Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1130 A dead end

Chi Feichi sat in the passenger seat, checked his belongings and body armor, and sent an email to that person on his mobile phone.

[Target enters the runway, preparing to manually correct the trajectory. ——Raki】


for irish...

for gin...

For Stout...

From beginning to end this time, there was only one goal—Shuichi Akai.

After finding out the whereabouts of this group of FBIs, Rum was preparing for action. Adrian, an American with political status, came to visit, and it happened to be a pawn that Rum chose to lure the FBI.

Of course, even if it wasn't Adrian, Rum would look for someone else who could send the FBI out.

The original plan was that they pretended to assassinate Adrian, lure out the FBI, and after confirming the FBI's arrangement, they tried to find a way to transfer other FBI people, and hit Hideo Akai, who was alone or had few companions.

This is similar to when Belmode disguised himself as a silver-haired murderer to lure Shuichi Akai out a year ago.

However, Belmode was in the United States a year ago, which was the home of the FBI, and he chose to use the identity of "unorganized murderer" to make Akai Shuichi take it lightly.

But this time, the FBI group entered the country illegally, and they themselves will not have effective foreign aid. They intend to use methods such as unequal information and premeditated transfer of personnel to make Hideichi Akai fall into a trap.

In the original plan, there was no such link as Armstrong.

Because Armstrong planned to go with Adrian, it was decided not long before departure, but it just so happened that because one of Armstrong’s subordinates contacted the organization’s intelligence, he had noticed this person, and felt that Armstrong could be used as a backup, so he arranged for someone to be in the United States that day. The man who shot Armstrong.

When this spare is needed, it can also give the FBI a suitable reason-Armstrong may have access to organization intelligence, and the organization wants to silence it.

In fact, the organization confirmed that Armstrong didn't know much, and he was just a backup of "Plan B".

And three days ago, after Rum investigated the approximate itinerary of Adrian and Armstrong, he looked through it, combined with the information of these two people, and made some adjustments to the original plan——

Set up Adrian as a half-clear target, use Akai Shuichi's plan in Otaru Town, let the FBI discover their "premeditation", participate in the protection of Adrian, and trap some FBI personnel into Adrian located in Tokyo.

Then set up Armstrong as the target in the dark, and transfer the remaining FBI personnel to Ichikawa City.

After using these two false targets to restrain the FBI's manpower and energy, they tried to lure Akai Shuichi to go from Tokyo to Ichikawa without many companions.

On this section of the road, there are organized traps waiting for Shuichi Akai, and it is also the planned way to kill Shuichi Akai!

Throughout the plan, there are three issues worth worrying about.

The first question, how to ensure that part of the FBI's staff is stuck with Adrian?

He took advantage of the information time lag.

After calculating that the FBI was almost certain that "the organization intends to assassinate Adrian", he made people pretend to reveal his flaws. When investigating Adrian, he was discovered by the Secret Service.

In this way, if the FBI suspects that the organization wants to assassinate Adrian, they will negotiate with the headquarters and the Secret Service, and apply for "cooperation" first. After the FBI and the Secret Service confirm cooperation and formally meet, Akai Shuichi will listen to the Secret Service. Speaking of which - the Secret Service also found some abnormalities, which made Akai Shuichi feel that "it is so easy to be detected, the organization should not be so good, it is weird", and thus noticed a number one person like Armstrong.

But at this time, the negotiations between the FBI and the Secret Service had been completed. When Akai Shuichi found out that Armstrong's subordinates had been shot and suspected that the target of the organization was Armstrong, the FBI had no way to withdraw the manpower they had arranged.

After all, it was the FBI who proposed to participate in the protection. Everyone has gone through the procedures, notifying all parties back and forth, obtaining approval, negotiating, and confirming the plan. Even the Secret Service cooperated with the FBI to sneak in. The FBI soon returned What would the Secret Service think of 'sorry, we might be mistaken'?

For the sake of a harmonious relationship between everyone, it is impossible for the FBI to withdraw the people it sent over.

And the FBI will not expose everyone to one side, there must be a spare manpower, and it is not impossible for Adrian to be assassinated, so there is no need for this group of people to withdraw.

The FBI came to attack the ambush organization at the beginning, and there will be no fewer people arranged near Adrian, at least ten, otherwise it is easy to be beaten if the ambush fails.

Such a large number of people is equivalent to being tied to Adrian. Even if the FBI finds that the 'real target' is Adrian, it is unlikely to withdraw them, but choose to use other people.

Judging from the results of the investigation, the FBI did send at least ten people, and also replaced some of the clerks around Adrian, so it is necessary for the FBI to keep a few people to protect those clerks.

He estimated that there were at least fifteen people trapped by the FBI in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward and Shimono Town.

The second question, how did Hide Akai transfer the rest of the FBI to Ichikawa?

General reasoning is to collect clues, synthesize clues, and make judgments with logical thinking. Then, he can synthesize the clues that Shuichi Akai has, the clues that can be obtained, and the time to obtain the clues, so that Shuichi Akai can do it within the time he reserved. solve the case'.

Mikihashi and Midoridaicho have Rum's eyeliner, which can let him grasp the progress and control the rhythm at any time.

According to the news sent back by Rum's eyeliner, the FBI only left one or two people in each place to guard the house, and the others ran to Ichikawa City.

Then, the calculation of this step is also successful.

The third question, will Hideichi Akai stay in Ichikawa City directly, without rushing from Tokyo to Ichikawa City temporarily?

According to common sense, it is possible, but he is sure that Shuichi Akai will not.

That one was very willing to show him the records of Akai Shuichi's previous actions in the organization.

Some appearances and personalities can be disguised, but some information cannot be hidden. For example, Akai Shuichi's "strong action ability" and "more trust in his own judgment" are two points in the organization. When he was in the organization, he acted more than once or twice manifested in.

It can be faked once or twice, but it happens many times, that is, I am used to it.

Because he believes in his own judgment more, in order to judge the situation accurately and in a timely manner, Akai Shuichi will inevitably stay in Tokyo, waiting for the key information of "organizational action time" to surface.

Because of his strong mobility, Akai Hideichi felt that it was nothing to run too much, it had become a habit, and he would rush over immediately after making a judgment.

And he can figure it out, the FBI has at most ten people in Ichikawa City, Akai Shuichi will not rest assured that his colleagues will fight against an organization that is used to collective dispatches, and they must go to suppress the formation...

Sometimes, goodness or evil, selflessness or selfishness, cleverness or stupidity are all essentially the same. Whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage, as long as you are calculating, you can see through some behaviors and habits of a person. Thereby laying traps in a targeted manner.

After all these problems are solved, there is one more step——

Let Shuichi Akai's car go on the route they planned!

During his two days of remote control, Langmu was not idle, and was still making some arrangements. If he didn't transfer the rest of the FBI to Ichikawa City, the action would revolve around the plan prepared by Langmu. So he doesn't have to worry about failure, as long as he doesn't play with the whole situation, he can try at will.


It was almost dusk, the sky was dyed orange red by the setting sun, and one or two cars drove past at high speed on the main road leading to Ichikawa City from time to time.

Andre Cameron was sitting in the back seat, and suddenly noticed a car following them, and reminded him loudly, "Mr. Akai, there seems to be a car following us."

In the passenger seat, Akai Hideo glanced at the rearview mirror, took out a cigarette and lit it again, "I see."

Not 'as if', but 'certainly'.

Cameron is still not sure at this time, his reaction is a bit slow, and his vigilance is not high enough...

Andre Cameron: "…"

Even if you're not surprised, shouldn't Akai-san tell you what to do?

What does it mean to respond so calmly and helplessly, as if he was speechless to him.

"Although I'm not sure when I followed him, but it should have been when there were a lot of cars on the road before." Akai Shuichi raised his eyes to look at the rearview mirror, "I've been following for at least twenty minutes."

"Is it someone from that organization?" Judy asked.

"It should be." Akai Hideichi smoked a cigarette, letting a wisp of smoke drift in front of his eyes, his eyes were distracted.

something is wrong...

Judy looked serious, "Do you want to get rid of them?"

If the opponent locks them, the chances of success in shooting black guns from behind will not be high, and they may be surrounded by counterattacks and black guns.

Her driving skills are not bad, why don't you go crazy and get rid of her opponent!


Akai Shuichi recalled the route on the map, but couldn't help but think of other problems.

The people from the organization locked their cars so quickly, did they happen to be discovered on the way? still……

He had a little bad premonition in his heart.

Andre Cameron has been keeping an eye on the car behind him, "Mr. Akai, that car is speeding up!"

Akai Hideichi caught a glimpse of the car approaching under the overpass in front of him, and immediately said, "Don't speed up, turn left immediately! Go straight, and when you reach the intersection in front of Benyishi Convenience Store, turn right sharply into the small road, then turn right, you can go straight from the other side. A road to Shangchuan Bridge..."

"Ok!" Judy responded with a firm expression, and slammed the steering wheel, causing the car to drift left and drive on another road.

Akai Shuichi looked in the rearview mirror, the car coming down the overpass was obviously blocked, "Don't slow down, let's get out of here as soon as possible...their real target may be me!"

At an intersection ahead, the black Zelas drove into the driveway first.

Not long after, a live TV car approached quickly, closing the distance between the two cars.

Judy didn't pay attention to the black car in front, and was surprised by what Akai Hideichi said, "You? So..."

"It's a trap. We've already slipped in. In short, our people in Ichikawa City will drive here through the Ichikawa Bridge and try to join them. In addition, with Tokyo..."

Akai Shuichi raised his eyes to look ahead, his pupils shrank.

Unknowingly, they drew closer to a black car in front of them.

On the passenger seat of that car, the door was opened, and a blond, blue-eyed young man looked towards them with a headphone on his right ear, as if he was communicating with someone.

Looking at the other party's black clothes, you can tell which side they are from, and the other party has long planned to wait for them in front.

Due to the wind and the distance, they couldn't hear what the other party was saying, but the other party's actions were too blatant, as if declaring arrogantly: You have stepped into a trap, and I don't have to worry about it!

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