Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1133 Lark dropped the bomb

Stout looked at the water surface and the shore through the scope, and asked aloud, "Luck, if I find the target, can I shoot directly?"

Because the distance between the two bridges is not far, there are street lights on both sides of the river, so the light on their side is bright, and they can have a panoramic view of the water surface and the conditions on both sides of the river.

If someone from the FBI shows up downstream, don't blame him for shooting.

After all, there was Srivova watching behind him, so he didn't dare to let people go, at most he let the water go when he could.

The voice over the earphones was hoarse and gloomy, "Of course, try to kill with one blow."

Stout had already made up his mind to see the time to release the water, and replied with a smile on the surface, "Then I hope they can come to my side and give me a chance to aim at their heads!"

Under Bridge 315.

Judy surfaced, calmed her rapid breathing, picked up her glasses and put them back on.

It was really scary just now.

Fortunately, as soon as Hideo Akai got back into the car, he immediately pulled them out of the car, and they managed to avoid the explosion, otherwise they would have died in the car.

Even so, the flames from the explosion just now still burned her back, and the impact of the explosion also helped them make a rapid descent, causing her to fall directly into the water.

Andre Cameron showed his head on the water not far away, reached out to wipe the water dripping from his hair on his face, looked at Judy and Shuichi Akai under the bridge, "Judy, Mr. Akai..."

"Cameron, bow your head and dive down!"

Shouting loudly, Akai Shuichi quickly took off his wet coat, rolled up and threw it towards Andre Cameron.

Andre Cameron was taken aback for a moment, seeing the clothes being thrown over him, and after regaining his senses, he quickly held his breath and dived into the water.

"call out!"

A bullet pierced through the ball of clothes that flew past, knocked the ball of clothes off, and the bullet also flew into the water.

Judy looked palely in the direction of the bullet, but her sight was blocked by the concrete pillars of the bridge, so she couldn't see the situation there.

"Hide behind the concrete pillar, don't go out, there are snipers over there!" Akai Shuichi warned, and then asked Andre Cameron, who was sneaking over, "Cameron, are you not injured?"

Andre Cameron surfaced after reaching the concrete pillar, and then he showed his head in fear, "No, it's all right."

He was just a little outside the water, so he was almost jumped by a sniper rifle. It was too dangerous!

Judy turned her head to observe the surrounding situation, and at a glance, she saw the beam of flashlight flickering upstream in the dim light. She was stunned for a moment, and reminded, "They have arranged manpower on the upstream river bank!"

"There should also be downstream..." Chi Jingxiu looked at the downstream direction of the water flow. The downstream light was much brighter, and there were no people on the river bank, but he could see a bridge across the river. I also knew that the organization had prepared so much. Maybe give up that ambush point, "Probably a sniper."

The upstream investigation crowd is about 700 yards away from the paper mill, and there are not many people who can reach this sniper distance...

Is the sniper at the paper mill Gin...

In any case, the vicinity of the bridge on route 315 was within the observation range of the sniper at the paper mill.

Where the upstream is out of the range of the sniper, there are organized people guarding the river bank, just within the sniper distance of the sniper.

As for downstream...

There should be other snipers squatting on guard. Cooperating with the sniper from the paper mill, they can also observe the waters and river banks between Route 315 bridge and the bridge clearly.

In this way, their retreat was completely blocked.

"Mr. Akai, what should we do now?" Andre Cameron looked around, always feeling that he would face a hail of bullets wherever he went, and couldn't make up his mind, "Are we going to waste here?"

Judy lowered her head and calculated, "Mr. James and the others rushed over from Shimono Town, it will take at least an hour..."

"No, the people from Ichikawa City have also been stopped. Don't expect them to arrive for support within an hour."

Akai Hideichi looked around, but didn't say any more.

As long as they survived for an hour and a half, their support would almost arrive, and the group of people who organized them would probably withdraw immediately.

Although according to this, they can hide behind the bunker under the bridge and consume each other, but the question is, will the organization let them consume it?

If the organization has other people rushing over one after another, they will definitely gather their people until they can see the position under the bridge, and surround and kill them.

The water here is deep and the current is fast. They can rely on the concrete pillars to save energy, but they also have to expend energy to float on the water. If their energy is almost exhausted, and the people in the organization suddenly change their tactics to kill them, it will be difficult for them to escape.

Consuming in water is risky.

Find a way to break out, the risk is also great...


Shore paper mill.

A sports car drove into the factory and parked under the office building.

After Chianti and Cohen went upstairs, they took Gin's place, set up their sniper rifles, and observed the water surface and the shore.

At the same time, the vodka that received the news caused the search team to shrink the distance. Cooperating with Chianti and Cohen's sniper distance, they got closer to the Route 315 bridge.

Under the bridge, Andre Cameron was leaning against a concrete pillar, hiding in the shadows, and found people on the upstream bank leaning towards the bridge. He couldn't help reminding him nervously, "Mr. Akai, they're coming!"

Seeing the people approaching, Akai Hideo stopped and continued to search. After estimating the distance these people moved, he murmured, "The gin has been replaced..."

"What?" Judy didn't hear clearly.

Akai Shuichi did not explain, looked around, and said softly, "We have to find a way to get out of here..."

From this point of view, the organization really doesn't intend to spend with them, and is slowly gathering people.

They had to find a way to get out of here. If they exhausted half of their physical strength and were surrounded, it would be difficult to fight back.

In the middle of the bridge, Chi Feichi stood by the guardrail, lowered his head and fiddled with the bomb in his hand, adding a waterproof layer to the bomb.

The black Porsche 356A drove across the bridge and stopped beside Chi Feichi.

Gin opened the car door, got out of the car, and turned to look at the stretched van on the road that had been burned to a black frame, "Have you seen it? How is the situation in the car?"

"I jumped out of the car. There is no body in the car. There should be three people."

Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, arranged the bomb, lit it with a lighter, turned around and faced out of the bridge, waited for the fuse to burn halfway, and then threw the bomb down the bridge.

He didn't prepare the bomb's waterproof layer in advance, and he had already given Akai Shuichi time to leave, which was regarded as releasing the water.

Otherwise, he would drop a bomb directly into the water after Akai Hideichi dived, and Akai Hideichi and his group would be injured if not killed.

It is not easy for him to force Akai Shuichi to use all his strength to deal with it, and at the same time avoid driving Akai Shuichi to death.

"Luck dropped the bomb."

Gin Jiu said something to the communication headset, reminding his teammates not to be frightened by the explosion.


The bomb exploded under the bridge, and the river was blown up, splashing the gin around the parapet.

Gin: "..."

If I had known earlier, he wouldn't be in a hurry to get out of the car!

Chi Feichi was also splashed with a lot of water. He took out another bomb and began to install the waterproof compartment. He asked in a hoarse voice, "The others haven't arrived yet?"

"About three more minutes..."

Gin estimated the time, and asked over the communication headset, "Chianti, Cohen, is there any movement under the bridge?"

"No." Cohen replied.

"There is no movement at all," Chianti said impatiently. "Have they run away? Or are they dead in the water?"

Under the bridge, Shuichi Akai, Judy, and Andre Cameron used daggers and other tools to cling to the bottom of the bridge. Seeing the explosion in the water, they couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

If they were still in the water, they would be injured if they were not dead. Fortunately, they evacuated to the bridge in time.

Judy looked at Akai Shuichi, and asked Akai Shuichi if he wanted to go on.

They stuck to the bottom of the bridge, intending to move to the shore in this way, and then go ashore from the shadows.

Although climbing across the bottom of the bridge in this way will consume a lot of physical strength, it may not be possible to escape from under the nose of the sniper, and you still have to hide in the shadow of the bridge body, but there is no way to do it, soaking in the water It also takes energy, so it's better to move as soon as possible, and wait until the ground, maybe you can find an opportunity to counterattack.

Akai Hideichi recalled the factory he saw when the car came over, suddenly changed his mind, shook his head, raised his chin in another direction, and signaled the other two to go that way.

Originally, he planned to sneak back to the paper mill, but now, he suddenly had an idea, maybe it would become their only lifeline...

On the bridge, after hearing the report from Chianti and Cohen, Gin reached out to wipe the water splashed on his face, looked at Chi Feichi, and asked jokingly, "Luck, what do you think?"

"Under the bridge," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, after installing the waterproof layer of another bomb, he walked to the guardrail on the other side of the bridge, and said in a calm tone, "Moving close to the bottom of the bridge, taking advantage of the shadow of the bridge body , able to reach the shore."

On the communication channel, Vodka also heard Chi Feichi's judgment, and asked aloud, "Brother, do you want me to take someone to have a look under the bridge?"

"Wait a little longer, you continue to block the upstream, don't leave any loopholes in the blockade that allow them to escape..."

Gin Jiu glanced at Chi Feichi who threw the bomb under the bridge, and reminded, "Luck dropped the bomb again."

Knowing that the people from the FBI are sticking to the bottom of the bridge and may have moved to a position close to the river bank, it is obvious that throwing a bomb into the water has a high probability of not being able to blow up people. Lark still throws it?

It's idle and boring right now!


The other side of the bridge was also splashed with a "big splash".

Gin avoided a spray baptism, and asked aloud, "Gamble, where are we going?"

"The paper mill..."

Chi Feichi looked up and watched the water spray up and down like rain. He didn't care whether the water wet the wig, paused for a moment, and asked suddenly, "Which side is Bourbon?"

Based on his guess, if Akai Hidekazu wanted to sneak ashore under the shadow of the bridge, he would most likely choose the paper factory.

Because the paper mill had deployed snipers, and the snipers were able to observe the surrounding terrain, it is likely that there were not many people in ambush there.

And compared to the unknown, the side with known information is obviously much easier to plan.

But he and Gin don't need to gamble, the people arranged by Rum have already arrived nearby, so they just go to the other side.

"Bourbon is in the area of ​​the cold machinery industry." Gin also felt that the possibility of Shuichi Akai coming ashore from the paper mill was relatively high, and turned to get in the car. "Then let's go to the paper mill!"

After waiting for Chi Feichi to get in the car, the Porsche 356A drove off the bridge and turned to the river bank.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Chi Feichi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw the shadow moving against the bottom of the bridge, picked up the sniper rifle that had been placed on the car with gin, and observed the situation.

Akai Shuichi and the others did not come to the river bank on the paper mill side as he expected, but chose the other side...

Amuro Toru is over there at the Refrigeration Factory!

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