Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1309 The battle in front of the temple

Numabuchi Kiichiro thought for a while, and said firmly, "Yes! I haven't seen him do it himself, but he asked me to deal with a person, and Lord Night God's method of handling corpses is also very good!"

"Really?" The rich lady smiled, walked slowly, and her eyes fell on the Feathered Serpent Temple built of obsidian in the distance, "The god of the sun and the god of the night we believe in are not the gods of light recognized by the outside world. The god of gods and darkness, the god of the sun does represent the day and the sun, but he is also the god of harvest, the god of battle and war. In ancient legends, people need blood sacrifices to exchange power from the god of the sun, and believe in the god of the night. The people of God also have the tradition of blood sacrifice, but the God of Night does not have the ability to bless people with a good harvest, and the power he gives is more restrained. These legends are recorded in the classics of the Butterfly Palace. If you are interested, you can go to see it some other day, but I think There must be mistakes in the records, but the old lady thinks that the two gods are not so unreasonable, they still care about their own people..."

Walking to the suspension bridge, Numabuchi Kiichiro saw a piece of broken clothes on the side of the road, and immediately stopped, staring at the pieces with a gloomy face.

They didn't have this piece of fabric when they came. They just said that the location of the Fifteen Nights City needs to be kept secret. Could it be that someone ran in here?

If this kind of fairyland-like residence is destroyed by someone, needless to say, Chi Feichi will kill all the people who broke in and leaked the location!

The rich woman glanced at it, then calmly walked onto the suspension bridge, "Don't worry, it must have been brought here by a wild beast."

Kiichiro Numabuchi frowned, "Beast? Could it be a coincidence?"

"There is a phantom formation arranged by the gods here. It is impossible for outsiders to see the Fifteen Nights City if they break in. Those who are lucky will circle around twice and get lost and leave. Those who are unlucky will bump into wild animals or trigger dangerous formations. At this point, it is impossible to get out alive. Only those who are remembered by the two gods can not be affected by the phantom formation." The rich woman walked across the suspension bridge step by step, "The outside world always thinks that this place has become a place of death, and it is also the place itself. Because the existence of the phantom array blinds the people who come in, and even the satellites are blocked, the reason why people don’t tell people about this place is just to avoid trouble, if someone blocks the road and waits to catch the person who goes out, or tries to use others It will take a lot of effort for us to deal with the means of detection, and it will also add trouble to the heart of the gods!"

Numabuchi Kiichiro thought of the 'scene switch' he saw when he came in, and Chi Feichi's act of cutting the back of his hand to take blood before he came in, knowing that what the rich woman said was true, he was relieved.

The two walked near the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, and two groups of people in gold armor and silver armor walked from both sides of the temple to the center of the temple, as if planning to meet in the center.

Kiichiro Numabuchi slowed down and observed the two teams with a serious expression.

There were ten people in the golden armor team, eight men and two women, with red shirts covered with golden light armor, and golden carved heads engraved on the breastplate.

There were also ten people in the silver armor team, more women, four men and six women, wearing black shirts with silver armor, and a leopard head engraved on the breastplate.

This should be the Golden Eagle Warrior and Jaguar Warrior.

The two teams, men and women, walked with vigorous steps and uniform movements. Looking carefully, everyone's expression was solemn, their eyes were bright, and they all hid the chill of not taking any life in their eyes.

What made him feel sore was the opponent's weapon.

The bows and arrows on the backs of the golden eagle warriors, the spears in the hands of the jaguar warriors, and the long knives on both sides' waists...all of these were normal, but when he looked carefully, he found that these people had bulges on their abdomens under their light armor. It seems that there is a pistol hidden under the light armor.

No, it doesn't seem that there are spare magazines tied to the straps hanging the long knives, which means that these people are really carrying guns!

Because the guns are well hidden, it seems that there is no sense of disobedience from the "technical style" strayed into the "traditional style", but when you think of the twenty people here with twenty guns on their bodies, and look at this walking like an army His quality and momentum made him a little toothache.

Very dangerous feeling!

"That's the soldiers who changed defense," the rich woman explained, "Although it is impossible for outsiders to sneak in, the Feathered Serpent Temple is a very important place as the residence of the gods, and it is best to be guarded, and the zodiac It can be seen far away from the city tower, and it is on the edge of the city, this is a line of defense to protect everyone, and if there is an emergency, they also need to ring the alarm bell to notify the people in the city to prepare."

Numabuchi Kiichiro nodded absently, still staring at the group of people.

This is just a guard, not an elite?

It wasn't an elite team, but it was equipped with a gun in each hand, and with this kind of momentum, he was suddenly a little bit shocked.

Before that, he had always thought that the guards were similar to ordinary bodyguards, and it would be good to have a strong body and some shooting skills, but the people in front of him, even the youngest looking girls, gave him the feeling that they were more dangerous than those bodyguards.

Is it an illusion?

Originally, he thought it was appropriate for him to enter the elite team, but now he was a little unsure.

What kind of existence will the elite team look like?

Ahead, a few of them noticed the rich woman and Kiichiro Numabuchi, but they just watched from the corner of their eyes, and continued to follow the team.

The two teams walked silently from both sides of the castle towards each other's direction. As the distance got closer, the killing momentum became more and more intense.

Numabuchi Kiichiro gritted his teeth, and suddenly rushed towards the two teams.

No, he still wants to test whether these people are putting on airs!

Since Numabuchi Kiichiro was with the rich woman before, the soldiers of the two teams were also unprepared. Seeing Numabuchi Kiichiro charging towards him with murderous intent, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately changed his formation.

Considering that the rich woman is behind Kiichiro Numazu, neither team has a gun, the Jaguar warrior raises the spear in his hand, making a gesture of throwing it, and keeps his eyes fixed on Kiichiro Numazu who is rushing towards him. Ichiro, half of the golden eagle warriors drew their long swords, and half of them took their bows and set up arrows.

A golden eagle warrior issued a warning, "Stop immediately!"

The leading woman on the Jaguar Warrior side also frowned and shouted, "Otherwise we will be impolite!"

"You are welcome!"

Numabuchi Kiichiro didn't seem to see the sharp blade pointed at him, with a crazy smile on his face, he continued to close the distance, and took out a dagger with his right hand.

Seeing that the distance was too close, the leading woman of the jaguar warrior waved decisively.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

Spears made a sharp sound of piercing through the air, aimed at Kiichiro Numabuchi and flew out, with astonishing accuracy, and arrived in front of Kiichiro Numabuchi in a blink of an eye.

"Wait!" The rich woman regained her composure from her astonishment, anxious and angry, and at the same time felt that Kiichiro Numabuchi was about to turn into a man with iron skewers all over his body.

The jaguar warrior's spear was aimed at Kiichiro Numabuchi's hands and feet, but two seconds before he reached Kiichiro Numabuchi, Kiichiro Numabuchi jumped up suddenly. Jumped over the spear that hadn't landed yet.

The leader of the golden eagle fighters was amazed by Kiichiro Numabuchi's jumping ability and explosive power, and he didn't intend to keep his hand anymore, "Let the arrow!"

Normally, no one in the city would suddenly attack them, not to mention that in front of the Feathered Serpent Temple, this is disrespectful to the gods, they are definitely enemies, and they must be killed!

When Kiichiro Numabuchi jumped up, the five golden eagle warriors with bows and arrows had already moved their arrows upwards, aiming at Kiichiro Numabuchi all the time, and released the arrows without hesitation when they heard the leader's order.

Before he landed, Numabuchi Kiichiro watched the arrows flying towards his vitals in the air, knowing that these people really dared to kill, he gritted his teeth, turned around suddenly, turned his back downwards, and accelerated the speed of his fall At the same time, he grabbed a spear that had already flown behind him, and swung the arrow away.

One-to-twenty, the opponent is still a person who dares to kill, he tried to use brutality to grab the advantage, but he couldn't get it. No matter how he looked at it, he was dead, but he still didn't regret it.

I am very unwilling, unwilling to let myself be inferior to the guards, unwilling to accept the shock in my heart and a hint of retreat just now!

Over the pitch-black Feathered Serpent Temple, an obsidian mirror suddenly flew up into the sky, enlarged and hovered in the air, casting a cool and hazy light on the open space where a group of people below were.

"Go down!"

On the tower of the Central Lion Palace, Chi Feichi's voice came out and echoed around the open space, "Except for not being allowed to use guns, others are free."

The rich woman looked up and saw two figures standing on the tower, she didn't run any further, and silently retreated to the edge of the relatively safe open space.

The two fighting parties heard Chi Feichi's voice and did not hesitate in their actions. After Numabuchi Kiichiro frantically swept away the arrows, he continued to approach quickly with a spear in one hand and a dagger in the other.

The distance is too close to be suitable for bows and arrows. The golden eagle warrior and the jaguar warrior took the initiative to meet them with long knives.

Play one on one? I'm sorry, but their instructors said that if you have a large number of people, you should take advantage of the large number of people. You don't need to pay attention to fairness with the enemy, and you can get rid of the potential crisis early by hacking them to death.

On the city tower, Koizumi Hongzi was lying on the edge of the city wall, holding a wine glass filled with blood in his hand, looking at the commotion below with relish, "Son of Nature, this guy you fancy is really reckless, he dares to go to two places by himself!" I don't know if he is too impulsive or looks down on the soldiers, after training with cocoon equipment for so long, the soldiers will not be afraid of death or corpses, let alone be frightened by his ferocious gaze."

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and looked down, "He is no longer reckless."

When we met head-on just now, Kiichiro Numabuchi was surrounded by 20 sword-wielding men. He mainly dodged, and the spear attack did not go to the vital point. He realized that the soldiers' attacks were merciless and deadly. Will suddenly become fierce.

It's very much like a swamp.

You must know that when Kiichiro Numabuchi received training in the organization, his skill evaluation was A-level. Among the trainees, there was no one who could reach the level of Kiichiro Numabuchi's skills in the previous and subsequent generations. .

In terms of cold weapon fighting and close combat, Numabuchi Kiichiro can be called a walking killer, and his physical recovery is much faster than normal people, but Numabuchi Kiichiro was still eliminated.

It is because Numabuchi Kiichiro will lose his mind once he is stimulated, he will not obey orders, no matter what the situation is, no matter how many people are in front of him, no matter whether he will die or not, he will become a weapon that only attacks but has no thought The person in front of death.

And that excitement, not only the killing intent and sense of crisis, but also the overly strong fighting spirit and excitement of the other party or his own companions, may stimulate Numabuchi Kiichiro.

Just now he thought that Marsh was an old man, and he lost his mind because of the aura of the soldiers, but Marsh would never hold back in that state.

In other words, after being trapped in the encirclement, Marsh Yuan still considered his own situation and did not plan to kill him. It was only later that he found that he would not kill him, but the soldiers were merciless, so the attack became fierce.

For Kiichiro Numabuchi, this is already a big change, and it doesn't seem like an old problem anymore.

Although I don't know why Numabuchi Kiichiro ran to one-to-twenty as if he was dying, but being able to retain his sanity during the battle, Numabuchi Kiichiro has made a big step forward in his shortcomings.

If it had been like this earlier, maybe it would not have been eliminated by the organization.

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