Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1223 Doubt that Conan didn't wake up today

"If we don't protect the environment well, human beings will suffer the consequences sooner or later," Hui Yuanai said calmly, looking at the newspaper in Chi Feichi's hand, "There are also four fishermen whose whereabouts are unknown... Oh, it seems that it is not only a natural disaster, There are also many man-made disasters.”

Mao Lilan could only laugh, feeling deeply that the times were changing too fast, and the elementary school students matured these days, much more mature than she was back then.

After discussing various reports leisurely here for a while, Azusa Enomoto came forward with a tray of coffee, bent down to put the tray flat on the table, and brought the two cups of coffee on the tray to the table, "This is the coffee for the two of you." ,Please enjoy."

"Thank you, Miss Azusa!" Mori Kogoro put down the newspaper and said with a smile.

Azusa Enomoto also asked with a smile, "Is Mr. Mori free today?"

"This..." Mori Kogoro took out a notepad from his coat pocket, flipped through the schedule, "Let me see, I'm going to the newly opened small steel ball shop nearby to investigate the status of their steel ball machines, and I will attend in the evening There is a dinner party held by the street in the town, and there is a mahjong game in the's really busy!"

Conan and Mao Lilan were speechless.

How can someone say dawdling in such a fresh and refined way.

"Really..." Enomoto Azusa sighed, and looked expectantly at Chi Feichi again, "What about Mr. Chi? Are you free today?"

Chi Feichi put down the coffee cup, "I'm free all day."

"Miss Azusa, is there anything I can help you with?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"Ah..." Enomoto Azusa looked horrified, "How do you know I have troubles? Is it so obvious?"

Hui Yuanai slowly typed a '? '.

I just asked Uncle Mao Li if he was free, and then asked Brother Fei Chi if he was free. Isn't it obvious that there is something that needs help?

Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "Then Miss Zi, what are you worrying about?"

"It's actually..." Azusa Enomoto took out a pink mobile phone from his pants pocket, "It's this one."

Conan was surprised, "Could it be that another customer forgot his mobile phone in the store?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan.

He suspected that Conan didn't wake up today.

Azusa Enomoto took out her mobile phone from the trousers pocket under the apron instead of using the front pocket of the apron. The mobile phone is so inconvenient and secretive, and the pink case is also suitable for girls to use. It is not Azusa Enomoto’s own mobile phone, but A friend's mobile phone, how could a detective think that it was a customer who left it in the store?

Conan was taken aback by Chi Feichi's glance, but he also realized that he glanced back at Chi Feichi with half-moon eyes.

What's with this suspicious look?

He just thought of the last incident involving political bribery, didn't he?

If Chi Feichi hadn't come to Mihua Town, something happened around them, and he wouldn't be so sensitive.

It's all Chi Feichi's fault, and now the culprit actually despises him!

"Ah, no, this is actually my mobile phone." Azusa Enomoto hurriedly said.

"Did someone send you a harassing email?" Mao Lilan asked with concern.

"It's indeed an email problem, but it's not a nuisance email." Azusa Enomoto looked down at the emails on his mobile phone, "The email was sent to me by a five-year-old boy named Nagabe Mitsuru. His father is a frequent visitor to our place, and he often Came here with his dad, the kid's mother seems to have gone back to her mother's house and never came back, since then, he often sends me emails from his dad's phone, like 'I ate cucumbers today and there is nothing left ', 'I took a shower alone today, isn't it amazing', 'I saw an elephant at the zoo today, is it bigger than the big monster Gomera'..."

Chi Feichi looked up at Azusa Enomoto, "The shortest gomera is 50 meters tall, and the tallest elephant can reach about four meters."

Conan and Haibara Ai: "..."


Almost forgot, here is a fan of the Gomera series.

"Really?" Azusa Enomoto exclaimed in surprise, "That Gomera is at least ten times taller than an elephant, taller than an average apartment building!"

"Cough, Ms. Azusa, do you feel troubled because that child keeps sending you emails?" Mori Kogoro said back to business with black lines, "In that case, just tell the child's father , Tell him to tell his kids to stop sending you emails."

"Ah?" Azusa Enomoto's mind froze for a moment, before she got back on track, "No, I didn't find it annoying. He used to send emails of this kind of kids sharing their lives. It's very cute, but the problem is, that kid today Sent me four emails that didn't feel right to me..."

"Are there so many four letters?" Mori Kogoro was a little surprised.

"Yeah, the first letter is 'Hi sister, I went out with my dad today, and my dad bought me a chair and a hat, everyone wears hats, let me wear them too', the second one is..." Enomoto Azusa lowered her head and flipped through the emails on her mobile phone, "'I'm soaked in sweat, it's really uncomfortable, even the inside of my shoes are soaked. I saw the sign of the restaurant, I really want to eat the hamburger from my sister's', the third letter The content is, 'There is this uncle wearing black glasses and an aunt wearing blue clothes looking at me, I am not afraid, I will not cry'..."

"Won't you cry?" Mao Lilan felt that something was wrong.

Azusa Enomoto nodded to confirm that she read correctly, looked down at her phone again, and read with a frown, "The content of the fourth email is, 'I will die like a fish caught in a net, too'."


Mori Kogoro couldn't calm down anymore, he turned his head and yelled at Enomoto Azusa, "Did you reply to these emails? What did you say over there?"

Azusa Enomoto was taken aback, and quickly said, "I replied to emails like 'where are you' and 'what are you doing', but he didn't reply, maybe he doesn't know how to read emails."

"You mean that kid can only send emails, but can't read them?" Mao Lilan asked.

"Yeah, he seems to only open the emails I sent before, and send me emails after selecting the reply," Azusa Enomoto stared at the screen of the phone worriedly, "It seems that it was his father who received the emails all the time, and his father said that in order not to let me He saw emails he shouldn't have read, so he wasn't taught how to open them."

Conan looked serious, "Then that means, the child's father is no longer by his side?"

Chi Feichi drank his iced coffee with downcast eyes.

He remembered that there was such an incident.

The boy who sent emails to Enomoto Azusa was taken fishing by his father, but the man tried to persuade him to fight and was sent to the hospital. The boy was kept in the car and almost suffered from heat stroke.

Mao Lilan also became worried, "Looking at the content of the second email, he seems to be hungry, so his father may have been away from him for a long time."

"When are those emails sent?" Mori Kogoro asked eagerly.

"Let me see..." Azusa Enomoto hurriedly checked the sending time of the email, "The first email is at 9:07 am, the second email is at 10:16 am, the third email is at 11:54 am, and the fourth email is It was received just now, at 3:02 p.m.

Mori Kogoro frowned, "The interval is getting longer and longer."

"Do you know the phone number of the child's father?" Hui Yuanai asked, "Have you called to ask?"

Mori Ran, Mori Kogoro, and Conan Qiqi looked at Enomoto Azusa.

That's right, if you call and ask, you'll know?

"After receiving the email, I was very worried about the child's condition, so I called his father's cell phone, but the call indicated that it was out of service area or had been turned off. Maybe the child's father told him to let him Turn off the phone after sending the email, because his father would teach him this way when he left the phone to him and was going away for a while," Enomoto Azusa said anxiously, turning to look at Chi Feichi who had just put down the coffee cup, " Although it is very embarrassing, I want to confirm the child's situation, so I thought that if I ask Mr. Mori or Mr. Chi..."

"Do you know where his father will take him fishing?" Chi Feichi interrupted and asked.

This event is not difficult, if you can push it as fast as possible, come back early in the evening, he wants to go to the cinema to watch the new Gomera movie.

Azusa Enomoto was taken aback, "Fishing?"

"Didn't it say in the email? He said that the inside of the shoes was soaked, so he should be wearing boots." Conan patiently explained to others, "Children rarely wear boots, and it's still so hot. In addition to the weather in the email, everyone wears hats, and his father bought him a hat and a chair. When it comes to wearing a hat, wearing boots, and sitting on a chair, what people can think of is Go fishing!"

Azusa Enomoto suddenly realized, "It seems like this..."

"However, if you go fishing and find that a child is not in the right state, it's impossible for the angler next to him to ignore him?" Mori Kogoro frowned and thought.

"That's right," Mao Lilan also hesitated, "How could everyone let a five-year-old child stay alone for so long?"

Conan had a confident smile on his face, "That must be because..."

"It must be something?" Mao Lilan stared.

"What is it?" Mori Kogoro stared.

Enomoto Azusa also repeatedly urged, "Conan, what is the reason?"

Hui Yuanai picked up the cup to drink the juice.

A certain detective is getting carried away again.

Chi Feichi looked at Conan, and if he wanted to say something, hurry up and don't dawdle.

Conan was sweating from being stared at, smiling cutely, "One, it must be because other people were too involved in fishing and didn't notice that kid..."

Mori Kogoro roared with black lines, "That's why I think this is very strange, why hasn't anyone noticed this lonely child for several hours!"

"He's in the car." Chi Feichi answered directly.

"In the car?" Mao Lilan was puzzled.

Conan tried his best to resist the urge to analyze and explain, and pretended to be a cute and puzzled child, "Huh? Why did Brother Chi say he was in the car?"

When Chi Feichi saw Conan's appearance, he knew that Conan could not count on him, so he had to come by himself." He mentioned in the email that everyone was wearing hats. The man and the woman in blue looked at him, but with the height of a five-year-old child, the first thing he noticed when he saw other people was pants or skirts, and he would even pay more attention to the other person's clothes. Shoes also tend to be expressed in terms of 'a woman in a skirt', 'a man in blue boots', or describe them as a whole, such as 'a tall man', 'a little fat uncle', In addition, when people see a restaurant, when they share it with others, they describe how big the restaurant is, whether it looks clean, and whether there are many customers, instead of sharing "seeing the signboard". What the child sees has a common The point is that his eyes were focused on a relatively high place at that time..."

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