Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1161 It must have been spoiled by Chi Feichi

"Don't be fooled by him," Hui Yuanai said to Dr. A Li, "Maybe he wants to make you proud once in a while, Doctor, so he pretends that he can't solve the code."

Dr. Ali looked at Conan and asked for confirmation, "Is that so?"

Conan choked, and could only let out two unwavering laughs, "Haha..."

Then ask the doctor to see for himself, is he really pretending that he can't solve the code?

"Otherwise, how could we not be able to solve this kind of code to deceive children," Hui Yuanai said, his serious appearance finally couldn't hold back, and he smiled quite brightly without concealing his schadenfreude. "Isn't it? Mr. Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era ?”

Conan's face darkened, and he looked down at the code.

Damn it, Hui Yuan's behavior of 'sprinkling salt in the wound' is quite vile, it's utterly vile!

The three children surrounded Conan.

"Conan, can't you solve it too?" Ayumi asked.

Yuan Tai teased, "It's the same as us."

Mitsuhiko breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, "I'm finally relieved now, as expected, you are also a normal first-grade elementary school student!"

"No, I've almost figured it out. Pill bugs don't refer to real bugs, but crabs, which have hard shells..."

Detectives try to analyze.

"And then?" the three children asked expectantly.

"Well, then it's... take these common points..."

Detective stuck.

Detectives analysis failed.

"It doesn't seem to be solved even together." Conan looked depressedly at Dr. Ari and Haibara.

"Pfft!" Dr. Ali and Haibara wailed and held back.

Conan was speechless, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Chi Feichi, who was leaning against the tree trunk and smoking a cigarette with a calm face and lowered his head, staring at the mottled leaves on the ground.

Don't look at a certain guy who looks like a stranger, but he is actually the best at building happiness on the pain of others...

He remembered that the doctor didn't have such bad tastes before, and Hui Yuan was quite serious when he first met him. He didn't know when he developed in the direction of Chi Feichi, and he must have been led by Chi Feichi...

This kind of mentality is unacceptable, didn’t you see that he was having a headache and was very shocked, the doctor and Huiyuan were still so happy, really...

But what is the meaning of this code, Marumo and the tent are very suitable for children...

He has already considered it from the direction of 'replacement of shape association', but no matter how he thinks about it, he can't figure it out...

Chi Feichi noticed that someone was staring at him, raised his eyes to meet Conan's gaze, and fell silent for a while, "Come on?"

Conan: "..."

go away!

Encouragement from a winner hurts the most, and it comes in a tentative tone.

Like, 'Are you asking me for comfort? Seeing that you are a child, I will give you'...


Conan's cell phone in the back pocket of his trousers rang, realizing that it was the cell phone of Kudo Shinichi's identity, and said to the three children, "I'll talk about the password later!"

Ayumi watched Conan running towards the woods with no one in doubt, "Did someone call Conan? Why did you run so far?"

"That's right," Guangyan turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi who was walking over, "Brother Chi is an adult, and the things we talked on the phone are more important, but before he answered the phone, Brother Chi didn't even go to the grove."

"Don't worry about him," Haibara Ai helped round the field. Someone ran so far because he needed to use the identity of 'Kudo Shinichi' to communicate. If you don't want to reveal your identity, then she'd better help Yuan Yiyuan, "Maybe it's because I can’t think of the answer, so I want to hide in the woods secretly and think about it.”

Ayumi looked at Conan in the woods with his back turned to them, "Is that so?"

I feel that Conan's back is so lonely and depressed, does she want to comfort Conan?

In the woods, Conan turned his back to other people, looked down at the photos sent in the email on his mobile phone, his face was as red as a tomato.

It was a photo of a girl in a swimsuit, and the face was not photographed, but he could tell just by looking at her figure, and he remembered that Xiaolan said that she would go to the beach with Sonoko...

Soon, Mao Lilan's mobile phone number called.

After Conan answered, he heard Suzuki Sonoko say proudly, confirming his guess

It's Mao Lilan's swimsuit photo.

On the other side of the phone, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan were laughing about whether to delete or not.

Ayumi leaned behind Conan, who was distracted, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you calling, Conan?"

On the other side of the phone, Mao Lilan captured the key words, "Conan? Is Conan on your side?"

Conan's face changed suddenly with fright, he looked at Ayumi as if he had seen a ghost, ran quickly to the depths of the woods, and continued to cover the phone, "No, it's powder, the case I'm dealing with now has nothing to do with drugs. related……"

"Then you have to pay attention to safety and don't do anything too dangerous!" Mao Lilan urged.

"Ah, I see. If there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, but that email..."

"Got it, I'll just delete it! Bye!"

Conan hung up the phone and secretly saved the photo in the email.

Must save, save!

But it was really too dangerous just now. If this goes on, I always feel that the vest is crumbling...

"Conan," Yuantai ran forward excitedly, "I found Wan Chong!"

What Yuantai found was a hot spring hotel with the sign of "Maru Chong Hot Spring" beside the woods.

Dr. A Li and Hui Yuan Ai laughed again when they heard that the four of them planned to go and have a look.

Conan was speechless for a moment, these two people were enough, "It's useless if I look at it..."

"How do you know if you don't go and see?" Yuan Tai said.

"Yes," Ayumi agreed, "It's rare to have a clue, Conan, let's go and see together!"

Conan pondered for a while, and felt that he should not deny it in a hurry, "Okay, I know."

Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and Hui Yuanai took a walk and went to the Maruchi Hot Spring Hotel, but none of them went in.

Hui Yuanai picked up a branch and played a game of "I throw it and you pick it up" with Feichi, while Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li watched from the side.

Dr. A Li looked at it, and began to doubt Feichi's attributes, "Feichi, are you training Feichi like a puppy?"

"No." Chi Feichi firmly denied.

It had nothing to do with him, it was Feichi who went astray by himself.

Seeing Feichi biting the branch and carrying it over, Huiyuan mourned, took the branch, smiled happily, and touched Feichi, "That means Feichi is very smart, unlike some creatures that act on instinct, then I will definitely have my own thoughts and feelings, just like a child~”

Feichi's spitting snake letter stopped, looked at Chi Feichi standing behind with no expression on his face, and forcefully explained, "Master, I am not like a child, I just want to play with children as much as possible."

"There's nothing in there..."

The real children came out of the Marumo Onsen Hotel, and there was a primary school student whose actual age was seventeen.

Mitsuhiko nodded solemnly, "Yes, not to mention treasures, there is not even a single person."

"So, are you planning to admit defeat?" Dr. A Li asked triumphantly.

Yuan Tai was not reconciled, but still admitted, "Yes, we admit defeat."

"Tell us quickly." Mitsuhiko also conceded.

Ayumi nodded, and asked again, "What kind of treasure is it?"

"Okay," Dr. A Li took out the code note, "Actually, the code is..."

"Wait a minute," Haibara wailed to stop Dr. Ari, and looked at Conan who was staring down at the notepad thinking, "There is still one person who hasn't surrendered."

Conan looked up at Haibara Ai and Dr. Ari, and continued to lower his head to think.

Forget about other things, he won't admit defeat when it comes to solving the password!

A group of people returned to the place where the tent was set up, took out the sealed iron bucket from the stream, and shared the sour plum soup.

Chi Feichi saw that it was almost time, so he started to prepare the ingredients for dinner.

Hui Yuanai watched as Chi Feichi took the ingredients from the bag, squatted aside and washed his hands, ready to help, "Brother Feichi, what food are you planning to do tonight? I'll help."

"Steam dumplings, you can use all the ingredients left in the morning, leave the lotus root to cook meatball soup..." Chi Feichi felt the phone in his pocket vibrate again, took out the phone to check the number, and walked towards the tree Feet, "You help find all the ingredients, and put the flour aside."

Hui Yuanai watched Chi Fei late to answer the phone there, without thinking too much, and helped find all the ingredients out of the bag.

Under the tree, Chi Feichi answered the phone, turned around and leaned against the tree trunk, and did not rush to speak.

He didn't know why Conan turned his back to them when he received the 'unspeakable' call.

When you receive a 'unspeakable' call, you should face the crowd and make sure others are in your line of sight.

The phone was connected, and Gin over there was also silent.

Chi Feichi didn't think that Gin Jiu would accidentally call the phone and said, "It's convenient for me to talk."

Then Gin said, "Tomorrow around four o'clock in the afternoon, Keir's flight will arrive in Tokyo."

"ThK's dinner party is the night after tomorrow." Chi Feichi looked at the group of children playing in front of the tent over there, "plan to let her go?"

After the action against Shuichi Akai, Rena Mizumu went abroad for interviews. The time was five days in total. Calculating the time, it was almost two days before she came back.

That is to say, the assassination against Tumen Kanghui can be prepared.

"Look at her arrangement. If she finds it convenient, she will find a way to get admission to the banquet, but Keir's attitude is a bit subtle..." Gin didn't go into details, "I want to confirm it tomorrow night. "

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm' and asked directly, "What do you want to eat? I'll return to Tokyo tomorrow afternoon and deliver it to you."

Before, he felt that Gin Jiu was too busy today, so he would call him casually, but the two calls happened to be at lunch time, and he seemed to understand...

Anyway, he would feed the Reaper elementary school students and the protagonist group from time to time, and it would be fine to feed the group plus a gin or someone with a better relationship in the organization.

Since Keil came back tomorrow afternoon and the preparations for the operation began, they probably didn't have time to go to the mountain to grill skewers. Why don't he prepare them in advance and send them to Gin tomorrow night.

Gin was silent for a while, feeling that his intentions were exposed too quickly, but he didn't pretend to evade, "I haven't eaten it, you can play with it as you like."

"How many servings?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Meet with Keir to confirm, the two of us are enough, I will pick you up early, and don't worry about the others," Qin Jiu said.

"See you tomorrow night then."

Chi Feichi hung up the phone, kneaded the noodles for dumpling skins and put them aside, explained to Dr. A Li and Hui Yuanai how to handle the ingredients, then turned and walked to the village.

The ingredients brought are all calculated. We will have a group meal tonight, and tomorrow there will only be ingredients for breakfast and lunch, and there will be no more.

And after returning to Tokyo tomorrow afternoon, he probably doesn't have time to pick out the ingredients, so why not pick them out tonight...

Well, when he came here, he found that the villagers here raised rabbits and chickens, as well as some vegetables they cultivated by themselves. It would be a pity to miss it.

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