Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1322 It's all made of gin and vodka!

In the morning, the sky was blank.

A black Porsche 356A was parked on a secluded side of the road. After Chi Feichi got out of the car, he got into the alley and destroyed his face.

He wanted to ridicule Gin's previous statement that 'games are children's entertainment', but he gave up anyway.

What if Qin Jiu thinks that 'True Fragrance' hurts his self-esteem, so he won't play games with him anymore?

After winter, the outdoor wind is chilly.

Feichi nestled under Chi Feichi's clothes, relaxed, and began to think half asleep.

Do you want to try that zombie game next time?

Watching the master play with gin is really enjoyable.

But that kind of game machine is designed for humans. It has to stand up and shoot with a simulated gun. There is no place for it to lie down and watch the screen. It discriminates against snakes...


Chi Feichi walked towards the parking lot along the path, and found that his phone was vibrating. While walking to the place where his car was parked, he took out his phone to check the caller ID, and connected the call.

"Little Lan?"

"Brother Feichi," Mao Lilan is used to talking directly to Chi Feichi on the phone, "Yingyou is here to play at the Maoli Detective Agency, and we plan to go to Polo Cafe for coffee together. I want to ask you, do you want Come and sit for a while?"

Chi Feichi estimated the distance, "I'll be there in half an hour."

Last night, after he had dinner with Hondo Eisuke and Oda Kiritoshi, he sent an email to report the progress of the investigation, and then went to the hospital to confirm the step of "Hondo Eisuke's sister gave Hondo Eisuke a blood transfusion", and then It's best to contact Eisuke Hondo one or two more times, and then report Eisuke Hondo's birth certificate to end the investigation.

It just so happens that he can go to Poirot's Cafe for breakfast. He should adjust his night owl schedule recently. If he stays up for another day today, he won't have to worry about falling asleep at night.

"Then what do you want to eat? Shall we order it for you first?" Mao Lilan asked.

"Please order me a cup of hot coffee and a sandwich."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you at Café Poirot."


Early, seven o'clock.

As soon as Chi Feichi entered the Polo Cafe, he was greeted by Mao Lilan and Hondo Yingyou with smiles.

"Brother Feichi, good morning!"

"Brother Feichi, early!"

Conan also raised his head to greet, "Brother Chi, good morning!"

"It's late, it's early," Mori Kogoro yawned while sitting on the sofa, "Sit down first, it's a rare weekend morning, I still want to sleep a little longer, but I was quarreled by the boy Eisuke Hondo... ..."

"Morning." After Chi Feichi responded, he sat down beside Mao Li Kogoro.

"Mr. Chi, good morning, here are the sandwiches and hot coffee you wanted," Azusa Enomoto brought the coffee and sandwiches, and asked with a smile, "Do you need a newspaper this morning?"

"Being not."

"Okay, then call me if you need it."

After Enomoto Azusa left, Chi Feichi started to eat breakfast, "Have you eaten yet?"

"We've finished eating," Mao Lilan turned to look at Hondo Yingyou, and said with a smile, "Just now Yingyou knocked over the cake that Conan asked for, and almost got Conan all over."

Conan Banyue looked at Hondo Yingyou, feeling unhappy, but quickly shifted his attention, jumped off the chair, and swayed to Chi Feichi's side.

When Chi Feichi walked past him just now, he smelled a bit of suspected tobacco smell, but strangely, that smell didn't seem very obvious.

Now that I smell it closely, it does smell of tobacco, but it is stained on the black shirt, and there is only a little bit of washing powder on the gray-blue windbreaker outside...

Well, it seems that my friend had smoked indoors before, and the smell of smoke did not dissipate after walking around outside, indicating that he smoked a lot, and he only wore a coat when he went out to look for them.

No wonder he just felt as if he smelled smoke and didn't seem to have it.

Still holding the sandwich in his hand, Chi Feichi looked down at Conan who was getting closer and closer, his face almost touching his coat: "?"

"Uh, it's not good to smoke too much," Conan noticed the chilly gaze, raised his head and smiled cutely at Chi Feichi, and sat down on the sofa next to Chi Feichi with a cute face, then leaned closer to Chi Feichi's ear, lowered his The voice asked, "Hey, let me tell haven't slept all night, have you? There is a smell of cigarettes on your clothes that you can smell next to, it must not be contaminated by one or two cigarettes, and you The clothes are not the same as last night, which means that the smell of tobacco is only left from last night to this morning..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

The famous detective's reasoning addiction has nowhere to rest!

It's a shame, he really didn't smoke that much, it was all gin and vodka.

In the narrow space in the car and in the indoor game hall, the two of them would light cigarettes from time to time, especially gin, and sometimes they would light cigarettes and burn them while they were not smoking. They were still the kind of cigarettes with no filter tip and high tar content. No wonder his clothes don't smell of tobacco.

In fact, after changing his coat and coming all the way again, the smell of cigarettes on his body has dissipated a lot...

"Of course, you can also say that it's because you woke up early in the morning, so you stayed at home to smoke, but the night before yesterday, you and Officer Sato drank all night, and you didn't go back to rest until yesterday morning, and you probably didn't wake up until the afternoon. It’s more likely that you couldn’t sleep last night and stayed up all night,” Conan said speechlessly after finishing his reasoning addiction, “Don’t forget, the doctor told you to rest according to your healthy routine, and drinking should be forbidden. Xiang, it's fine to drink a little wine when you're in a good mood, but it's not okay to drink too much."

He felt that when Hondo Yingyou was present, he felt safe by Chi Feichi's side, but Chi Feichi didn't make people feel at ease.

"The reasoning is wrong," Chi Feichi decisively denied Conan's words, and said in a low voice, "Drinking all night doesn't mean we've been drinking all the time. There are also times when we drank too much and fell asleep in the middle. I couldn't fall asleep last night. You can wake up early."

He was not afraid that Conan would go to other people to ask for evidence. The policemen were in a daze that night. They woke up halfway and were dragged by him to continue drinking even if he said he had rested for two or three hours halfway. The police would believe it too, and what was more likely was that the group of policemen couldn't even figure out how they got here that night.

And it is unlikely that Conan would go to ask the group of policemen for such a thing.


Conan pondered for a while, and thought it made sense.

No matter what, it is impossible to drink all night without a break. It is said that drinking all night, at most, when drinking until late, a group of people rest in place, wake up and drink for a while, that Chi Feichi may have gone to bed early last night, Woke up early today too.

So, is he thinking too much?

"...Yeah, their relationship has always been very good," Mao Lilan shared with Hondo Eiyu with a smile, "Although Conan sometimes quarrels with Brother Feichi, children always quarrel..."

Conan withdrew his thoughts and focused on Eisuke Hondo with an innocent smile on his face.

If one didn't pay attention, what did this guy start asking again?

Chi Feichi ate breakfast in silence, listening to Hondo Eisuke motivating Mori Kogoro to investigate the 'suspicious' incident.

At the beginning, I heard that there was no commission fee, and Mori Kogoro lacked interest. Conan even moved Chi Feichi out, saying that he wanted to go back to the office with Chi Feichi to play games, trying to destroy Hondo Eisuke's plan, but when he heard that it was strange The incident is very similar to the plot in the Sherlock Holmes series of novels "The Red Hair Club". Conan and Mori Kogoro immediately became interested.

On Chi Feichi's left, Conan propped his hands on the table and leaned forward, "Hey, the incident you mentioned..."

On Chi Feichi's right, Kogoro Mori also leaned against the table, "What's going on?!"

Chi Feichi used his free left hand to protect the remaining sandwich on the plate, preventing the two people who were overly excited from splashing saliva in it, before continuing to eat half of the sandwich in his hand.

"Ah, but it's really not a big deal..." Hontang Yingyou hurriedly waved his hands, noticing Chi Feichi's appearance of concentrating on eating breakfast, he felt a little emotional.

It seems that what Xiaolan said is right, Brother Feichi's interest in the incident is indeed sporadic...


Mori Kogoro got up violently, reached out and knocked a big bag on Hondo Eisuke's head, "Hurry up!"

Mao Lilan was taken aback, and quickly supported Hondo Yingyou who was lying on the table, "Dad!"

"It's okay..." Hondo Yingyou straightened up, wiped the noodle tears that flowed wantonly on his face, and then said helplessly, "I accidentally saw a diary on a homepage last night..."

"Diary?" Mori Kogoro sat down and looked at Eisuke Hondo with black eyes, "You guy actually peeked at other people's diaries?"

"No, that's a homepage for everyone to see!"

Hondo Eisuke quickly explained, and then continued talking about things.

Someone wrote in his diary that he got a high-paying job, and that job was to help collect garbage for a research institute that studies the harmlessness of garbage.

On the combustible garbage recycling day, drive the car prepared by the other party to smuggle the garbage there, and then drive back the last garbage on the next combustible garbage recycling day, swap the package with the new combustible garbage, and load the new combustible garbage into the car Take it away, and you can get 50,000 yen as a reward for such a trip.

But the strange thing is, that person saw the recruitment information on the Internet, and only contacted the employer by email, and the car keys were sent to his home, and because the employer was mysterious, that person had noticed that there were no celebrities living nearby, no It's too much like someone trying to spy on someone's private life in someone's garbage, and the employer doesn't seem to have investigated the contents of the garbage at all.

Therefore, that person even took a picture of the garbage in the car, and wanted to check if the location of the garbage had changed the next time he drove...

"It may be like in the novel, the employer deliberately dismissed him, and went to his house to do something when he was collecting garbage," Mori Kogoro guessed, "That's all I can think of."

Chi Feichi finished his sandwich, took a paper towel to wipe his hands, picked up a coffee cup and drank coffee, and did not participate in this kind of discussion as before.

"And then?" Mori Kogoro asked, "Do you know the address of his home?"

"No, his address was not written on the homepage, only the address of the garbage collection site," Hondo Eisuke stroked his chin as he recalled, "I remember it was near Sanchome Park in Toriya Town..."

Conan's face changed instantly, and he quickly concealed the astonishment on his face.

Toriya Town...

That woman codenamed Keir had a car accident there!

"If possible, how about we go and investigate somewhere?" Hondo Eisuke looked expectantly like a detective fan looking for a case, "It's not yet nine o'clock in the morning, maybe that person has already gone to the garbage collection It's over there."

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