Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1175 Communication Disaster Scene

In the afternoon of the next day, Chi Feichi took a taxi to Chinatown in Yokohama and met Yusaku Kudo.

Yusaku Kudo dressed up as an old man, met Chi Feichi, and explained with a smile, "In order not to be discovered by Conan, Yukiko and I disguised ourselves as an old couple who bought that house. Come to find us there, Yukiko will be in charge of entertaining them, and I will go out."

Chi Feichi also changed clothes, put on a hat, made some simple disguises, turned around and walked towards China Street, and reminded, "The stairs there are too steep, not suitable for old couples to live in."

"We have also considered this issue. This is a loophole deliberately left for Conan," Yusaku Kudo also walked into Chinatown, "His parents also want to see if the child can detect this, he is very good at being a detective. talent."

"So that's how it is," Chi Feichi gave a panacea, and then asked, "Does Mr. You Zuo have a goal?"

Yusaku Kudo touched his chin and thought, "Actually, when I was in the United States, I also went to the Chinatown in the United States, because I wanted to create a mysterious master with good hands. At first, I thought I should go to a martial arts gym or a Chinese medicine store. I went to this kind of place to find out. There are many restaurants in Chinatown, but I didn’t find a martial arts gym. Fortunately, I can still find Chinese herbal medicine stores, but after I went there, the other party suggested that I look for something related to religion, antiques, and ancient Chinese handicrafts. People, that kind of people know more about traditional culture..."

Saying that, Yusaku Kudo turned his head to look at Chi Feichi.

"I came to Xinghua Street only to eat, and I didn't deliberately inquire about this kind of people." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

In fact, if Kudo Yusaku wants to create a mysterious master of China, just ask him and he will solve everything.

No matter Jin Yong Gulong's martial arts series, or myths and legends, Taoism, ghosts and ghosts, historical celebrities and famous events, he can present them for seven days and seven nights without repeating them, but he doesn't want to talk about them.

One is to cater to his current status. With his current status and age, he can learn a lot about Chinese culture out of interest, but not too much.

The second is's too much to say.

An ancient country with profound cultural heritage, this is probably the reason why China is always mysterious in the hearts of many people, even Yusaku Kudo, when he thinks of China, he subconsciously associates it with "mystery".

Yusaku Kudo was full of enthusiasm, "Then let's inquire first!"

The two of them were like detectives starting an investigation. They asked the hotel clerks on the side of the road to inquire. If they didn't get any results, they asked where there was someone who knew Chinatown better, and then went there to inquire.

After asking all the way, I finally found the right person, a certain old owner of ancient handicraft products.

The antique shop looks like a big warehouse, filled with ceramics, Buddha statues, bird cages, bead curtains, and swords hanging on the walls.

Candles are lit on the counter at the end, which is also the only light source in the store, which looks simple and mysterious.

The boss is in his fifties, wearing a Tang suit, with a goatee, a thin face, clear and hidden sharp eyes, when he finds someone entering the store, he turns his head and looks forward to meet him.

Chi Feichi observed the characteristics of the boss's hands and feet while walking, and the words "Lian Jiazi" immediately popped up in his mind, and the other party was also a Lian Jiazi who practiced traditional Chinese martial arts.

In his previous life, he started from Sanda and was influenced by the popularity of martial arts, so he turned to traditional martial arts. It was not until he went abroad that he came into contact with international martial arts such as capture, karate, and muay thai. He has also seen many people practicing traditional martial arts and International martial arts people.

After practicing a certain martial art for a certain number of years, the body will have some corresponding characteristics when acting.

The opponent looks thin and thin, but when he walks, his steps are steady and agile. He can't see what kind of legwork the opponent is practicing for the time being, but he has definitely experienced long-term training in standing and jumping.

The Tang suit is loose, which blocks some of the opponent's physical characteristics, but judging from the movements of the shoulders, back, waist and abdomen during the action, there are also traces of long-term traditional martial arts training.

The opponent's hands and palms are relatively wide and thick, with hard calluses on the tiger's mouth, and the joints are also different from ordinary people. They should practice double knives, not narrow-edged knives, but big knives like big ring knives.

It's not surprising that people who practice Dahuandao have a steady foot. The Dahuandao is heavy and focuses on chopping, but the opponent's footsteps are agile, which doesn't seem to be the result of practicing Dahuandao...

In short, this person is mainly practicing Dahuan Dao, but he should also practice other traditional martial arts.

"You two, welcome," the boss approached, with a serious expression on his face, and his Japanese was not very standard, "I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you two?"

Yusaku Kudo knows Chinese well. Looking at the boss's Tang suit, he pondered for a while. He probably is a traditional person. Out of respect and attention, he also said something in Chinese that is not standard, "Hello, I am a reasoner. ..."

Chi Feichi stopped observing the boss and looked at the two in silence.

Because of this weird Chinese accent, Yusaku Kudo's image in his mind collapsed.

"Hello..." The boss greeted in Chinese and paused.

Here comes the question, should he communicate in Japanese next? Or should I cooperate with this man who looks older than him to embarrass Chinese?

Yusaku Kudo was also silent for a while, scratched his head with a smile, and said back to Japanese, "It seems that I still can't speak well."

What followed was simply the scene of a major disaster in the communications world.

The boss doesn't speak Japanese well, and his daily language is generally fine, but occasionally some words are wrong or vague, and the meaning of the word changes, which makes people need to replace it with the correct meaning to understand.

Yusaku Kudo's accent in Chinese is outrageous. Some simple words are fine. If you really want to connect them into sentences, you need to stop your brain to connect them to distinguish the specific meaning.

After the two experienced communication in Japanese, Chinese, and Japanese, they finally thought that they could use English to make the communication smoother and easier. However, the boss is really old after all, and he didn’t think about learning English well when he came to Japan. , Communication is still quite hard, the two pondered for a while, and then switched back to Japanese communication.

Chi Feichi took a look around at the things on the shelves in the store, and then at some ceramic products that looked good, and the two finally got a good deal of communication.

Yusaku Kudo finished introducing himself, explained his intentions, and expressed his willingness to pay to consult the boss with some questions. The specific salary depends on how much help the boss can provide.

The boss introduced himself as Zheng and agreed to Yusaku Kudo's proposal, but since it was getting late, the two parties made an agreement and planned to meet again tomorrow night.

Before going out, Chi Feichi said, "Shouldn't it be enough for you to speak the language each other is good at?"

Yusaku Kudo can understand common sentences in Chinese, and the boss can understand common sentences in Japanese. Both parties have problems in oral expression.

It would be better if Yusaku Kudo speaks Japanese and the boss speaks Chinese. They can understand each other, and it is easy to express each other, so as not to have the feeling of "suffering...suffering it out" all the time, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Boss Zheng: "..."

This... makes sense.

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

That's right, and he can also listen to the expressions of Chinese sentences. If there is something he is not sure about, he can ask clearly by the way...Mr. Chi didn't remind him earlier!

"However, when it comes to some special Chinese nouns and poems, it is still necessary to speak both languages." Chi Feichi poured cold water on it again.

Yes, simple and commonly used sentences, whether they are in Japanese or Chinese, can be understood by both of them, but when it comes to some in-depth poems and sentences, they probably have to speak both languages ​​once.

In short, the catastrophe of communication between the two was yet to come.

"How about this, the boss will continue to speak Chinese in the future," Yusaku Kudo looked at the shop owner, "I want to learn about the traditional Chinese language expressions. In addition, I will contact a translator. When we talk about some special words and sentences, Let the interpreter help, but it may take a while to get in touch, I will come over tomorrow night to learn about the moves and characteristics of Chinese martial arts."

"No problem!" The boss nodded in Chinese.

The two parties bid farewell and separated. When Yusaku Kudo stopped the taxi on the street, he said something in Chinese with some emotion, "Is the Chinese I speak so difficult to understand?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

You shut up!

The two took a taxi to Mihua Town together.

Chi Feichi entered the door and sat for a while, then went to the attic to look at Yukiko Kudo's arrangement.

On the small window facing the Mori Detective Agency, Kudo Yukiko directly set up the camera and took pictures of the Mori Detective Agency.

A lot of Conan's candid photos have been pasted on the wall.

In the Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, and Conan are sitting together chatting and eating, and the TV is still playing the program.

I don't know what he said, Kogoro Mori raised his hand and gave Conan a head hammer, Conan scratched his head and laughed silly.

Yukiko Kudo was still wearing the disguise of an old lady, took a picture with a click, and smiled excitedly, "Conan is really cute!"

Chi Feichi looked away and looked at the photos on the wall.

Sneaking around, taking pictures, whatever...

Kudo Yukiko actually did what he wanted to do in advance.


The next day, not long after Chi Feichi arrived in Yokohama Chinatown, he received a call from Kudo Yusaku.

"Mr. Chi, have you arrived yet? I had a little accident here, probably because I showed a little flaw yesterday, Conan is following me now, just happened to be driving by Dr. A Li, and the child followed in Dr. A Li's car, In short, I will arrive in about ten minutes, you go to Mr. Zheng and wait for me first, don't forget to put on a disguise, if the child finds out, you will be exposed."



In the taxi, Yusaku Kudo looked at the communication end page on the phone speechlessly for two seconds before putting away the phone.

It was really decisive for Mr. Chi to hang up the phone.

In the rear, Dr. Ali drove the car and took Conan all the way to Yokohama Chinatown.

After getting out of the car, Conan followed with his skateboard in his arms, staring at the 'old man' who made him suspicious in front of him, and sneaked through the crowd all the way to the alley.

Chi Feichi stuck to the big beard presented by Yukiko Kudo last night, wore a hat with a lowered brim, and a rather loose black coat. When Yusaku Kudo arrived in disguise, he turned and opened the door to enter.

Kudo Yusaku also followed in, and said in a low voice, "The child is still following."

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