Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1139 The Man Who Waited for Ten Minutes

that night.

In an izakaya near the THK company, the four shareholders of the company sat in the innermost seats and gathered together for a small party.

When four glasses of beer came together, Toshi Odagiri and Sonoko Suzuki also smiled and shouted, "Cheers!"

Feichi crawled out of Chi Feichi's sleeve, pulled an empty glass with his tail curled up, and poked Chi Feichi with the tip of his tail, "Master, and I..."

Chi Feichi was in no hurry to drink, and poured Feichi half a glass of apple juice.

Feichi looked at the cup, continued to poke Chi Feichi, tilted his head and opened his dark eyes, imitating Conan's tone of cuteness, "Master, just drink a little fruity beer, is it okay?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Fruity beers are alcohol too.

And Feichi's staring cold eyes and expressionless snake face are really not suitable for being cute.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Chi Feichi compromised, took another empty glass, and poured some fruity beer for Feichi.

"Is it okay to give Feichi a drink?" Oda Kirito also reached out, poking Feichi who was cheerfully entangled in the glass.

"It shouldn't matter, right?" Suzuki Sonoko smiled, and clinked glasses with Feichi's cup mouth, "Okay, and Feichi, let's cheer together!"

The four of them took a sip of beer, and Senyuan Chrysanthemum put down his glass and reminded, "Yuanzi, don't drink too much."

"It's okay," Sonoko Suzuki took a sip of the beer in the glass, smiled and waved his hands, "The atmosphere is so good, I can't spoil the fun, the party must start with beer, and fruity beer is no different from soda!"

"Sonoko is right," Oda Kirito also put down his beer glass and pushed the menu forward, "Go ahead and order, I'll treat you tonight!"

Senyuan Chrysanthemum looked at the menu, smiled and sighed, "It's rare to get together like this, it feels so good..."

The other three felt the same way. It was easier for such a few people to have dinner in an izakaya than to attend any banquet.

The proprietress waited aside with a smile, helping to introduce special dishes from time to time.

Since her shop is here, it is easy to meet artists from THK company, but this time she met the president of the company, it seems that she doesn't...

No, still amazed!

After the four of them ordered wine and drinks, the proprietress took a pen and a postcard and asked Oda Kirito to ask for autographs for her friends.

It was completely dark outside, and this was a densely populated area of ​​companies. At this point, it was time for employees of various companies to have dinner after get off work, and there were not many empty seats left around.

Chi Feichi subconsciously looked around and found that people at other tables also looked at Oda Kirito from time to time.

There are quite a few people who know Toshiya Odagiri, but the main body is not restrained at all. When there is an official press conference, he reluctantly dyes his hair black. After a few days, he dyes it purple again. He doesn't wear sunglasses or hats to block it when he goes out. Put on your coat.

However, these people were all office workers nearby, and they didn't step forward to disturb them when they watched other people having dinner together, but it was just that people glanced at them from time to time, which made him feel weird.

When the proprietress went back to work, Suzuki Sonoko also looked around and said with emotion in a low voice, "Brother Minya is still so popular."

Morizono Kikuto also lowered his voice, "If THK's popularity doesn't drop, his reputation won't drop, but when Qianhe's limelight is about the same, he will be able to pick up Kuraki's new song, and after that, it will be Okino of……"

"Hey, come out to the party tonight, so we don't need to talk about that!" Oda Kirito also hurriedly interrupted.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum laughed, and changed the subject, "Yonzi, you guys are going to be on summer vacation soon..."

Chi Feichi sat aside, quietly listening to Suzuki Sonoko rambling on about the summer vacation arrangements.

After finishing the work, it is a good way to relax at home for a day and go out for dinner with friends in the evening.


The wine and dishes were on the table, and the four of them ate very slowly, adding wine and vegetables from time to time, driving away tables of guests who entered the store at the same time.

After Chi Feichi had almost eaten, he got up and went to the side away from Suzuki Garden. By the way, taking the opportunity to get up and move, he paid attention to the middle-aged man at the table by the door from the corner of his eyes, asked Oda Kirito to sit down, and took out a cigarette. bite.

The middle-aged man looked to be in his forties, of medium height, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and gray trousers, with short hair, a high hairline, a square face, a big nose, a high hump, and pale lips. General company employees are no different.

The man and his companion entered the store ten minutes later than them. There were only two of them. Due to the distance, he couldn't hear what the two of them were talking about. But he paid attention occasionally and found that the man had a bright and generous smile, and his demeanor was not twitchy.

Such people are very common in life. The reason why he noticed it was because the man looked at their table three times after entering the door, and then talked with his companions, drank and ate. Ten minutes ago, the man sent his companions out and turned back. After getting back, he began to look at them repeatedly, to be precise, at Toshiya Odagiri, his gaze and expression were a little cramped and hesitant after changing from his previous cheerfulness.

This man should have deliberately stayed and waited for them, so he was more concerned, trying to figure out what this man wanted to do.

Because of this kind of reaction, either he recognized Toshiya Odagiri and asked for something, but he didn't want to disturb them, or it was a good old man with no criminal experience who suddenly wanted to plot something...

"Brother Feichi, it doesn't matter if you sit here," Suzuki Sonoko saw that Chi Feichi lowered his eyes to light a cigarette, and poured fruit-flavored beer himself, "I don't mind the smell of cigarettes either!"

Oda Qiemin also almost finished eating, he didn't pay attention to the man staring at him at the door, he took a cigarette and bit it carelessly, "I didn't care so much before, but after I have a little devil at home, I have to pay attention if I don't pay attention Now, if the whole room smells of smoke, it’s not good for children..."

Suzuki Sonoko Banyueyan, "Don't look down on people, I'm not a child anymore!"

"Sonoko, drink less," Senyuan Chrysanthemum took the beer bottle from Suzuki Sonoko's hand, and smiled, "Children are not allowed to drink, tonight is an exception, so please be restrained."

Oda Kirito also stared at Suzuki Sonoko, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter, "Ha...cough cough, Feichi, lend me the lighter."

Chi Feichi handed the lighter to Oda Kirito, and reminded, "The person at the table by the door has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Wait for me?" Oda Qiermin also took the lighter in doubt, and looked at the door, just in time to see the middle-aged man turned his head to look at it, and was stunned for a moment. Seeing that there were not many people around, he raised his hand and greeted with a smile, "Uncle, if you If you're alone, why not come and sit together!"

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko turned his head curiously.

The middle-aged man saw that Odagiri Min also said the same thing, so he went to the table, scratched his head in embarrassment, said "excuse me" and then sat down, handing his business card to Odagiri Minya with both hands, "I wanted to wait for President Odagiri I'll talk about it when I'm about to leave, let me introduce myself, my surname is Okubo..."

"Sorry, Mr. Okubo, I was too involved in the chat just now, and I didn't notice that you were waiting for me." Oda Kiritoshi also took the business card, looked down, and was a little surprised, "You Ryoji Mizuhara's manager ,Is it right?"

Senyuan Chrysanthemum and Suzuki Sonoko were stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little delicate.

"Uh, yes," the middle-aged man felt the atmosphere froze for a moment, sweating, "w-what's wrong?"

Suzuki Sonoko came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hands, "It's nothing, it's nothing! I just suddenly remembered that he is a handsome guy, super cool!"

Speaking of cool, she used to think Mizuhara Ryoji was super cool, but looking at Chi Feichi opposite her, with a black jacket, sitting upright but calmly, with a calm and chilling aura, she just compared it in her mind. I felt that Ryoji Mizuhara looked weak in an instant.

She said that cool was a bit wrong, she just wanted other people to associate Mizuhara Ryoji in the direction of "cool", so as not to...

"Yeah," Senyuan Juren said with a smile after recovering, "I'm a little surprised, I didn't expect to meet Mr. Mizuhara's manager here."

change the subject, change the subject, change the subject

Chi Feichi recalled the TV series made by Ryoji Suwon, and understood why the atmosphere was subtle just now, and said to the middle-aged man, "Suwon is a bit like a friend of mine..."

The smiles on the faces of Suzuki Sonoko and Senyuan Chrysanthemum suddenly froze.


"Friend?" Oda Kirito was also taken aback, thinking of Mizuhara Ryoji, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Kayosuke Haga...

It's very strange, when he thinks about it carefully, Ryoji Mizuhara and Kyousuke Haga look quite different, but he still thinks of Kyousuke Haga.

Seeing that the atmosphere was even weirder, the middle-aged man suddenly felt that he probably shouldn't be here tonight, and continued to sweat, "Yes, yes..."

"The facial features are not the same, and the personality is not the same. My friend has a gentle face and a gentle speech," Chi Feichi said, "But they both have the same hairstyle and have stubble on the chin. The key is the voice , although Suwon deliberately suppressed his voice in the TV series, their voice lines are very similar, and their speaking rhythms are also very similar."

"It turned out to be a voice..."

Oda Kiritoshi also compared the voices of the two people, and found that the sense of familiarity did come from the voice, plus the hairstyle and stubble, no wonder he would associate the two people together.

Thinking of Kayosuke Haga, he also felt a little melancholy. After all, when he was in THK company, he also spent a few days with Kayosuke Haga day and night. We couldn't be too happy when we talked about music and tunes.

Chrysanthemum Mori and Sonoko Suzuki looked at each other.

When they came tonight, they didn't mention Yu He Xiangfu or the music score from the beginning to the end, and even avoided words like 'case'.

After the Haga Kyousuke case, Qiuting Lianzi postponed the performance for a while, and I heard that she went to see Haga Kyousuke specially, so they were worried that these two people were in complicated moods.

Oda Kiritoshi was also talking about Kayosuke Haga every day before the case of Kyōsuke Haga, saying that he introduced them to each other, and he was thinking of getting someone to come to the company as a foreign aid, just like Akiba Aiko, and they can get together when they have time .

Chi Feichi didn't mention anything, but I heard from people in the company that Chi Feichi was so confused with Haga Kyousuke and Odagiri Toshi that they lost track of time.

What should these two people do, it made them a little uneasy.

It's fine to send a few complaints or a few words of emotion.

"Hey, what are your expressions?" Oda Kirito also raised his eyes to see the ugly faces of Suzuki Sonoko and Senyuan Kikuto, and couldn't help laughing, "I have a good relationship with that guy, but Feichiye and I!"

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