Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1153 Seems to be a real dish

In the living room outside the kitchen, the woman asked Chi Feichi to wait for others to be seated, then went to the kitchen to make tea, and then began to prepare dinner.

After Mao Lilan helped for a while, he was pushed out of the kitchen by Toyama Kazuha, and went to the lounge to call Mori Kogoro and tell him about Sanada Kazan.

After a while, the woman also came out of the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry," the woman smiled apologetically, "I didn't notice that the condiments were running out, but I'll be back soon."

"It's okay, Brother Feichi is great at cooking, he can help," Yuan Shan and Ye followed with a smile, and looked at Chi Feichi who was sitting in the living room looking down at his phone, "Brother Feichi, the condiments are gone, Mrs. Zhengying I'm going to buy condiments, Xiaolan is on the phone and hasn't come back yet, can you come to the kitchen and help me for a while?"

"Okay." Chi Feichi put away his phone and got up.

"Then it's hard work for you." The woman nodded with a smile, turned and walked out the door.

"What?" Hattori Heiji glanced at Toyama Kazuha unhappily, "Can't you handle it by yourself?"

Yuan Shan and Ye immediately turned their heads and said, "Shut up, you who can't cook at all!"

Chi Feichi ignored the two of them and went into the kitchen.

"Who said I can't?" Hattori Heiji picked up Conan angrily, followed into the kitchen, and put Conan aside, "Tell me, what are you doing?"

Conan sighed speechlessly, what's the matter with him, why did he bring him in?

Hui Yuanai didn't sit down either, and followed to the kitchen door to watch the excitement.

Yuan Shanhe Ye began to assign tasks, nothing more than cutting vegetables and processing ingredients.

Chi Feichi didn't need to say much, as long as he heard how to do it, he would know how to handle the ingredients better.

Hattori Heiji and Conan held the kitchen knife, their faces were serious, and gradually became serious and heavy, and then their faces became darker and darker, and they wanted to give up at one point...

Hui Yuanai couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and stepped forward, "I'll do it."

"No need, Xiao Ai," Yuan Shan and Ye said, "I'll call Xiao Lan to help, and you two, don't do anything if you cause trouble!"

Hattori Heiji almost threw the kitchen knife, but he held back. He sneaked a glance to the side, and found that Chi Feichi dropped the knife smoothly and quickly, and the cucumber slices he cut out were also well-proportioned and moderate. Then look at the cucumbers he and Conan cut crookedly, with 'roots broken'. Suddenly felt very hit.

He seems to be a real dish...

"Brother Feichi, please stand up for a while longer!" Yuan Shan and Ye said, and hurried out.

"Okay." Chi Feichi replied simply, took the fish washed by Yuanshan Heye in the basin next to him, and cut out uniform thin slices calmly and quickly.

Hattori Heiji was a little distracted staring at it.

Brother Feichi's knife skills are really good...

"Hey, Hattori, you..." Conan turned his head, and saw Hattori Heiji foolishly watching Chi Feichi cooking, and instantly understood.

He understands, sometimes watching Chi Feichi chop vegetables makes him feel very brainwashed, as if he could keep staring at him forever.

Hui Yuanai looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking? You've been distracted."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji came back to his senses, and found that Huibara Ai was looking at Chi Feichi, and then looked at Chi Feichi in astonishment.

Brother Feichi is actually distracted?

Brother Feichi actually lost his mind when 'Ka Ka Ka' was chopping vegetables?

It's still cut so well, do you want to die?

"I was thinking about how to do the 'Witch's Resurrection' magic," Chi Feichi lowered his head as he handled the fish fillet, "To let the audience see the figure in the fire, a dummy is needed, and some heated objects are put inside the dummy. The props that can twist hands and feet or make low noises will make the action and sound of the dummy close to the real person in the fire. The time for the dummy to replace itself should be before the ignition, when the assistant hands the rope to the audience , or when some assistant approached with a torch..."

Conan couldn't help but join the analysis team, "Because after the fire is lit, the audience's eyes will be focused on the burning cross, and the bright light of the flame is not convenient for the magician to replace himself with a dummy."

"That is to tie yourself to the cross first. The cross and the rope may have been tampered with. Then, while the audience's attention was distracted elsewhere, the magician and the dummy quickly switched and hid, and then The person who is lit on the cross is actually a dummy, right?" Hattori Heiji touched his chin, "And if the mechanism is well done, the magician can hide in the cross, so that after the fire is extinguished, With some performances, the magician can appear again unscathed, and come back to an astonishing resurrection... A magician and a detective are just one who devises and arranges tricks, and one that sees through and debunks tricks!"

"That's it..." Chi Feichi put the cut fish fillets into a basin to pre-process, took the meat for making dumplings, and prepared to cut them, "Hatchet, please move faster."

Many times, magic looks magical and exciting, but it is actually a trick show, and it is not so interesting to put it bluntly.

For example, if two light groups are arranged on both sides of the stage, the magician walks into the left light group and instantly appears in the right light group, just like the light group can make people ignore the length of the middle of the stage and move instantly , In fact, it may be two people, using the same curtain as the stage background to cover, one person hides and the other appears, coupled with performances, it creates the illusion that it is one person.

"Ah, good..." Hattori Heiji continued to chop vegetables, and suddenly sighed, "It's really troublesome, it's not as smooth as reasoning at all."

"How did you take your home economics class?" Chi Feichi couldn't help complaining.

Home economics classes started in elementary school, and there are many classes such as cleaning, cooking, and sewing. How did these two get mixed up in high school?

Hattori Heiji continued to lower his head and gritted his teeth to deal with the ingredients, "I'm usually in a group with Kazuha, she and other people in the group will help, everyone does what they are good at, and the others just need to finish it almost... ..."

Chi Feichi cleaned up the shredded ginger, washed his hands again, and prepared to make dumplings.

I almost forgot that there are groups in the home economics class, and those who are good at it can lead those who are not good at it.

In his previous life, he cooked it by himself, and then he took turns cooking it with his friends. Anyway, anyone who knows how to cook can cook it all, the difference is whether it tastes good or not.

The home economics class on the original consciousness body is basically handled by myself. In the early stage, no one formed a team, and in the later stage, I can handle it by myself, and I am too lazy to dawdle with other people.

So he has no concept that cooking can be done in a team.

"And the home economics class doesn't require too complicated cooking," Conan also said, "I'm more used to making seaweed rice balls."

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Conan, and asked with a calm face, "Is there a home economics class in the first grade now?"

The detective began to forget himself again, and must be vigilant.

Conan: "!"

It's over, I forgot that I am not Kudo Shinichi who is already in high school...

"The school asked us to get in touch with it in advance," Hui Yuanai helped to cover it up without changing his expression. "Last week, we were asked to visit the senior seniors and senior sisters to take home economics classes. We all helped."

Conan laughed dryly, "Yes, yes, we all can help!"

Chi Feichi didn't ask any further questions and started making dumplings.

When Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye came back, Chi Feichi had already finished making the dumplings, and the cooking was almost ready.

"You guys are so fast," Mao Lilan smiled shyly, "I seem to be on the phone for too long."

Toyama and Ye leaned in front of Hattori Heiji, seeing the vegetables that Hattori Heiji was cutting, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hattori Heiji suddenly had black lines all over his head, and accidentally, the knife missed, and there was a cut in his left hand holding Cai.

The noisy state continued until Master Zhengying's wife, Zhengying Manli, returned.

During this period, Chi Feichi had almost finished the dishes. Hearing the noisy voices, he occasionally had the urge to throw kitchen knives and drive everyone out, but he held back in the end.

And after Zhengying Manli came back, he took Hattori Heiji, who had injured his hand, to bandage it.

"I was too careless to say what, she was the one who interfered with me..." Hattori Heiji complained with dissatisfaction.

Chi Feichi dipped a cotton swab in iodine and motioned for Hattori Heiji to reach out, "Stop making noise."

It's okay once or twice, it's been a noisy day, don't these two people feel tired?

"Ah, I see..." Hattori Heiji saw Chi Feichi's indifferent face, and his arrogance suddenly fell. He quietly watched Chi Feichi help treat the wound, and after a while, he suddenly sighed, "I don't know either." I know why, but when I see He Ye smiling and dangling there, I feel very disturbed..."

Conan froze for a moment, then confirmed, "In addition to this, should we add 'other people' or 'other men' or something?"

"That's right, that's it," Hattori Heiji stretched out his left hand to ask Chi Feichi to apply the medical tape, "How do you know?"

Conan looked at Hattori Heiji strangely, and a second later, he smiled and said in a childish voice, "Brother Hattori is really a child!"

Hehe... Chi Feichi is here, he can't be too precocious, he just doesn't say anything!

"What?" Hattori Heiji exploded in an instant, stretched out his empty right hand towards Conan, and was about to beat his head, "You kid is a kid yourself, so you have the nerve to say someone else!"

Just as Conan was about to speak, the lights in the room suddenly went out with a 'snap'.

Hattori Heiji couldn't beat his hands down, "Is there a power outage?"

Chi Feichi tore off the medical tape in the dark, patted Hattori Heiji's hand, "It's done."

"Hiss..." Hattori Heiji gasped in pain, "Brother Feichi, you slapped the wound..."

Chi Feichi: "Sorry. w."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Conan turned on the light on the watch, gloated at his misfortune, but did not forget the business, "The light outside is still on, it must have tripped, let's go out and have a look."

The three went to check the circuit breaker and pulled the switch. As soon as the lights in the house came on, the screams of Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye came from upstairs.

Jigong Zhanzi died.

When the others reached the second floor, Jigong Zhanzi was bleeding from the head and sitting on the ground with his back against the wall of the corridor. His body was already cold.

Xinghe Tongwu called the police in the next room. After Conan and Hattori Heiji entered, they found the window was open.

At this time, Toyama and Ye discovered that all the books on the bookshelf in the next room had been turned over to the ground, and quickly asked Hattori Heiji to look.

According to Zhengying Mangong, there are some newspaper clippings and photo albums in this room, and the only thing of value is the "Zhengying Notes" left by Master Zhengying.

Chi Feichi stood in the narrow corridor, listening to Hattori Heiji and Conan asking about the situation, and looked towards the room Xinghe Tongwu walked out of.

In this case, he remembered that the murderer was Xinghe Tongwu, and the method was to use the mirror in the interlayer of the door, a magic method to make the corpse suddenly appear...


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