Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1127 The Terminated Clue

Twenty minutes later, a yellow Beetle stopped at a nearby intersection.

Dr. Ali sat in the driver's seat and waited for a while, then saw a primary school student with an umbrella running up ahead, and recognized that it was Conan.

Conan put away the umbrella beside the car, opened the rear door, panted, and quickly got into the car.

"Xinyi, I have already brought the clothes you asked me to bring." Dr. Ali turned to look at the back seat, and found that Conan's face was pale. He only thought that Conan was cold, and joked with a smile, "You are too careless." Well, you actually fell into a puddle, luckily you still have the change of clothes you left with me last time, otherwise I would have to go to the detective agency to get it for you..."

"Let's not talk about this, doctor!" Conan finally caught his breath, "Since you got here, have you noticed any strange people passing by or suspicious cars around here?"

Dr. A Li recalled, "It's raining today, passers-by have umbrellas, and there are no suspicious cars nearby... Is something wrong? You have to clarify what you mean by suspicious and strange before I can answer you ah."

"The characteristics should be obvious." Conan looked directly at Dr. A Li with a serious and heavy gaze, "For example, a guy wearing all black, or a black Porsche 356A!"

Dr. A Li's expression changed instantly, "It's hard, can it be said..."

"Hush..." Conan raised his hand to signal Dr. Li not to speak too loudly, and said in a low voice, "I saw the person from that organization, I will talk about the specifics later, you drive along this road first, and drive faster! "

"Ah, good!" Dr. Ali nodded sweatingly, started the car, and drove forward along the road, staring at the front and asked, "Xinyi, what's going on here?"

Conan calmed down his heartbeat that was speeding up due to nervousness or excitement, and took the bag on the back seat, "I told you before, the last time I was at Xianqiao Station, I heard that the organization's code name is Lark Wine. the voice of a man..."

"Is that the person you mentioned who almost caused you to be discovered?" Dr. A Li asked.

"That's right, I can't hear his voice wrong!" Conan dug out the clean clothes in the bag, he had to change the wet clothes on his body, "Actually, I have seen that guy before , that time when we were invited to the Twin Skyscrapers, that sniper standing next to Gin was him!"

Dr. A Li drove the car with a dignified expression, accelerated and drove along the road.

"When Mr. Yuan, the programmer, was killed, the silver table knife in his left hand indicated 'Gin', and the strange posture of the fingers of his right hand was like the letter 'R'. When I saw the rye whiskey on the wine cabinet, I thought 'Gin' R' refers to 'Rye'." Conan took off his wet clothes and analyzed seriously, "But I asked Haibara, and although she didn't say why, she didn't seem to want to mention this code name, but she's definitely not' Rey', and it was Rucker who was with Gin at the time..."

Dr. A Li understood, "That is to say, the 'R' in Mr. Yuan's message before his death..."

"I think that's right," Conan confirmed, "it's the 'R' of 'Raki'!"

Dr. Ali broke into a cold sweat when he thought of the murdered Jiaming Yuan and the twin skyscrapers that were blown up. He must be a dangerous person. "Then what happened today?"

"I saw him in the apartment building on the side of the road and recognized his face, so I wanted to follow him secretly," Conan explained. to fall into the rain."

"You haven't been targeted, have you?" Dr. Ali asked hastily.

"No, he shouldn't have doubted me," Conan said with a serious face after changing his clothes, "I heard him calling his partner, because there was an incident at the apartment building, and he was worried that the police would come here, so Decided to change the original plan and leave here first. That guy is cautious, even children are on guard, and his anti-tracking ability is also very strong. It is inconvenient for me to appear in his sight again, so I asked you to drive to this intersection to wait for me. Calculated based on the direction he left, after he arrives at the intersection, he will either turn left to the intersection where you stopped, Doctor, or turn right to another intersection..."

"That's why! That's why you asked me to drive along the road. If he didn't pass the intersection where I parked, he might have gone to the other side," Dr. A Li understood, and reminded, "But the new One, if his companion drives to pick him up nearby, or if he drives away, it may be too late for us to catch up with him now, and it is impossible to catch up with him, and there are so many small alleys on the road, the Luke you mentioned The wine may also leave the alley."

"Give it a try," Conan said helplessly, putting the changed wet clothes into a bag, "I originally planned to stick a bug on his shoes when he fell down and got up, but his companion called suddenly, and he I retreated to the eaves of the convenience store to answer the phone, and he just avoided it. Then he noticed me. I can’t approach him rashly or follow him. It will take a while for you to come over, so I can only try at the intersection. ...By the way, doctor, if you find suspicious people or cars, don't approach them rashly. Lark told the person on the phone, 'Don't worry about safety, no one can get close to within 500 meters', then Explain that after changing the plan, there may be snipers or their people monitoring near their meeting place!"

Dr. Ali drove to the other intersection, turned left and right and circled around, but found no car or person suspected of being organized, so he had to turn back.

Conan had indescribable disappointment and annoyance in his heart.

Obviously, this attempt failed.

The other party may have left in a car, or entered an alley.

Due to the continuous rain, this place is a street full of people coming and going. Even if there are any traces, they were destroyed long before they rushed over.

Although he didn't report much hope in the first place, if he could track down that guy, he might be able to find out more information about that organization.

Ask passers-by about that guy's whereabouts?

No, if the passer-by who inquired happened to be a member of that organization, or someone from that organization got wind of it, they might be targeted by the organization if they didn't hear the news and didn't tell it.

In this way, this time the clues were interrupted again, and he still couldn't do anything, no matter how he thought about it, it was reconciled.

If only he had tried again then, if he could put the transmitter on the opponent, he might be able to track him all the way now...

Dr. Ali parked the car on the side of the road. From the rearview mirror of the car, he noticed that Conan kept his head down and said nothing. He tried to comfort him, "Xinyi, how about we go around and try again? The other party just now Or maybe it entered a certain alley, and now it's back on the right road?"

"No need, doctor, I was too anxious," Conan adjusted his mentality, raised his head and smiled, and his tone became lighter, "I was not very sure that I could track it again, and it would be very difficult to find it if I continued to look for it." Out of that guy, but since I already know his code name, appearance and voice, next time I meet him, I will definitely be able to lock him for the first time! Next, you can turn around, I will go back and see Officer Huiyuan and Takagi They, I will contact you again later..."

Seeing Conan getting off the car, Dr. A Li hurriedly warned, "Be careful!"

"Got it," Conan opened the umbrella and closed the car door, "don't worry!"

Dr. Ali watched Conan walk away under an umbrella, still a little worried.

How could people from that organization appear around here? Shinichi and Xiaoai will be fine, right?

Conan returned to the apartment downstairs and found that Miwako Sato and Ren Saburo Shiratori who were on duty had already led the team there.

When Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko saw Conan coming back, they immediately surrounded him.

"Conan, where did you go just now?"

"Huh? Why did you change your clothes?"

"Isn't it because I saw a suspicious person upstairs and chased him?" Haibara Ai looked at Conan's serious face, not knowing that the famous detective had already met a dangerous guy from a certain organization, and teased , "Look at your lost soul and you can't figure it out, didn't you catch up?"

"Suspicious person?" Ayumi looked at Takagi She, "Didn't the robber fall off the railing and die this time?"

"When I ran down, I fell and got my clothes wet, so I asked the doctor to send me some clothes," Conan Banyueyan said, "I just went to the street corner to find the doctor to change my clothes..."

"Doctor, is he here?"

"He happened to be shopping around here, and I'll contact him later."

Conan flickered over and saw a strange man standing in front of the truck. After asking the other members of the Detective Boys in a low voice, his attention gradually shifted to the incident of the robber falling from the building.


Three hours later, at seven o'clock in the afternoon, Conan solved the case, called Dr. A Li, and asked Dr. A Li to pick them up by the way.

Not long after, a Beetle drove up to the intersection.

Taking advantage of the gap between a group of children getting into the car, Conan, who got into the back seat, leaned forward and leaned closer to Dr. Ali's ear, "Doctor, how is it? Did you find anything nearby?"

Dr. A Li shook his head and said in a low voice, "No."

Hui Yuanai looked up, pretending not to notice, and lowered his head to open a magazine, preparing to pass the time on the road.

Edogawa is mysterious, probably talking to the doctor about the organization, she doesn't ask, anyway, just keep an eye on the doctor, these two people always talk about things at the doctor's house, she has too many opportunities to eavesdrop...

Dr. A Li waited for the children to get into the car, and then drove away from the spot.

Conan sat down on the seat, looked out the car window, stared blankly for a while, turned around and saw Haibara Ai beside him who was concentrating on reading, still couldn't help but want to inquire, approached and asked in a low voice, "Hey, Haibara, that organization Is there anything code-named Rack in here?"

Haibara Ai looked up at Conan, "What? Have you met Lark?"

"Nope." Conan held back his heartbeat that accelerated due to anticipation, maintaining a calm and confident expression, "The recent international reports are all about the alcohol restriction in Turkey, and raki is the national bar of Turkey, although the alcohol restriction is not only for rak wine, but Lak was the most affected, I just suddenly thought, I don’t know if there is a person codenamed Lak in that organization.”

"Maybe there is." Hui Yuanai looked down at the magazine page, and said softly with a calm expression, "I don't know all the members. When I was in the organization, I didn't meet many people."

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