Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1338 Threat or Benefit

"So, can you please give me that turtle? I will definitely take good care of it," the young man said, taking a step back and bowing to the woman, "Please help me!"

"It's me," the woman was a little surprised, and quickly bowed to the man, "I just want to ask you for more help, and I will trouble you to take care of it!"

"Where is it..." The man scratched his head with a smile, and agreed repeatedly, "Okay, okay."

The two of them are in harmony here, and under the nearby tree, a certain brother and sister have been secretly observing.

Hui Yuanai looked at the man's face and was a little speechless, "Is this not good at lying?"

Brother Feichi's understanding of the word "not good at" is a little different from everyone else's?

She felt that there was really nothing wrong with this man's expression, and his movements were relatively natural. It should be said that he was very good at covering up.

Chi Feichi nodded, "Yes."

Different people will have different reactions when they lie, but as long as they step on a few points, people who understand will see that they are lying.

People who are really good at lying must not only manage their expressions well, make their movements and language natural and calm, but also restrain their instincts.

For example, those little undercover agents who can take root in the organization will not have any problems such as unnaturally wandering eyes, or staring too long.

Strictly speaking, the more people tell lies, the more they hope not to be exposed, the more nervous they will be, and the heartbeat will speed up due to tension. An excellent agent must have the ability to quickly calm down even if the heartbeat speeds up. , it is best not to even have that momentary acceleration.

Of course, the nervousness is hard to avoid, and the heartbeat at that moment is hard to avoid.

If there is anyone who can keep the heartbeat stable all the time, it is probably only people with long reflex arcs that cause tension to come too slowly, and people like him.

He wasn't sure if it was because he had died once, because he had an unreal feeling about the world from time to time, so that his mentality was too good, or because the power of calming emotions given by the three no fingers was too strong, and the confidence he gave was also enough. With self-hypnosis, even if he wants to conceal an important purpose, he is not so nervous and can maintain a normal heart rate.

As for whether other people with strong self-hypnosis ability can do it...

He wasn't sure, but if he had strong self-hypnosis ability, he should be able to do it too.

He didn't expect his little sister to be able to do that, but at least he had to learn to recognize this kind of liar who didn't even try to hide it instinctively. Be able to stabilize your mentality, and also pay attention to control your body language, so that people don't see through it all at once.

Hui Yuanai's identity and situation are no different from that of an ordinary girl. Even if there is no threat from the organization, she may still face the danger brought by her identity as his sister in the future. If she can see through the lies or cover up the lies with her reaction, her ability to save herself will be much stronger. many.

He was serious about teaching his sister to lie.


After saying goodbye to a group of people, the woman returned to her home at the end of the woods, and bowed to a group of people at the door.

After Ayumi withdrew her gaze, she raised her head and smiled at the young man, "That's great, Mr. Nihonmatsu!"

"Yeah." Er Bensong responded with a smile.

"For that biting turtle, this should be the happiest ending!" Mitsuhiko laughed.

Feichi muttered softly, "That's not..."

How can there be happiness in being abandoned? Alas, he just hoped that the biting turtle was an idiot who didn't understand these things.

The child's thinking is relatively simple, Yuantai is also very happy, "It can be regarded as finding the best master, right, Conan?"

Conan was taken aback for a moment, and quickly responded with an unnatural smile.

Under the tree, Haibara observed Conan's reaction, "Did Edogawa see it too?"

"At least I noticed something abnormal." Chi Feichi said.

"Then let's go back to the lake and wait," Ayumi said, not forgetting the brother and sister duo under the tree, "Brother Chi, Huiyuan, let's go!"

As soon as a group of people arrived at the lake, they heard exclamations and discussions from the crowd.

"Sorry, excuse me!" Er Bensong squeezed through the crowd, "Excuse me!"

Mitsuhiko ran to the railing, expecting to ask the fishermen in the lake, "Did you catch it?"

"This..." One of the fishermen who was closer to the shore was helpless, raised his hand to press the hat on his head, and couldn't hide his speechless expression, "It's not like this, look..."

On the open lake, a biting turtle with the size of a washbasin was swimming, surfaced to take a breath, and soon met another biting turtle swimming over, and the two biting turtles swam happily together in circles.

Mitsuhiko was dumbfounded, "There are actually two biting turtles?"

"This side!" On the other side of the lake, a woman pointed to the lake and shouted loudly, "Look, there are also over here!"

There are also two biting turtles over there, much calmer than the two here, with their backs and heads exposed, swimming in their own way.

Yuan Tai: "It means that there are a total of..."

"Four, four?" Nihonsong was more confused than everyone else.

Conan: "..."

Looking at the similar size of these four biting turtles, they are definitely not bred. What is going on here? Do people who throw biting turtles throw them here...

Hui Yuanai suddenly wanted to hug a watermelon to eat and watch a show, so he turned to Chi Feichi and said, "Things seem to be getting more interesting."

Chi Feichi nodded, watching Nihonsong from the corner of his eyes.

He remembered that Gao Mushe said in the morning that there was a burglary near here, and the prisoner stole three million. He was a tall and thin man.

If it was in other places, he might still treat it as irrelevant, but with Conan, this is likely to be a clue that came to him.

This Mr. Nihonmatsu is tall and thin, and he lied when he proposed raising biting turtles. Could it be the thief who broke into the house?

If Nihonmatsu is the thief, why did he have to get the biting turtle?

He didn't have much impression of this episode, but he found that Nihonmatsu's right index finger was wrapped with a bandage, which was probably bitten by a biting turtle.

A theft happened last night. After the thief ran out, he went to the park and was bitten by a biting turtle on his finger...

If you are narrow-minded and want revenge, want to catch the biting turtle and make soup, then you should not rush to claim it by lying, which means that something else must have happened along the way...

"Mr. Nihonmatsu," a fisherman turned his head and asked, "Which one is your turtle?"

"Well..." Er Bensong was sweating, and smiled, "It's okay, I'm willing to accept all the biting turtles in this lake."

"All, all?!" The fishing staff were all surprised.

Seeing that the children and the people around him also turned their heads to look at him, Er Bensong frowned slightly, looking helpless and good-tempered, "It's so pitiful that they were all thrown here by someone else."

"Mr. Nihonmatsu..." Mitsuhiko had tears in his eyes, "You are really a kind-hearted person!"

Conan: "..."

Hey, Mitsuhiko won't cry in the next second, right?

Mitsuhiko saw Nihonmatsu's bandaged fingers and sniffed, "You... your finger is injured?"

Er Bensong looked up, quickly blocked the injured fingers of his right hand with his left hand, turned sideways, and stammered with a dry smile, "No...this's nothing."

Huiyuan Ai looked at Nihonmatsu with the focus of observing the mouse, and quickly relaxed, and said in a low voice, "Well, it seems that his concealment ability is not so good, the finger was bitten by the biting turtle, right? "

Chi Feichi looked at the lake surface and was distracted, "It's very possible."

"Great!" A fisherman in the lake raised his net and smiled, "Caught the first one!"

The onlookers watched the biting turtle the size of a washbasin being caught on the net and applauded.

Hui Yuanai noticed that Chi Feichi was absent-minded, and asked curiously, "What are you thinking?"

Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai back and made way, "Threats, or interests."

It can be seen that Nihonsong is not the kind of criminal with high IQ and super psychological quality, nor is he a murderer who likes to "enjoy the results" or "confirm the results".

Then, Nihonmatsu ventured back to the theft scene where the police were searching nearby, and lied about wanting to claim the biting turtle, with only two motives: 'threat' and 'interest'.

Threat means exposing his criminal evidence; profit means the three million yuan he robbed.

The biting turtle can't speak, so it's impossible to testify against the criminal. Even if it bit the stolen glove when biting Erbensong's finger, because the biting turtle ran in the lake all night, the blood or flesh would be almost destroyed, and the stomach A bit of cloth and blood-stained skin and flesh found in it cannot prove that the cloth belongs to the thief, let alone serve as evidence of a crime.

Looking at it this way, it is not very likely that Nihonsong will come back out of 'threat', but it is more likely to come back out of 'interest'.

What Nihonmatsu wants should exist on or inside the biting turtle.

The biting turtle can't put things on it, and there's nothing special about it. Otherwise, Nihonmatsu just said that he wants a biting turtle with a certain special pattern or mark, and he doesn't need to accept all of them.

That is in the body? Swallowed by a biting turtle?

It is very possible, but the mouth and size of the biting turtle are so big, it is impossible to eat three million yuan, and if it is really eaten by the biting turtle, the money will be digested, and now it can be stored in the stomach at most. If you find a little residue in it, Er Bensong might as well wait for the limelight to adopt or find someone to adopt, and secretly take the biting turtle to stew soup.

It is impossible for the biting turtle to hide the money. Even if the biting turtle took the waterproof bag containing the money to the lake, because the biting turtle moved irregularly, Erben Song got the biting turtle and could not let the biting turtle lead the way. give change.

Something that can be related to three million cash, something that can be swallowed by a biting turtle but not so easily digested...

The key to the safe? Locker key?

That being said, there is indeed a locker placed on the side of the road on the way from the scene of the theft to the park.

"Threat or benefit?" Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi in doubt.

Chi Feichi looked at the biting turtle that was put into the iron cage by the fisherman, and considered that the judgment 'Er Bensong is the thief last night' was based on the rules of science, and there was no evidence to support it, so he didn't say anything. Pull up, "It's just a guess at the moment, one of the biting turtles may have a key in its belly."

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