Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1334 Huiyuan Ai: Thinking about it is extremely frightening!

After ruling out the possibility of an 'accident', Chi Feichi thought of a certain famous detective having a great time skiing, and his sister even sent photos to stimulate him. Telephone.

"Gin Jiu, will you play with me for a while?"

"Where's the route?"

After weighing "whether there is any risk in changing the plan" and "Luck doesn't consume much energy and goes out to make trouble", Gin decisively chooses to avoid the trouble of the latter, and try to avoid the trouble of the former, "Downtown Not in the distance, not in places that are too far away, snow has started to fall in the Gunma area, the road conditions are bad, and it is not possible to turn back..."

"No, just circle around here and disperse after running."

"Okay, I'll ask if Chianti and vodka are still running..."

Half an hour later, a yellow Beetle was driving on the road in a regular manner.

Genta was still sleeping soundly in the passenger seat, and Mitsuhiko and Ayumi couldn't hold back their sleepiness, and fell asleep in the back seat.

Hui Yuan Ai was taken aback by the 'Snow Night Drag Racing Party' just now, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. Seeing that the children were asleep, she turned her head and asked Conan in a low voice, "Just now you answered the phone, Hang up soon, is the FBI calling?"

Conan nodded, and said softly, "Mr. Judy said that they don't think they can track those people's cars, and they still put the safety of the hospital first, and they will not leave the hospital."

Dr. A Li was driving, and it was not convenient to join the discussion. Looking at the road signs ahead, he was relieved.

Fast forward to Tokyo, it's too late today, let's go back first...


A familiar voice came from behind, the same as they had heard on the mountain road before.

Someone racing again?

Conan and Haibara were taken aback for a moment, stopped the roar of the rapidly approaching engine, and turned their heads to look out the car window.

Dr. A Li also slowed down the speed of the car and moved the car to the side of the road.

Drag racing gangs are the scariest thing. The children in his car are very precious, and they can't be provoked. It's better to avoid them.


Blue Dodge Viper, black Nissan, black Porsche 356A...

It's still the four cars just now!

The road around here is straight and open, and there are street lights on the side of the road, and the light is stronger than the mountain road. Even if the four cars are fast and overtaking quickly, they can still see a blurred figure of the driver at the moment when the four cars pass by. shadow.

Hui Yuanai was lying on the side of the car door, suddenly holding his breath subconsciously, his pupils dilated suddenly reflected a passing silhouette in the car.

Although the light in the other car was dark and the speed was fast, all she could see was a blurry silhouette, but she still recognized that silhouette made of long hair and windbreaker collar, which was different from ordinary people.


The previous time on the mountain road with poor lighting, she couldn't see the figure in the car clearly, and she didn't have such a strong sense of crisis, but this time, she was afraid that when she saw the silhouette, the other party would turn her head and look at it. To her, to find her.

Conan was also taken aback. Seeing that the passing silhouette was facing the Porsche 356A, he confirmed Gin's identity, tried hard to suppress the consternation in his heart, and thought quickly.

Four cars passed behind them before, and now they passed again, but they did not see the four cars coming head-on, indicating that these people drove around here after passing their car for the first time.

From this point of view, it is unlikely that he "organized an emergency" before, otherwise these people must be rushing to a certain destination and will not turn around. It's impossible to take a detour after finishing the work. The time is too short to deal with anything.

Are those guys looking for something around here?

Dr. Ali, who was driving, did not stop, and kept driving at a slow speed. He watched the rear of the four cars disappear in front of him, sweated, and said in a low voice, "Xin, Xinyi, then we..."

Conan gritted his teeth, frowning in thought.

What do they do now? Go back directly?

But people from that organization might be looking for something around here, so he felt unwilling to go back like this.

Let the doctor drive around here twice?

No, if the other party is still staying nearby and realizes that their Beetle is suspected to be involved, they will be in danger. There are still three sleeping children in the car, even if he, the doctor, and Huiyuan dare to take risks, they can't pull them. with their three children on their adventures.

Let the doctor drive the others away, and he skateboards around here twice?

He is more inclined to this choice, but he is not sure where the 'nearby' that organizes these guys is targeting, and how big the scope is.

If those guys have been driving at such a fast speed before, plus the time of their two encounters, the distance of the two encounters, and the driving speed of Dr. A Li, he can probably calculate a 'lap', but There are many intersections in front and many intersections in the back. He can't determine which direction this circle is located in.

His skateboard won't last long, and once he chooses the wrong position, it's likely to be a waste of time, and the chance of choosing it randomly is not high.

The beetle was still driving slowly along the road, moving forward slowly like a snail with a heavy shell on its back.

Hui Yuanai sat down on the seat, trying to hide herself in the shadows, and guessed 'what the organization is looking for', but thinking too much.

What is the organization searching around here?

What's around here? She's around here!

The organization won't come after her, will it? For example, when we met for the first time, for some unknown reason, she was discovered, and then the organization came back to confirm or put pressure on her?

Wait, could it be that the organization has already discovered her, and the two encounters were like a cat teasing a mouse?

Are there traps around here? Will they be surrounded by organized people?

Think carefully!

"Xinyi?" Dr. Ali called again in a low voice, wanting to ask them what to do now, whether he should stop the car or continue driving back, "Xin..."

"Doctor, stop!" Conan said seriously, "Stop the car by the side of the road, pretend that the car has broken down, put the warning sign next to the car, and then pretend to check the rear tire."

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Ali braked the car, and saw Conan leaning forward in the back seat from the car rearview mirror, reaching for the trunk and pulling out the skateboard, "Xinyi, what do you want to do?"

"I'll go and have a look. Their speed is very fast, especially at the corners. The marks left by the tires on the ground will be very obvious. Taking advantage of the short time now and no other cars passing by, maybe we can follow the marks and figure out what they are. What exactly do you want to do, where do you want to go..." Conan explained quickly, opened the car door and jumped out of the car with the skateboard in his arms, "Doctor, please wait for me here for twenty minutes. Will be back!"


Dr. Ali and Haibara Ai didn't have time to say anything, the door was closed, and they could only look at Conan's back on the skateboard and gallop along the road ahead, worrying.

Hui Yuanai was still worried that this was a trap, and looked down at the phone, remembering the time, holding the phone tightly in his hand, silently staring at the road ahead.

If anything, can a certain detective keep his word and come back in twenty minutes?

Is a certain famous detective not coming back?

This time, Conan did not chase after him selflessly. It took only 16 minutes from leaving to returning, and he didn't even spend 20 minutes.

The yellow Beetle was on the road again, heading the way back.

Dr. Ali saw that Conan came back so early and didn't do anything after he came back. He could guess that Conan didn't gain anything, so he confirmed in a low voice, "Xinyi, didn't you gain anything?"

The passenger seat was occupied by Yuanta, who had been asleep all the time, so Conan could only stay in the back seat, put the skateboard by his feet, and said a little depressed, "Turn left ahead, and at the second intersection, four cars seem to be on the same road. They separated, I looked at the intersection of the two roads, there were no obvious tire marks left on the road where they turned, they should have slowed down there, and separated..."

Hui Yuanai still had the idea of ​​being "surrounded and trapped", and asked in an urgent tone, "Could they have found out that you were following them along the trail? That's why they deliberately slowed down the speed of the car to prevent you from chasing them."

"Don't worry, when I chased them, they had already left for a while. Since they didn't turn back, and there was no eyeliner nearby to see my existence, they couldn't find that I followed the trail," Conan said, " And when I came back, I confirmed that there was no suspicious place nearby, and no one was following me, so I think they really left."

Dr. A Li felt a little more at ease, "Is it just a coincidence that we met tonight?"

"If they came for us, they couldn't just leave like this. They should have just met by chance," Conan said, still a little unwilling, "Unfortunately, it's still too late. If they have taken any action, it should be over by now. The only way to find out what they are doing is to wait until tomorrow to see if there is any major event happening around here."

When the car safely entered Tokyo, Haibara Ai looked at the gradually familiar scenery outside the car window, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

It's been so long since there's been no accident, and there doesn't seem to be any cars behind or following them, so it should be all right, the encounter tonight is just a coincidence.

It's just that this coincidence is really scary, making her wonder if it's not suitable for her to go out recently, or if she has done something bad to make God dislike her...


Kuboto Town.

Chi Feichi, who arrived home one step ahead of the detour, took a shower, changed into pajamas, picked up Feichi who was soaking in warm water in the sink, and dried it with a towel.

"Master, are they overly scared?" Feichi laid his head lazily on the towel, "The moment the car drove by, I found that the hands and feet of Xiao Ai, Conan, and the doctor were cold, and the heart position It was hot and yellow, like three light bulbs..."

Chi Feichi brainstormed the images observed by the non-red eye, and the first thing he thought of was that the non-red eye is very good for aiming when the human line of sight is blocked by car doors, darkness, etc. Soon he came back to his senses, "Scared a few more times and I won't be afraid anymore."

His sister also needs to practice courage.

As long as Hui Yuan Ai doesn't get so frightened that he wants to kill himself, if he does this kind of harmless and courageous thing twice more, he might get used to it, and no matter how bad it is, he can strengthen his mental endurance.

Think about Kudo Yusaku and his wife, and then think about Conan's courage...

This method works, no problem.

"That's right...Master, I want to rub my belly~"

Feichi rolled over on the towel, belly up, "But, will Xiao Ai hide in the doctor's house again and refuse to go out?"

Holding the towel with his right hand, Chi Feichi gently pressed Feichi's abdomen with his fingers. He felt that he should seize the time to consolidate the intimidation effect, and don't waste the opportunity. "Tomorrow morning, let's go to the doctor's house and take her out for morning exercises."

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