in the execution process.”

Chi Feichi watched the man walk up to the car and talk to the driver, calmly and casually, without rushing, "Of course, no matter who pointed out his problems in the past few years, he can successfully find a breakthrough point from the wrong path , Let the other party have nothing to say, a total of 12 times, without exception, this has become what he is most proud of, and it also makes him more paranoid than ordinary people."

"Information says that he hasn't drunk and driven since the accident two years ago, and he still carries a bottle containing anti-alcohol medicine and vitamin tablets with him. The Central Hospital is conducting a physical examination, and the time provided by the information is 4:50 pm..."

He asked the non-Mo school birds to track and confirm these.

He should have been the one to confirm, but he was busy building a base for Wuming those two days, so he let the crows go.

There is a lot of information to track and confirm, from the style and location of the medicine bottle, to the other person's walking habits and hand-raising habits.

"I happened to be going to Kubado Central Hospital that day, so I changed my face and went to the medical examination floor, pretending to be a doctor passing by him, and replaced the medicine in his medicine bottle with cephalosporin antibiotics."

"Last night, I contacted him and asked him to do something that was difficult for him. When he expressed that the matter was difficult and his mentality was dissatisfied, I said something like 'I don't care about that much. , who told you to escape drunk driving two years ago and be found out?' If so..."

"Tonight's drinking will be very important to him. He will definitely drink for entertainment. As long as he thinks of the troubles I caused him last night, he will most likely repeat the mistake he made two years ago. the way we passed."

"And before repeating the mistake, he will prepare more carefully."

"For example, take a break for an hour or two after drinking to keep yourself sober..."

"Another example……"

In the display screen, the man took out the straight, exquisitely shaped special small medicine bottle, took out two medicines and took them, then waved the driver to get out of the car, got into the driver's seat by himself, and did not bring bodyguards with him.

Chi Feichi didn't say any more, the other party had already explained everything with his actions.

In fact, in addition to character weaknesses, he also considered the other party's attitude towards the organization.

This person does not have deep contact with the organization, and has no fear of the organization, only the anger, unwillingness to be threatened and blackmailed, and the fear of being exposed about his escape.

Well, under the influence of that kind of face-saving personality, who has repeatedly slapped his face in recent years, hearing him say that in a sarcastic tone last night, coupled with the dissatisfaction of being oppressed by the organization in the past two years, it is very likely that he will do something. 'Repeat previous mistakes' move.

It’s like telling them: ‘I’m not wrong, I was just not careful enough, and if I’m careful, I can’t go wrong! '

But drunk driving is really wrong, playing with other people's lives is also playing with one's own life.

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