The action is about to begin, and there is no nonsense for the time being.

After waiting for about three minutes, Chianti said, "They didn't find anything unusual, and they're ready to go in."

"Confirm the identity of the target." Qin Jiu said.

Cohen stared at the face of the person entering the gate through the scope of the sniper rifle, "Sec, Sec's bodyguard."

"KK, the judo master next to KK," Chianti also observed the roll call, "B1, B3, and two bodyguards."

"B2, B5..." Cohen said, "Their two bodyguards also followed, as well as B4 and B4's bodyguards."

Chianti continued, "The two bodyguards that KK was in charge of checking around just now stayed at the door."

Gin said, "Two minutes later..."

The situation was as they expected.

"Curaçao, go to the roof from the ventilation duct," Chi Feichi said to Curacao in a hoarse voice while listening to the arrangement on the other end of the earphone, "Chianti will deal with the two people who stayed at the door in two minutes, you see Take the opportunity to leave and then evacuate as planned."

"Ok..." Curacao responded, jumped up, reached out and grabbed the ventilation duct opening on the ceiling, and dexterously got in.

Chi Feichi squatted down, took out the bombs from the bag at his feet, put them one by one on the shelf, and on the scanning fax machine. They will also be blown up here soon to eliminate traces of their activities.

59 seconds, 58 seconds, 57 seconds...

21 seconds, 20 seconds, 19 seconds...

5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds...

"I saw Curacao," said Chianti. "She came out of the ventilation duct on the roof."

"Action!" Qin Jiu said decisively.

On the roof of the square building, Curacao didn't even time it. He got out of the ventilation duct, ran to the edge of the platform without stopping, and jumped off.

The two bodyguards guarding the door vaguely heard the movement, and their reaction was not slow. While looking up, they also touched the pistol at their waist.



Two shots were heard far away in the woods.

The two bodyguards fell back, blood gushing from the blood hole on their foreheads, and their eyes gradually lost their luster.

Almost at the same time, Chi Feichi in the basement also pressed the bomb detonation button on the west gate on the ground floor.

There was a loud explosion sound from the square building, the fire and smoke from the west broke through the roof, and the cement fragments splashed and flew around.

Curacao did not pause in his movements. Like a dexterous cat, he overtook the two fallen men and arrived at the off-road vehicle driven by the people from the Shuanghehui. He unlocked the door of one of the vehicles, got in the vehicle and drove off first. leave.

Watching the car leave, Chianti turned the scope to the gate again, swept over the corpses on the ground, stared at the gate, eagerly said, "The two people at the gate have been resolved, Curacao evacuated, and there are still 14 left!"

The explosion alarmed the people in the building, and within two minutes, two bodyguards rushed out of the gate protecting two panicked men.

"B3..." Chianti took aim, pulled the trigger, looked at the figure in the camera with a bloody head, and smiled cruelly and excitedly, "It's done! There are 13 more!"

"B1..." Cohen said, "Solved, there are 12 more."

"B3's bodyguards... Ok, there are 11 left!"

"B1's bodyguards... resolved, 10."

The four people who rushed out of the gate were quickly dealt with, and they couldn't get near the car at all.

Takatori Yannan stood in front of a group of peripheral members with a face of a bearded man, wearing sunglasses, and listened to the counting with a blank expression.

He suspected that they were just here to show off, and they had no chance of contacting each other at all.


The other members of the Shuanghehui probably noticed the miserable situation outside, so they stopped rushing out the door and turned off the lights in the room. There was darkness and silence behind the half-open door.

Under the bright moonlight, the square building looks like a ferocious beast lying on the ground with its mouth slightly open, but people outside don’t need to venture close, just staring quietly like old hunters, waiting for the prey inside to rush out.

After waiting for two minutes, Chianti became a little impatient, "I knew I would wait for them to come out with a few more people before doing it!"

"Who made you so impatient?" Gin laughed lowly, "Luck, the lamb is too scared to come out of the pot..."

On the other end of the earphone, the hoarse voice was not as cold as before, and there was a hint of teasing, "Got it, I'll help add more firewood."

Takatori Yano continued to listen expressionlessly.

He had the feeling of being surrounded by a large group of perverted snake spirits.


In the square building, the members of the Shuanghehui who were blocked were really panicked, and they didn't dare to rush out of the gate any more, and retreated into the conference room.

"Only a few of us know this place. Even if someone follows us and finds this place, who placed the bomb? At this time, scattered operations are more likely to be stabbed by traitors. It is the right choice for everyone to rush out together!"

"I don't know how many people were ambushed outside. The four of them died in such a short time. You have been urging us to rush out. What is your plan?"

It was the two top leaders of the Double Peace Conference that first had a dispute.

One thought of the secret passage and proposed to leave through the secret passage, but no one could guarantee that there was no ambush there.

Another person thinks that they should go out in a group from the gate, but in this way, fierce conflicts will definitely break out, and people will definitely die, and no one wants to be the one who dies first.

Facing the fear of death, the two started from the discussion, which gradually turned into differences and accusations, and finally began to reveal faults and doubt each other.

The others did not join in the dispute, but turned to look at a tall, thin man with a thin scar on his chin, their president, Kawasaki.


Kawasaki snarled, and the dignity accumulated over the years made the venue quiet.

He has his own plan in mind.

The two people were allowed to quarrel before, because the relationship between the two people is usually too good, so good that they often discuss things quietly, so good that they desperately cover each other when they make mistakes. Throw him aside.

This time, the two quarreled to the point of tearing their faces apart. Even if the relationship eased in the future, it would not be as good as before, and he would not allow the two to resume their previous relationship.

But the dispute is almost over here, and it can't continue anymore. If it continues, they will have to kill each other before others come in.

The tall and strong man who was arguing with his companions said angrily, "President, what do you think we should do now? You can't wait to die here, can you?"

"What are you panicking about? Don't run out rashly," Kawasaki stared at the eyes looking at him, maintaining a calm tone, "There is only one explosion..."


The slap came quickly.

There was another violent explosion from the northwest direction, shaking the ground under their feet, and the walls on the ceiling were covered in dust.

"I'm done!"

The person who proposed to take the secret passage supported the table to stand firm, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the secret passage, and said angrily, "If there is an emergency evacuation tunnel, do we have to wait here to die? Chairman, if you don't believe me, I will I have nothing to say, anyway, I won’t wait here to die!”

Another high-level executive looked at his own president hesitantly, gritted his teeth, turned around and followed, and their confidant bodyguards also followed.


Kawasaki shouted in a hurry, but his voice was quickly covered by a new round of explosions.


This time the explosion was in the west, and the distance seemed to be a little closer to the meeting room. The flames behind the corner of the corridor at the end could be seen in the meeting room.

Now not only the four who ran away, but the rest of them were panicking and looked at their president.

"Damn it!" Seeing that there were only five people around him, the president of the Shuanghe Association walked quickly towards the back of the meeting room without hesitation, "Don't spread out, follow me, let's go underground first! The other party has a bomb in his hand, There is a high probability that there will be snipers outside. Judging from this, their firepower configuration is stronger than most gangs, and they are also more ruthless than most gangs. Those people dare to kill. We only have more than ten people. If we rush out, we can only be used as targets. And now it is not sure whether the other party has someone ambushing at the end of the secret passage. The exit of the secret passage can only accommodate two people in and out. If we encounter an ambush when we go out of the secret passage, the other party can completely block the exit and kill us one by one easily... ..."

As he spoke, he walked around to the meeting room, turned on the lights, jumped up and reached out to pat the metal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.


One wall in the room rotates with the center as the axis, and the left and right sides are inclined due to the wall surface, revealing two passages for only one person to pass through. Due to the power supply, the passages are illuminated with bright lights that are not weaker than the rooms outside.

One of them held the gun tightly, and walked in the door first to explore the way with great interest.

Others followed one after another. After the president of the Shuanghe Club entered the door, he waited for the man in sportswear behind him to enter the door. He raised his hand and pressed a protrusion on the wall, closing the entrance to the basement.


The wall was closed again, and no one noticed that just above their heads, a small hole had been melted into the cement, and a tiny camera painted the same color as the cement was embedded in it.

This kind of camera is more than one, it is working, and the image is transmitted to the computer in the forest, and then Qin Jiu looks at the computer and reports it to Chi Feichi.

"Luck, the people entering the basement include B4, B4's bodyguard, Sec, Sec's bodyguard, KK, and the judo master next to KK... After entering the trap door behind the conference room, turn right..."

At the corner at the end of the corridor on one side, Chi Feichi leaned his back against the wall, the gun in his hand was loaded, and the structure of the underground floor was restored in his mind, and he slowly approached the six people.

Feichi hid under his clothes, quietly observing the surrounding situation with his hot eyes, and helping to be vigilant.

When they approached to a certain extent, Gin made a sound, "Luck, stop, people are going to the corridor that turns right in front of you."

Chi Feichi didn't go any further, hiding behind the wall.

A moment later, anxious inquiries came from the corridor behind the corner.

"President, what should we do now?"

"Yeah, are we waiting here?"

After the "explosion" and "death of companions", in this closed and oppressive underground space, instead of being relieved, they felt bored and insecure, and wanted to leave as soon as possible and return to the Go in the urban environment you are familiar with.

Kawasaki took a deep breath, calmed himself down, looked at his old classmate who is a judo master and the person he trusted the most, "Call the police first!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Sure enough, he was right about the person, it was a character.

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