Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1013 As expected of Doraemon Chi

After Chi Feichi helped Ejiri to the embankment, he laid his head back and flattened it, got up and continued to take things out of his pockets.

Syringes, vials of glucose...

This Mr. Ejiri is lucky, he didn't encounter such poisonous cyanic acid compounds, the dose of toxin is not large, and he can still hang his life. It was originally intended to be released at home, but it ran over before I could release it...

"Anyway, please take the boat to take Mr. Ejiri to the hospital first!" Conan said to Ida Yan, then turned to look at Chi Feichi behind him, "Brother Chi...Brother..."

The others looked at Chi Feichi holding a syringe and a small bottle of glucose in a small bottle, and took out a small bottle of powdered medicine in his pocket, and remained silent.


"I brought atropine." Chi Feichi looked up at the middle-aged woman, "Is he your husband? Are there any allergens? Especially drugs."

"Ah?" The middle-aged woman was stunned, then quickly shook her head and said, "No, I haven't heard that he is allergic to any medicine."

Chi Feichi squatted down and continued to take things from his pockets.

Small bottles of iodine, small bottles of alcohol, tourniquets, cotton swabs, small bottles of unknown liquids...

In any case, a skin test should be done before injecting atropine.

Conan: "..."

Here comes the question, how much does his little friend bring with him every time he goes out?

It feels amazing to have what is missing.

Haibara looked at the simple oxygen supply device on Ejiri's face, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

As expected of Chi-Dora A-Feichi!

"That..." Bumei asked curiously, "What is atropine?"

Hui Yuanai calmly popularized science, "Atropine is a typical M-cholinergic receptor blocker that acts on the nervous system. Ester toxins, that is, neurotoxins, atropine can reduce the symptoms of poisoning."

There was a moment of silence.

The three children Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko looked at a loss.

The tall and thin man was dumbfounded, "You, you guys..."

The middle-aged woman also stared blankly at the group of people, "Who are they?"

Conan opened his mouth, but finally chose to remain silent.

If you were asking him alone, he would have answered firmly and confidently without thinking, 'My name is Edogawa, and I am a detective', but with Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai joining in, it's not easy to say.

Especially Chi Feichi, if you introduce "this is a veterinarian", the feelings of these two people and Captain Ida Yan will definitely be particularly complicated.

To be honest, they are a combination of child detectives + unemployed veterinarians + drug researchers whose actual age and appearance do not match their own level...

Ayumi took a deep breath and looked serious, "We are..."

"Youth Detective Team!" Mitsuhiko and Motota said neatly, and took out detective armbands with Ayumi.

"Brother Chi is the master of our group pet," Ayumi pointed at Feichi who was crawling on the ground, and introduced with a serious face, "It is Feichi, the group pet of our young detective team!"

Feichi: "..."

Group favorite? Has it promised?

Well, just take it as promised.

Mitsuhiko scratched his head in embarrassment, "Brother Chi is probably a consultant..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

What kind of consultant has he become again?

Middle-aged woman and tall and thin man: "..."

What is this with? Why do they feel more and more confused?

Conan: "..."

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh .

Chi Feichi gave Ejiri a subcutaneous injection first, and said sternly to Ida, who looked dumbfounded, "We still have to send him to the hospital."

"Ah? Ah, okay!" Ida Yan came back to his senses, and stepped forward to help Chi Feichi lift Ejiri up.

"Then let Brother Chi and Mr. Ida take Mr. Ejiri to the hospital," Conan said, turning to look at Dr. Ali, "Doctor, please contact the ambulance for help and let them go to the pier to pick up people. In addition, notify the police to come over !"

Dr. A Li nodded, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Hui Yuanai bent down and picked up Feichi who was on the ground, "I'll go with Brother Feichi."

Conan nodded, leaned close to Huihara Ai's ear, and lowered his voice and said, "Keep an eye on that captain fisherman. Although he hasn't been here to fish with everyone before, he has approached Mr. Ejiri just now. He may have used sleeping pills beforehand." Mr. Ejiri fell asleep with such drugs, and then pretended to find something wrong with Mr. Ejiri, and when he was close to Mr. Ejiri, he stabbed Mr. Ejiri with poisonous needles and the like..."

"I understand," Huihara Ai looked at Yan Ida who was on the boat with Chi Feichi and put Ejiri flat, and said softly, "If he is the murderer, he might be able to kill Mr. Ejiri, or even me and Brother Feichi on the way. It is also possible to escape after reaching the shore, but don’t worry, with Brother Feichi here, if he makes any small moves, the end will definitely be miserable.”

Conan thought about Chi Feichi's force value, and was silent for a while, "Be careful, if he is a murderer, he might still have neurotoxins on him."

"Understood." Hui Yuanai turned and went to the boat.

The fishing boat left the breakwater quickly.

Conan, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Dr. Ali started to investigate the case. Genta was still persistently guarding his fishing rod. After waiting for a while, he found the buoy shaking on the sea surface. His eyes lit up, and he quickly reached out to pick up the fishing rod beside him. .

fishing! fishing! He must catch a big snapper!


On the fishing boat, Yan Ida was driving the fishing boat in the wheelhouse.

Ejiri was laid flat on the door of the cab, and Haibara Ai stood aside, helping to stare at Yan Ida, while timing the time, "Brother Feichi, it's almost time, it seems that there is no allergic reaction, and you can inject atropine."

"There is no allergic reaction. I will inject him with atropine. That's it. If there is any abnormality, I will contact you again." Chi Feichi finished speaking to the ambulance personnel on the phone, put down the phone, and pressed the end button.

"Wait...beep beep..."

The doctor opposite: "..."

Can't you communicate with them? Do you know the dosage over there? Incorrect injection of atropine can lead to poisoning, so worrying...

On the boat, Chi Feichi gave Ejiri an injection of atropine, and then helped to press the eye of the needle and feel his pulse.

Since he was not sure about Ejiri's poisoning, he injected a very small dose to help save his life.

Huiyuan Ai helped to pay attention to the whole process, making sure that there was no problem from the injection dose to the injection process, and then quietly waited aside.

"How is Mr. Ejiri?" In the cab, Ida Yan asked worriedly, "Is he all right?"

"The situation is fairly stable and not life-threatening."

Chi Feichi spoke calmly, still squatting beside Ejiri to feel his pulse, suddenly the sleeve next to Ejiri's left wrist was torn, so he put down Ejiri's right hand, freed his hand, and pulled up Ejiri's left hand.

He remembered the case...

As Ejiri's left hand was pulled up, the sleeve slid down a bit, and a scratched scar on Ejiri's left wrist was also exposed.

Hui Yuanai glanced quietly at Yan Ida in the cab after seeing it, squatted down next to Chi Feichi, stared at the wound on Ejiri's wrist, and said in a low voice, "It looks like a wound that was left not long ago. , it is very likely that the murderer cut his wrist with something coated with poison and poisoned him, but the people who have been close to him..."

After reaching the breakwater embankment, the only people who approached Ejiri, except for Brother Chi and Edogawa, were Yan Ida.

"Master, Conan and Xiao Ai suspected Ida Yan, and Conan asked Xiao Ai to keep an eye on Mr. Ida," Feichi simply reported what he had just overheard, and then asked in confusion, "But it's strange, when Mr. Ejiri is not right, I will Keeping an eye on him, including when Mr. Ida ran to him, I didn’t see Mr. Ida stab him or cut his hands with anything.”

"It doesn't have to be close," Chi Feichi stood up, "That tall and thin man..."

Hui Yuanai was taken aback, could it be that man is the murderer?

Chi Feichi turned his head and asked Ida Yan in the cab, "Mr. Ida, what's the name of that tall, thin man wearing a fisherman's hat?"

Hui Yuanai heaved a sigh of relief, suddenly a little funny in his heart.

It should be the tall and thin man who has a clue, right?

That's right, Brother Feichi didn't even ask about those people's situation at that time or their relationship with Mr. Ejiri, how could he find the murderer so quickly.

If the murderer can be found out, how can you make Edogawa, who stayed on the breakwater to solve the incident, feel bad?

"You mean Mr. Kanaya?" Ida Yan smiled and said honestly, "His name is Jin Gufeng, and he has known Mr. Ejiri and Ms. Shirane for many years. They used to be a hobby of the same fishing association. Or, Miss Shirane and Mr. Ejiri got married and divorced later, but the three of them still make appointments to go fishing together, and they have a very good relationship. Frankly speaking, I find it hard to believe that they will kill Mr. Ejiri..."

Chi Feichi nodded, and sadly said to Hui Yuan in a calm tone, "Well, it was done by people from Jin Gu Peak."

Ida Yan shook his hand, and the fishing boat swayed sharply, and drove out in an 'S' shape, and it was difficult to stabilize.

"What, what?" Hui Yuanai also failed to react.

Brother Feichi really found the murderer? This finds the murderer?

"Impossible, they..." Ida Yan sweated, trying to explain something, but was silent for a while, "So, Mr. Kanaya seems to have liked Ms. Shirane before, but Ms. Shirane married Mr. Ejiri, Afterwards, Ms. Shirane's divorce seemed to be proposed by Mr. Ejiri, and he may have complained for Ms. Shirane, but it seems unreasonable to poison Mr. Ejiri because of this."

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, "What's the technique? We're all fishing on the same side of the embankment. Although we're a little distance away from them, if he jumps on the concrete block and gets close to Mr. Ejiri to poison us, we can see it too." , and if he used a certain method to cut Mr. Ejiri's wrist without getting close to Mr. Ejiri, in that kind of open place, we will see all kinds of traps. The fishhook is coated with toxin, and then when the rod is thrown, the hook is hooked to Mr. Ejiri's wrist, but it seems not easy to throw the rod at one time and let the fishhook break through Mr. Ejiri's exposed skin, right? You may be able to do it, but others can't, but if he tries a few more times and keeps throwing the hook at Mr. Ejiri, even if Mr. Ejiri doesn't think it's weird, we will see it and think it's weird, right?"

"Festival," Chi Feichi said, "means that the fishing lines of two fishermen get entangled."

Haibara was stunned, and sorted out his thoughts, "That is to say, Mr. Kanaya intentionally entangled his fishing line with Mr. Ejiri's fishing line, and then asked Mr. Ejiri to help untangle the entangled line, and Mr. Ejiri retracted the line. , When he was holding the fishhook to untie the line, he pulled the rod back hard, and the fishhook could cut Mr. Ejiri's wrist... In this way, he could poison Mr. Ejiri without touching him."

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