Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1020: To live is to win

After a night of rest in the hotel, when a group of people got up, the clothes they sent for laundry were almost dry, changed their clothes, and drove back to Tokyo.

Chi Feichi replaced two mobile phones and completely destroyed the scrapped mobile phones that had been soaked in sea water.

Although there was nothing shady in his original phone, and some contact information was directly remembered, but there are traces of it after use, it is better to destroy it completely.

Other things in the phone are stored on the memory card. As for some of Conan’s black history videos, he has backed up several copies with various storage supplies, so there is no need to worry about losing them...

At one o'clock in the afternoon, between the mountains and the wild outside the city of Tokyo.

The black Porsche 356A stopped on the side of the winding mountain road, the rear window was lowered, and the young blond man held a binoculars and observed the square building in the woods below.

This is the secret base of the Shuanghehui.

The building occupies a large area, with almost no windows, and looks like a fortress crawling on the ground.

On the surface, the square building has only one floor, but after searching by intelligence personnel, there is another floor underground.

The materials needed by the organization, the arms that Shuanghe would secretly buy, etc. are all underground.

Gin was the only person in the front seat, lit a cigarette with the cigarette lighter on the car, and said, "The target people will gather here for a meeting tonight, and we will solve it all at once. In such a barren place, Even if the movement is louder, the police will not be able to catch up for a while, and there is enough time to clean up the traces."

"What about the plan?" Chi Feichi observed the terrain near the square building.

"There are three exits inside, one is the main entrance to the south, and the other is the side entrance to the west. Both sides are close to the road. As long as they get in the car, they can drive to evacuate. The other exit is a secret road, and the exit is on the east side. In the forest, and on the north side of the mountain, there is no exit..."

"I will let people sneak into the building. Before nine o'clock tonight, I will plant bombs in the northwest corridor on the first floor and near the west side door. At the same time, Rum will also let Curacao sneak in to bring out the information. Curacao One person may not be able to bring out the originals of the contents inside, but she will go in with a scanning fax machine and a miniature camera, send the information on the basement floor of the other party back to the organization, and take photos of some evidence collected by the Shuanghe Association Bring it out..."

As Gin said, he threw a map to Chi Feichi in the back seat, "After nine o'clock in the evening, Chianti and Cohen will go to the woods opposite the gate in the south, and arrange for someone to bring the peripheral members to help. People lay in ambush near the exit of the dense forest road in the east. At around 9:30, people from the Shuanghehui went in for a meeting. We ambushed outside, and then detonated the bombs in the northwest and west side doors, which alarmed the people from the Shuanghehui to run out. ..."

"The target number is 16 people. The west main entrance and corridor will be blocked after the explosion. They can only leave through the south gate and the secret path leading to the forest in the east..."

"If they walk through the south gate in a group, Chianti and Cohen will use a sniper rifle scope to confirm their appearance and identity, blow up their car fuel tanks before they drive away, and snipe and kill people one by one from a distance. The other person is responsible for taking cover from the peripheral members, drawing the opponent's attention, and preventing them from rushing in front of the snipers... Of course, with the sniper level of Chianti and Cohen, it is impossible to let the enemy rush in front of you, and at the same time If the opponent's people are all in the south, then the people in the east will rush over to support them and surround them from behind."

"If they give up going out through the main entrance and walk through the secret passage in a group, at most two people can pass through the exit of the secret passage at the same time. As long as the people ambushing at the exit of the tunnel on the east side block the exit, one who comes out can kill one..."

Chi Feichi caught the map and spread it out to look at it.

Logically speaking, the easiest way is to install enough bombs inside the building and detonate them directly when the other party enters the meeting. At that time, not to mention 16 people, even twenty or thirty people will die. They don't have to confront the other party head-on .

But this simple method cannot be used, or in other words, this method is the last method to be considered.

Not because the building occupies a large area and there are not enough bombs, but because they have to confirm with their own eyes that all 16 targets are dead.

If the bombs were directly detonated to blow up all the people to the sky, it would be difficult to guarantee whether one or two lucky people would go to the basement or other places at that time and save their lives.

Then, after the police heard the news and arrived, the lucky one who was rescued would probably tell the whole story about other people's secrets hidden in the base, which would hinder the organization's subsequent actions against those secrets, and even encounter an ambush by the police.

Furthermore, if all the dead were killed by a big bang, most of the corpses would be incomplete. For those charred and buried corpses, it would be difficult even for the police to confirm how many people died, let alone the organization. If they are all dead, they may suffer losses in subsequent intelligence utilization operations.

Once the information obtained by hacking is high-risk, more time, manpower, and energy will be wasted in follow-up operations, and you may fall if you are not careful. It is better to look for the face when you act tonight. Kill everyone who knows.

This can also ensure that no one who escapes by chance will hide in the dark and seek revenge from the organization in the future...

Therefore, killing all at once is not considered for the time being, it is best to deal with it in a way that can confirm death.

Moreover, a small-scale explosion suddenly occurred in the building during the meeting. Under the panic, those people probably scattered and fled in a panic. In this way, the 16 people could be divided and the people in ambush in the south and east could easily deal with it.

"But they shouldn't be able to rush out so quickly in a group in a panic," Qin Jiu sneered, "Hmph... as long as they spread out, no matter which side can easily solve it!"

Chi Feichi folded the map and handed it forward, "What if they collectively evacuated to the basement, closed the passage leading to the basement, and then called the police and waited for the police to come?"

Of the three exits, Gin chose to block the west, leaving the south and east.

If you choose to stay in the east, you should see that only two people can come out of the secret passage exit in the east at most at the same time, and you can kill them one by one by waiting.

The south side was chosen because the field outside the main gate on the south side was open and suitable for snipers to kill. The opponent had no way to run into the woods to find cover to avoid the sniper rifles.

At the same time, the east and south sides are next to each other, so it is convenient for either side to rush over to support, and can also go around behind the other side to siege.

This plan has been formulated perfectly enough, if it were him, he would probably arrange it like this, but there is another question to consider if the other party doesn't come out?

Although it is generally said that when an explosion occurs indoors, people will subconsciously run out, especially in a fortress-style building with few windows and thick walls. They are not worried about being killed by the explosion or buried by the collapsed house. The chances of the other party running out are very high. , but Kawasaki, the president of the Shuanghe Association, is not a simple person. Maybe the other party realized the crisis, took people to evacuate to the basement, and called the police directly to wait for the police to come.

Inject poisonous gas into the basement through the ventilation duct? There can be, but if the other party has prepared some emergency things, one or two people can be protected. At least the bodyguard in Kawasaki who is good at security will wear emergency gas masks, and there are more than one, so that when the police arrive, the survivors are rescued. After he came out, maybe the police would get involved, and it would be more troublesome if he wanted to act in the future.

And when the police were about to arrive, their people had to withdraw, and the organization had always tried to avoid meeting the police as much as possible.

Gin has also considered this point, "Therefore, someone needs to enter the basement to guard. After the operation starts, check whether anyone has evacuated to the basement and whether the other party has called the police. If they call the police, spread the news in time and retreat. "

"Plan B?" Chi Feichi asked.

"If there is an abnormality, don't alarm the other party, evacuate in time, and then separate and deal with it one by one," Qin Jiu didn't elaborate on Plan B, "It will probably take two or three days, it will be a little troublesome, but there will always be Chance."

Chi Feichi didn't ask any more questions.

Organizational action is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. It secretly observes the target's height and habits, and calculates where to strike fatally. Then the poisonous snake will withdraw quietly, wait for opportunities again or look for opportunities according to changes.

If the situation changes tonight, when they withdraw to implement Plan B, Gin has probably already considered Plan C or D, or even Plan EFG.

As long as you don't disturb the other party, they have plenty of opportunities to make plans and execute them again and again until they are killed.

Every time that person asked him to go to No. 119 to "open a small fire" for him, when it came to organizing actions, no matter how he expressed it, the meaning was actually that we must be the most patient and cautious old Yinbi!

To subdivide it further:

If you have doubts, look for an opportunity to investigate, test and confirm. Being cautious and taking trouble is a very good quality.

It doesn't matter whether the action is successful or not. If you have to withdraw, you should withdraw. Don't let people catch the tail and don't disturb the target.

Next, is staffing.

It is certain that the main entrance will be reserved for the snipers, and the remaining people will have to make arrangements...

"Ireland is back." Gin suddenly said.

Chi Feichi was not surprised, "I know, that one said it, and he participated in this operation."


Qin Jiu: "Don't mess around..."

Chi Feichi: "Impulse is the devil."

Gin: "..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

The two of them were silent for a while, pretending that nothing happened just now, skipping the topic, and continuing to talk about staffing arrangements.

"The ones who decide to go to the basement first..." Gin paused, "No, first judge their staffing arrangements."

"Kawasaki is very likely to retreat underground," Chi Feichi recalled the characters of those people, thinking, "If there is no accident, two bodyguards of Kawasaki will be left at the main entrance, and the remaining bodyguards will follow their boss Go in for a meeting. In this way, the president’s bodyguards will let the wind out at the door, and Kawasaki’s judo master is beside him as a bodyguard, while Kawasaki’s confidant secretary, and each of the five high-level executives is accompanied by a confidant bodyguard. It is the most reassuring to achieve a balance. situation."

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu sneered, "You think highly of that guy."

He was talking about Kawasaki, and retreating to the basement in a panic is the most unlikely plan. If Kawasaki really chooses this way, it means that Kawasaki can quickly calm down and stay awake in a dangerous situation.

But having said that, he also felt that Kawasaki should not be underestimated.

As for the manpower placed at the door and the manpower going in, he also agrees with Lak, and the balance is the most reassuring.

"If this is the case, let Chianti and Cohen deal with the two bodyguards at the door first, and detonate the bomb at the same time. Even if they hear the gunshots, they won't have time to calm down and think," Gin continued, "Target B3, he tends to lose his sense of proportion when encountering things, and he doesn't have a good mind, there is a high probability that he will rush to the front door before others, and his bodyguards are naturally among them."

"Target B5, when encountering a high-pressure situation, likes to stay out of trouble as soon as possible, and also likes to take risks and take a slanted edge," Chi Feichi said, "There is a high probability that he will go out through a secret path..."

The target 16 people were numbered during the investigation.

Kawasaki uses the 'KK' in the pronunciation of 'Kawasaki' to number, and Kawasaki's confidant secretary 'color', not because that person has anything to do with a second, but takes the previous pronunciation in 'secretary color retirement', As for the five upper levels, it is 'B1B5', which is the 'B' of the backbone 'Bak ne'.

In addition, when coming here for a meeting, Kawasaki will bring three bodyguards, and everyone else will bring one of the most trusted bodyguards. In case of an emergency, those bodyguards with excellent quality will definitely follow their bosses. Press "B1 bodyguard" or " Kk is good at detecting bodyguards' to distinguish on the line.

Before the operation starts, all the people involved in the organization will recognize the photos, record the numbers, kill one and report one, until all are confirmed and cleaned up...

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