Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1303 This is Simple

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, embarrassed and sober, "Hey, I mean the main material of the face, do you want to use magic plants or animal skins?"

Well, it can also be said to be vegetarian or meat, so she was not confused just now.

"If you use magic plants, I don't have any suitable materials here, and I need to go abroad to collect them. I can ask for leave tomorrow to go there. It will take about three days to go back and forth. If you want to use animal skins as the main material, you need to find a match with the face-changer. skin, this is the same as transplant surgery in medicine, if the skin of the animal does not match the face-changer, it is prone to rejection, and the face will rot a little bit," Koizumi Hongzi paused, and smiled again, "But since it's changing faces for humans, the one with the highest matching degree is of course human skin... How about it? Do you want to think about it?"

"Do you have any ready-made materials? The shameless one or the skin from the body? Grilled alive or killed?"

Chi Feichi directly asked a series of questions.

Koizumi Hongzi lost all sleepiness, "Hey, you don't really plan to pick up human skins, do you? And what are you talking about, how can there be such things as human skins here!"

Chi Feichi tried to remind Koizumi Hongzi to be more realistic, "I have seen your family's ancestral home in the Ark database, and some magic potions use people's hearts."

Hongzi Koizumi defended, "I only used it once, and I picked it off from an unclaimed corpse!"

Chi Feichi continued to remind, "Finger."

Koizumi Hongzi felt guilty, "There were only three times, except for one that was voluntarily exchanged with me, and the other two were also taken from corpses."

Chi Feichi reminded again, "Tongue."

Koizumi Hongzi felt even more guilty, "That's also a voluntary exchange, I gave the other party something!"

Chi Feichi: "Teeth."

Koizumi Hongzi: "Humans will change their teeth, so it's not surprising to use teeth as materials, right? The deciduous teeth I replaced have long been used up as special materials by me!"

Chi Feichi: "Toes."

Koizumi Hongzi: "That is..."

Chi Feichi: "Eyes."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

"By the way, in the Ark database, there is a line of notes in the middle part of the third part of the flying volume of Red Magic, which reads, 'Humans are indeed the most precious treasures in the world. There are many materials available on the body. It's incomparable'," Chi Feichi calmly revealed Koizumi Hongzi's background, "The signature was four years ago, and the signature is the first of the Red Magic Family..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, you don't have magic power, why do you read magic books so seriously!" Koizumi Hongzi was inexplicably guilty, if she couldn't beat a certain child of nature, she really wanted to let nature The son of nature knows that the available materials on a son of nature are not comparable to ten thousand human beings. At the same time, he regrets that he is not as thick-skinned as a son of nature. It can only be taken immediately, preferably from relatively flat skin such as the abdomen and back. It doesn't matter whether the person is dead or alive, as long as the skin is not rotten when the magic starts, but the skin removed by ordinary methods will not work. I will use magic means to fetch it, you evil child of nature, don't take it from the face of a living person..."

"Understood." Chi Feichi didn't catch Koizumi Hongzi to expose his background, and thought about it, "If you want to sleep, I can send you the body tomorrow, or tonight."

Needless to say, Hongzi would feel awkward if he picked the face of a living person.

It's not that I have no choice, I need to use my face urgently, and there is no other way, there is no need to make it so disgusting.

He asked, just to compare various options.

"Don't bother you to bring it here, I'll go find you now," Koizumi Hongzi remembered that he had seen many human skins, and he wore one on his body, so he didn't twitch again, "By the way, there is one more question. , you also know the rule of 'the witch loses her magic power when she sheds tears', now my red magic bloodline is closer to the ancestors and purer than before, it will not completely invalidate and make the mask fall off, but it will still expire for a period of time, that is to say , no matter what method I use to change my face, as long as I cry, the face-swapping magic will fail, and the specific expiration time depends on my state, at least half an hour."

"Is there a way to solve it?" Chi Feichi said, "Or when your magic fails, there are emergency measures to save it temporarily."

If Kiichiro Numabuchi’s current black history and danger level, if he suddenly changed back to his face outside, he would definitely be arrested in minutes. Once he resisted, the police could kill him directly. Instead of thinking about magical means, it is better to arrange for Numabuchi Kiichiro to go abroad for plastic surgery.

Such things as plans are used to weigh and choose the best. Compared with being caught, the face will be deformed when attacked. It's not a big deal.

Koizumi Hongzi thought about it, "There is no solution. We need to go to Fifteen Nights City, sacrifice to open the door of the Holy Spirit, borrow the power of the gods again, and use the pyramids to let the power of the gods directly act on the face-changer. In this way, even if I lose my magic power, the face-changing magic will not fail."

"Where are the sacrifices?" Chi Feichi asked, "What do you need to prepare?"

"That depends on which god's power is borrowed. Face-changing magic does not require too strong magic power. It is not suitable for borrowing the power of the gods of the underworld, and it is also not suitable for using black magic, otherwise the body and soul of the face-changing person will gradually be destroyed. Darkness corrodes..." Koizumi Hongzi thought about it, "Let's borrow the power of the God of Craftsman! The God of Craftsman is kind and generous, and his power is gentle. The sacrifices need relatively new and special things. When I make magic props and potions, I also I will borrow his power. Since I have your venom, it is much more convenient. Your venom is much easier to use than other magic materials. If it is face-changing magic, it is about the size of a small bottle like the venom you gave me last time. Two and a half bottles are enough."

"Anyway, you come to my place first..."

Chi Feichi reported the rock singer's address, hung up the phone, took out his gloves and put them on, found a barrel of gasoline from the trunk of the car, and planned to go to Numabuchi Kiichiro first.

He didn't expect his venom to have such a use.

It's simple, and it's no problem to send half a bottle.


At 12 o'clock in the morning, all the lights in the rooms on the third floor of the old apartment were turned off, and there was no light in the corridor.

Chi Feichi carried a petrol can, walked quietly through the corridor, followed the faint smell of blood in the air, stopped at the door of 304, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"it's me."


The door was quickly opened, and the room with the curtains drawn was pitch black. After seeing Chi Feichi, Numabuchi Kiichiro turned around and entered the room, "The person has been dealt with!"

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he put the gasoline can at the entrance, closed the door, and when his eyes got used to the darkness, he walked towards the black shadow lying on the ground next to the sofa.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you turn on the lights," Numabuchi Kiichiro put the kitchen knife in his hand on the entrance cabinet, and followed, "I just want to try not to attract others' attention."

"Don't turn on the lights."

Chi Feichi walked to the sofa, squatted down in front of the fallen body, and looked at it carefully.

This is a man of medium height. He looks about twenty or thirty years old. His facial features are square in the dark, his eyebrows are flying, fear is frozen on his face, his hair is dyed golden, and he wears a gold earring on his left ear. .

Such an image, coupled with a pink plush coat, sunglasses, pink trousers and leather shoes, should look more like Doflamingo than Kiichiro Numabuchi.

In fact, he doesn't really care whether the organization will be over or whether Conan will lose, but he cares about Umbrella and his control over the situation.

There is no such anime as "One Piece" in this world, no matter whether this man got this outfit because of a coincidence or for some other reason, it touched his sensitive nerves, I would rather kill a mistake than let it go!

He also overestimated the opponent as much as possible, imagining that if the opponent was a time traveler, he might have abilities different from ordinary people. If Kiichiro Numabuchi came to do it alone, the success rate was expected to be half and half, and he wanted to test the opponent's strength. ability.

If Kiichiro Numabuchi can't succeed, or if the other party says something suspected of being a traverser, and Kiichiro Numabuchi is still alive, he will ask Kiichiro Numabuchi to withdraw and hide first, and he will contact the opponent and Layout raid...

Of course, from the current point of view, there is no need for him to take action, but he still wants to confirm whether the other party is a traverser.

"Did he say anything before he died?"

Chi Feichi asked, got up and looked around, then walked to the desk in the corner.

Kiichiro Numabuchi spread his hands, "It's just some words of begging for mercy, let me not kill him, he won't call the police, and he has saved a sum of money in the bank..."

Chi Feichi opened the top drawer, took out the keychain, earphones and other things inside, put them back after reading, and continued to check the next drawer.

Living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom...

Kiichiro Numabuchi circled around, but he didn't follow those rooms. He just stood guard at the door of the room. Seeing Chi Feichi coming out of the room with something, he turned sideways to give way, and said with a joking smile, "This guy won't be serious. Did you offend the organization?"

"Not really."

Chi Feichi gave an ambiguous answer, put the things he took out on the table, and took out the flashlight to illuminate.

There are no secret passages, no hidden compartments, and no newspapers related to Kudo Shinichi, but there is a very strange thing.

The beam of the flashlight illuminates the things on the table. Two pages of drawing paper were found on the room table, a stack of graduation handbooks from the homeowner's school days were found in the cabinet, and a diary was found under the pillow.

On those two pages of drawing paper, the outlines of the characters were drawn with simple watercolor pens. It can be seen that the painters are not professional. The portraits are like children's stick figures, and the color matching is very exaggerated.

For example, in the picture above, there is a villain with a yellow cropped head, a pink plush jacket, pink trousers, leather shoes, gold earrings and sunglasses, plus a slightly bowed back and horoscope to form an unrestrained and unruly style. Feel……

Others might think it was a painting, but Chi Feichi thought of Doflamingo the first time he saw it.

Next to the clothes, trousers, sunglasses, earrings, and leather shoes, the words "I have it" and "Mihua Nancho No. 11 Clothing Store" were also marked on the paper.

Is this guy looking for a place to match this outfit?

There are also two English 'Do' written on the back of this piece of paper.

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