Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1136 Preparations for the Silver Bullet

It was only then that Toru Amuro noticed that before he knew it, they were missing someone and he hadn't noticed yet. He was a little surprised, "Luck him..."

"Brother, isn't Lark here?" Vodka, who led someone to hide behind the wall, asked first, and then smiled grimly, "Is he going to get the bomb?"

Gin didn't mind being heard by the FBI, he stared at the concrete platform like a prey player, and said with interest, "No, he just went to the candy factory to confirm some things, but he should have some leftovers on him." There's a bomb..."

Behind the concrete platform, Judy also became anxious, and turned to look at Shuichi Akai, "Xiu..."

The key problem now is not the bomb, but the candy factory!

"It's okay, all the preparations are done," Akai Shuichi had to say to appease the emotions of his teammates. The people organized went to the candy factory to investigate. Their purpose might indeed be exposed or blocked, but Gin's attitude Ming told them on purpose, just to let them mess themselves up. If they can't hold their breath now, they will be killed in vain as soon as they show their heads, "If the situation is not right, Cameron... activate the remote control in advance, take advantage of the chaos , let’s rush out and move according to my previous route, of course, if the situation is not too bad, we can wait as long as we can, it’s already been an hour and a half, count the time, our support will arrive soon.”

Judy and Andre Cameron settled down and waited patiently.

Soon, voices were faintly heard behind them.


"Been there... citric acid..."

The voice of the other party's communication was not loud, and the hoarse voice after that was even harder to hear, but they paid too much attention to certain words, and they still vaguely caught it.

Judy and Andre Cameron couldn't help looking at Shuichi Akai again.

Those people who organized it seemed to have really discovered what they were preparing before, how to break it?

"Is his codename Lark..." Akai Shuichi recognized the hoarse voice and murmured subconsciously.

"Mr. Akai, isn't it time to think about a code name?" Andre Cameron couldn't help but ask.

"Sorry, because he is a master of Jeet Kune Do, so I..."

Akai Hideichi was stared at by two teammates who wanted to eat people, so he restrained himself a bit, didn't continue talking, and said instead, "There's nothing you can do if you get discovered, prepare to activate that..."

The limit is delayed, he has already done what he should do, and it is useless to be in a hurry.

Moreover, the preparations have already been made, and the organization is unlikely to destroy his preparations in the short term. If they see the right time, there is probably more than half the chance of getting away...


Beside the factory building, Chi Feichi explained to Gin Jiu in a hoarse voice, using the intercom to inform others of the situation.

"...a lot of citric acid was taken from the candy factory, not sure what type of flour was taken from the flour mill before, but I'm guessing it was sodium bicarbonate..."

Amuro Toru followed and listened, and turned to look at Chi Feichi in surprise, "Soda?"

"What soda?" Vodka was confused.

"Soda water is made by dissolving sodium bicarbonate and citric acid or tartaric acid in water to produce carbon dioxide gas, and then adding flavoring ingredients," Amuro thought, explaining to vodka why he said soda water, "I'm When the steel processing plant searched, it was found that the iron sand pellets used for sandblasting pretreatment on the steel surface seemed to have been passive, and there was a lot less. If enough sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were used to make a large enough volume, the internal gas was continuously pressurized The impetus of the explosion will be much stronger than that of the shaken and then sudden soda. Is the device containing the iron sand pellets installed on the propulsion device... No, there should be other arrangements to make the ejection effect..."

A certain Bourbon was obsessed with reasoning, unable to extricate himself, and restored the device production plan in his mind.

But vodka also understands, that is, there is really a trap, it may be something similar to the explosion effect of a bomb, which will explode iron sand pellets...

Fortunately, they didn't run into the clearing.

Qin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Are you sure?"

"It's difficult to make iron sand pellets destructive enough by chemical reaction alone, but the sewage treatment plant has an air pump for blowing oxygen in sewage treatment, which can be used to pressurize the interior of a certain container..." Chi Feichi said hoarsely The voice said, looking at a factory area opposite, based on the layout of this sewage treatment plant, the location of the air pump is probably there. When you reach a certain point, you can achieve the effect of controlling at any time by holding the mechanism and remote control.”

Qin Jiu looked in the direction Chi Feichi was looking at, and said thoughtfully, "The third FBI came out of that place before..."

Looking at it this way, the hiding places of the three FBIs are not only shelters to guard against bullets from them, but they can also observe whether anyone is approaching that place at any time, and some of the previous doubts can be explained.

The FBI thought of making something like a bomb because they were less than many, and their weapons were not as sufficient as theirs.

I came here along the bridge because there is no sewage treatment plant on the bank of the paper mill, and there are many temples and shrines upstream, so only this area has things that can be used.

After arriving here, they immediately split up and handed over the collected items to one of them for preparation as soon as possible, while the other two led them over.

This is thinking, instead of hiding, it is better to gather them together, and then activate a certain device, and after they have suffered casualties, they can escape in the chaos.

If the situation was a little more serious, they would not be able to pursue it any longer.

However, what the FBI prepared should not be fatal.

One is that those guys don't do that.

The second is that if the speed and force of the iron sand pellets fly out are enough to penetrate the human body, it will easily ignite some flammable materials. In such a place where there are some chemicals nearby, it is best to keep them in a safe place, no matter whether it is bombs or flames. It is within the control range, and the splashing things like iron sand pellets will get out of control, so it is easy for everyone to finish playing together.


"In order to prevent the power failure of the air pump, they specially tampered with the power supply circuit," Chi Feichi looked at the lights in front of the factory building, and hissed, "When I came here, the original power supply line was cut off, but Obviously useless, there is still power here."

After he went to the candy factory, he found the power supply line of the sewage treatment plant and cut off the line.

But there is still power supply here, which means that Shuichi Akai must have changed the power supply line, maybe it used the line of a nearby factory building, or maybe it used the power generation equipment in the factory...

"Next time I want to cut off the circuit, let me know in advance..." Qin Jiu reminded, staring at the factory building where the air pump was suspected to be installed.

Lark is really a guy, he doesn't even give a prior notice when he wants to cut off the circuit.

But the question now is how to deal with the FBI group.

Whether they rushed over or the three people found out that the situation was wrong, it might cause the three people to activate the thing known to have a large-scale lethality.

There is a large open space around the other party, and they are staring at the factory building. Their people will be found if they approach the other party or the factory building rashly.

It is the best to be able to disarm that device, so they don't have to worry about the unknown trap next to them, they can kill them however they want.

But the other party changed the circuit, and it would take too much time to cut off the nearby circuits. If the other party uses a generator as a backup, it may not be effective.

That's the same as before, bypass the trap and solve it in other ways.

In addition, it is best to know where Akai Shuichi will run after activating the device...

Chi Feichi also looked over there, silently thinking about countermeasures.

The walls of this factory building are not high. If he was in Akai Shuichi's position and the activation device would cause confusion, he would not choose their side, nor would he choose to run towards the river bank. The remaining two sides are connected to the factory building, which side to choose...

Qin Jiu retracted his gaze and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Lake, do you still have a bomb?"

"There are two more..." Chi Feichi thought, took out two bombs, threw one to Gin, and suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, "Rum, do you have gasoline prepared?"


Toru Amuro was surprised, but didn't show it on his face.

Is Rum on the mobile communication channel too...

Gin caught the bomb, and was not surprised since he knew that rum was mixed in their communication channel.

But Chianti was obviously a little surprised, "Lang, Rum?"

She remembered that Lak was also in the communication channel before, and kept silent for a long time. Do all of them like to mix in the mobile communication channel and listen in silence?

A mechanical voice that obviously used a voice changer came from the ear, "What are you going to use for the car in front of the auto parts store?"

Toru Amuro was disappointed when he heard that Rum had used a voice changer. Anyway, he didn't expect Rum to reveal his real voice.

Chi Feichi looked at the concrete platform, his face turned blue eyes were extremely calm and cold, "It is used to determine where the FBI will eventually go..."

Three minutes later, Gin asked someone to aim at the angle and dropped a bomb.

Akai Shu leaned back against the concrete platform, and kept using a black-screened mobile phone as a mirror. Although it was a little blurry, he also observed the movement of the person who threw the bomb, and told Judy and Andre Cameron to hide behind the concrete platform. At the risk of being seen by snipers, he suddenly got up and fired a shot in the back, then squatted down quickly.

When the bomb flew halfway, it was hit by Akai Shuichi's bullet and exploded violently.

On a nearby high place, Stout stared at the scope, and subconsciously aimed the moment he saw Hideichi Akai standing up, but soon, his sight was blocked by the flames brought by the explosion, and he sighed in his heart, "The FBI's silver The bullet is really not easy', said aloud, "I didn't have time to shoot..."

"Keep watching."

On the other side of the earphone, a hoarse voice said something, but there was no movement again.

Stout could feel that the other side didn't care much about the result, but he was not sure. He stared at the scope and pretended to sigh with regret, "The person who got up to shoot the bomb is really confident in his marksmanship. He squatted down immediately after shooting." It's gone, probably not dead..."

Takatori Yannan stood aside with the face of a bearded man in disguise, using binoculars to observe the open space where the fire was shrinking and the concrete platform where the FBI was hiding, and deliberately let his voice have a Kansai accent, "The FBI Guy... Calvados is really wronged."

"By the way, I heard that Calvados..."

Stout tried to find topics, close the relationship, and prepare for the future intelligence.

That bastard Lak killed their cute new colleague, he still remembers this grudge.

This time he was transferred from the UK to cooperate with Lak's actions, and he might do the same in the future, so there are still many opportunities to get in touch with Lak. Way to catch that guy Lak!

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