Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1043 Lak wine is really miserable

After waiting for a while, Qin Jiu saw that Chi Feichi hadn't responded, and said venomously, "Your poor wine will be banned sooner or later!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Gin's attack...

He suddenly had nothing to say.

I remember that although raki was not banned in the previous life, it was also banned by Turkey, which is really miserable.

Many national wines are promoted by countries as the gold master fathers. Liquor has China, sake has Japan, Riesling wine has Germany, Sauvignon Blanc wine has New Zealand, brandy has France, whiskey has the United States and the United Kingdom, and gin is well-known. The United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and other regions are very popular. Even Ricard, which belongs to the same category of ouzo, has been promoted in France, but when it comes to raki, it is obviously the national drink of Turkey. Not to mention that it has not been promoted, and Turkey’s own government has issued an alcohol restriction order. .

In fact, not only rak is restricted, but other alcoholic beverages are also restricted. It is related to religion. The government does not promote drinking, imposes extremely high taxes on alcoholic beverages, and also limits the scale of family bootlegging.

After that, it became stricter year by year, and the control of entry, brewing, sales, operation and publicity was strengthened.

Raki was the favorite wine of Turkey's "Father of the Nation" at the time, and it is also recognized as a national drink by the whole people. Just like baijiu in China, its weight in the hearts of the people and the amount of people's daily drinking are not low. Once the alcohol restriction order was issued, raki was affected. Also the largest.

Although after the alcohol restriction order, the public's love for raki still hasn't diminished, just like the frenzied rebound after Abis was banned by many countries, but the rebound failed.

Turkish people have tried to brew raki by themselves, trying to become master brewers per capita, and are also looking for other things to replace the ethanol that is prohibited from being sold to people who are not qualified to make wine. Qualified wine is dead, but even so, the limit is still there, and it is a more stringent "restriction". In order to prevent private wine making, ethanol is also prohibited from being sold online, even ethanol is restricted, and raki wine is even turned over. No chance.

Is there still such a miserable national wine? Gone.


In his previous life, he seldom saw raki wine for sale, because the local supply was insufficient, let alone exported, and there were many fake wines or wines that did not meet the standard in the black market. More than 20 or 30 people died in a week...

Qin Jiu saw Chi Feichi staring at him from the rearview mirror of the car and was distracted. He was puzzled when he suddenly saw Chi Feichi smiling.


Chi Feichi couldn't help laughing, showing two small fangs that had grown out, and his eyes were also bent. Then he lowered his head, propped his forehead with his right hand resting on his lap, and his shoulders trembled with laughter.


On the relatively quiet street, the black Porsche 356A stopped with a screeching brake.

Chi Feichi reached out to support the front seat in time so as not to hit his head, and he was not in the mood to smile again. He regained his calm face, raised his head and asked Gin, "What's wrong with you?"

From the rearview mirror of the car, Qin Jiu took a look at the pair of blue eyes without a trace of smile, and then at Chi Feichi's expression that was a little chilled because of his calmness. Taking out the cigarette case, biting out a cigarette, "I should ask you this question!"

It was someone who stared at him gloomyly for nearly a minute, and when he looked at the rearview mirror of the car, he suddenly showed a sunny smile. His first thought was that Lark was out of order, so he almost took out his gun and shot him in the back because of conditioned reflex. Gun, I just held back and saw someone laughing as if he was about to draw it...

Come on, tell him seriously, who is this crazy?


Chi Feichi opened the door, got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger seat.

Gin didn't use the cigarette lighter on the car, took the matches from the windbreaker pocket, and arranged the preparations to a place where he could take them out quickly.

sleeping pills...


stun gun...

Behind the rope cart there is...

Will he be unprepared for a person who follows Lak, a snake spirit who develops from time to time without symptoms, may commit poisoning or attack, and cannot be killed directly?

Chi Feichi got into the passenger seat, "Gin..."

Seeing that Chi Feichi had returned to his usual state, Qin Jiu didn't rush to do anything, and lit the cigarette with a match.

Chi Feichi originally planned to talk about his own thoughts, but he couldn't help laughing when he thought about it, and couldn't stop laughing on the passenger seat, "Hahaha..."

Gin exhaled a puff of smoke through his teeth, and quickly reached into the windbreaker pocket with his left hand.


Chi Feichi didn't look up, but his outstretched hand firmly grasped Qin Jiu's wrist.

Gin: "..."

This guy's reaction speed is also very fast!

"Don't be impulsive," Chi Feichi straightened up, let go of his hand, and took out his phone, with a smile still in his eyes, "I'll tell that person..."

Qin Jiu stared at Chi Feichi, without taking his left hand out of his pocket.

Why did he think it would be better to put him down and bring him back to Tokyo first?

The smile in Chi Feichi's eyes slowly faded, and he entered that person's email address and entered the content.

[Don't be angry, I was jealous because you paid too much attention to Feichi. ——Raki】

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost.

That one doesn't need to know, when he's in a good mood, he's also a liar...

Send, enter the email address again, and then type quickly.

[I have something important to tell you. Gin said that raki will be banned sooner or later. I don’t think it will be banned, but it will definitely be restricted. Double the price by 2.5 times...]

The raki in this world has not been restricted yet, but when he was browsing news websites two days ago, he saw a report from Turkey titled that trace amounts of absinthe were detected in raki.

What is absinthin? The product produced by chromatographic purification of the extract of Absinthe wormwood is poisonous.

The content of that report is to express one meaning - drinking too much raki may cause poisoning. Although the toxin is mild, it will cause adverse effects on the human body.

Leaving aside the wording of "possible" in it is too vague, alcohol should not be drunk in the first place, and drinking too much will cause adverse effects on the human body.

Thinking of the alcohol restriction order tonight, he suddenly remembered that when Abis was banned from alcohol, there were some rumors of 'Abis causing hallucinations' in the early stage, and then Abis was banned as a contraband, but the situation was fundamental. Not that serious.

In the same way, as long as it is alcohol, if you drink too much, you will get dizzy, and the degree of Abis is too high, and people will definitely get dizzy after drinking it, that is 'hallucinogenic'.

It was like a signal telling him—

The raki in this world may still be so miserable, and it will also be restricted, and it will be soon.

In the previous life, the price of raki wine in Turkey started to rise after the alcohol restriction was imposed, and it increased by five times in just a few years, and it continued to rise in the later period, and the price of fine wines was even higher.

Although the price has risen so horribly because of the high tax, they don't have to go through formal channels to sell.

Stock up on a batch of raki before the release of the alcohol restriction order, and don’t even think about exporting it. The raki that has not been promoted does not have a big foreign market, so it will be stored locally.

The organization doesn't have that much time to sell slowly, but it can be sold to those local merchants.

Never underestimate the madness of the merchants. There are always a few brave locals who are willing to buy a batch at a high price, or buy a large amount, and then slowly put it on the black market. , Keep the market in a state of shortage and sell raki wine little by little.

It may not be able to double in the short term, but as long as you hold your breath and wait for a while, when the raki on the market is almost consumed, and when someone realizes that the alcohol restriction order is not a joke, it is likely to last for more than three or five years, triple the price in large quantities It is possible to sell.

Those who have capital in their hands can afford to gamble and are willing to gamble.

Marx once said: Once there is an appropriate profit, capitalists will be bold. If there is a 50% profit, it will take risks; for a 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; For three hundred profits, it dares to commit any crime, even risking being hanged.

In the face of high profits, some people are willing to take risks, and as long as they seize the opportunity, they can make a little money by throwing in the spare money that is not needed for the time being. Do?

He didn't intend to let his parents do this kind of thing, and there was no need to do it.

Once someone buys rak wine in large quantities, it will stimulate the rak wine production industry, and maybe some wineries will expand their scale, and when the liquor restriction order is implemented, the wineries that would have been hit by the original will collapse faster. To put it bluntly, they This is foreign capital trying to get other people's money, but the time is limited, and there is no need to stock up too much raki. It's not too much. Compared with the capital of "getting rich while it's difficult", it's just a drizzle.

He doesn't care whether he is unethical or not, but the profits on the Internet are not worse than those, and he is aboveboard and can develop for a long time. At present, Umbrella's development is still in its infancy. It is best not to scatter money and energy for that profit. If such things are spread by others, it is easy to arouse the hostility of a country, and it is not worth it for that benefit.

But the organization is already hiding, and its actions are more subtle. Turkey will only know that there are black hands making money in the dark, so it is difficult to lock the organization, and some funds of the organization are kept. It's a good deal, plus crime money, as long as you don't be greedy, you don't have to worry about problems with the capital chain.

As for whether it will make the organization stronger...

Anyway, the foundation of the organization itself is not bad. Thanks to the efforts of multinational agents, the development has been very good. It doesn't matter if he sends a little money... right?

At least he was happy.

With such a code name, as a result, Lark was banned from alcohol and messed up so miserably, he felt a little uncomfortable, so it would be better to make the "release of alcohol restriction" something he could look forward to.

This money is not earned for nothing, if that one doesn't believe it, then he can gamble on his own, and then that one shouldn't blame him for playing alone without an organization.

And if the organization can enter the arena, he is also very happy.

He wasn't short of money to spend, but he just wanted to make trouble, and wanted to see if he could make money in this game, and how much profit he could achieve.

【…The judgment is based on religion, the attitude of the people in power, and recent reports in Turkey that 'alcohol is harmful'. ——Raki】

That's it, send it.

If that person understands, then he will naturally understand what he is talking about, and the information can be found. The reason why no one has acted now is that no one believes that Turkey will directly issue an alcohol restriction order.

If that one doesn't believe it, no matter how much he explains, that one will have doubts. He is not soliciting investment, and he doesn't want to waste effort to explain a bunch of his own ideas, intentions and plans.

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